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Former Member

Political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing

was shot five times

with three shots to the head and

another at point blank range from behind his neck,

an autopsy this morning has found.


Attorney Nigel Hughes

who represented the man when he was alive,

posted on his Facebook page

that gun powder residue

was found on the collar at the back of the shirt

that Crum-Ewing was wearing.

Hughes said that

Crum-Ewing was shot three times in the head

and another shot was at point blank range

from behind his neck and

one from under his arm pit

exiting above his shoulder.


Two war heads have been recovered

from the head of the deceased,

according to Hughes.


Crum-Ewing, 40, was gunned down

by a group of men in a car

shortly after 8PM on Tuesday

as he walked along a street

in the Diamond, East Bank Demerara community

where he lived.


At the time, he was urging persons

to come out and vote

at the upcoming May 11th general elections

so that the PPP/C

could be removed from office.


Replies sorted oldest to newest


5 shots,,,,totally unforgivable,,,,,

this man represented all Guyanese,,,,

catch his killers Guyanese,,,

catch dem and their architects,,,,

find the proof,no excuses,,,

that man Crum-Ewing is part of Guyana's Family....


    This man did not represent all Guyanese, blogger GUILTY.

      Far from it.

    His facebook entries list many of his friends

    who UNFRIENDED him because of his extremist views and

    he suffered many petty thefts of his possession.


    He was a sad and angry man who appears

    to have made one too many enemies. 


      Exactly Satish...

      The Opposition is playing a dangerous game here...

      President Ramotar has already ordered a full investigation

      into this so we will know exactly where this come from...

      At the time of his shooting

      he was calling on people to vote against the PPP...


      A kiddergarten student will tell you that

      someone who was his enemy

      took full advantage of this opportunity

      the bump him off knowing

      the blame will go straight to the PPP...

      Bloggers stop pointing fingers ,

      this matter needs a full investigation...


      hypothetical nonsense,??


      csing the post of yours is irrelevant

      since you have endorsed this murder of an ex GDF officer.

      Time for unity


      The PPP represents all Guyana

      though. Corruption, racism, victimization.



      What the president said

      ain't worth the saliva he swallowed after,

      you, he, me and everybody knows that!


      Death comes to some when it's least expected.

      What you have posted is benign.

      You should have posted the threats by the AG.


      one of his more extremist comments

      that made my eyebrows raise was this one on Feb 20.

      "Kill kill kill. Assassinate assassinate assassination.

      Murder murder murder. execute execute execute.

      Genocide genocide genocide. Anhailate Anhailate Anhailate.

      Expire expire expire. Death death death........"


      If that came from your friend and

      it don't set of your alarm bells and

      make you want to stay far away from this individual

      i don't know what will.


      Sometimes God takes people away from us

      for his own good reason.

        Cochore Chief

        "Sometimes God takes people away....

        " C'mon Chief are you for real my friend..??

        You don't need the WORD,

        you just need simple logic and understanding.

        Here's the deal Chief and I'm no Jesus freak

        or anything like that.


        But tell me baaboo,

        why would God take away anything or anyone,

        when he's the omnipotent one who GIVETH to everything

        and to everyone in the first place..??

        Logic baby simple logic.

        This wasn't the deeds of God it was the devil my friend,

        and I'm only a lousy sinner.


      I don't think he was more sad and angry than you. 

      And look you seem to still have life.


      So spake the serpent,

      that the truth is a lie and

      the lie is the truth.


    The PPP telling a community of

    racially insensitive people at babu-john

    that a black candidate from a major political party

    is a "danger" is irresponsibly reckless and racist.


    Telling racially charged supporters

    that blacks are beating African drums and

    chanting kick the c...... them out

    is beneath the dignity of a former president of Guyana.

    And is tantamount to pouring gasoline on open fire.


      So If Granger had said the same

      he would only be stating the facts...

      what warped thinking.


      Somehow an east Indian person

      cannot talk of racism done against East Indians,

      he is branded a racist.


      It is about time that people say the truth about Granger

      and the rest of the power drunk racist.


      They said the PNC

      is beating their drums

      @ 6 in the morning,

      stop ayau spin,,,


      Another hate flame thrower...

      .it's a shame people like exist on this world.


      Did you really think that Guyanese is so stupid...

      Where the helll did you get your  news,

    henry De PPP is Guilty,,,jail dem...

    He represented Guyanese like yourself and

    surely not the peace loving people of this country.

    This man was full of hate.


    You sound like an idiot.


    You should be ashamed to utter those words

    about Mr. Courtney representing all Guyanese,

    you left out a word and that is " Lawless"

    he represented all lawless Guyanese

    and a lot of them could be found in the PNC

    who also said this man was one of theirs,

    and of course by his erratic and

    extremely eccentric and disorderly behavior

    you could tell in whose camp he belonged,

    he surely was one of yours.


    And don't think for a minute that i am being callous

    about the death of this man,

    just stating some facts about his life,

    i am not one that sugar coats someone's story

    to make them look good

    when the truth speaks for the opposite,


    besides what i read at his own hands

    i do not know what good he has done,

    but obviously he must have done some good

    besides what i have read on his Facebook page,


    and I too do believe that

    whether he was this of that he was also a human,

    a father, a son amongst other,

    and his killers should be found and

    due action taken upon them swiftly.


    This was a crime of passion an overkill.

    Someone wanted this man dead.


      The recently appointed Commissioner of Police,

      Mr Seelall Persaud was a previous Crime Chief,

      so together with the current Crime Chief, Mr Leslie James,

      and other professional police detectives,

      let's hope that the REAL assassin

      will be caught, charged, tried, convicted and

      sentenced to LIFE in Prison without any possible parole.


        Granger is challenging the appointment of Seelall as PC,

        that might compromise police investigations,,

        something na look regula,,,


          Vishnu you teach in school so you know how to read. 

          Read our Constitution and our newspapers

          since you're collecting the $20k from Richmond Hill

          instead of living here. 


          The Constitution says in plain English that

          "The Commissioner of Police and

          every Deputy Commissioner of Police

          shall be appointed by the President

          after meaningful consultation

          with the Leader of the Opposition...." 

          Mr. Granger says he was not consulted at all. 

          Not even your PPP says he was.

          When are you coming back here to live? 

          That money they pay you to write the bilge that you do? 

          Is it party money or taxpayer money? 

          Do you know?  Do you care?


        OB , Persaud was moved up

        because of incompetence as Crime Chief.


        That man has had all type of training

        but is totally incapable of applying anything

        that he has learned to do his job more effectively.

          Puran A  MOORE

          This is not the same crime chief

          who released a group of Murderers

          who caught

          and lynched a another human?


    Whoever wanted him dead,

    really made sure the killer was instructed to pick

    the spots on the body to ensure he would die.


    Go for the back to get to the heart and the lungs!

    Also, go for the head and shatter the brains!

    Don't waste the bullets!

    This is as cold-blooded as it gets!


    And people are literally taking

    this as just another activist killed?


    There remains only one person

    whom Crum-Ewing went to the police

    and named as making a threat against his life.


    Again, if a man threatens to kill you

    and you wind up dead 10 weeks later,

    the prime suspect is always that man

    who made the threat.


    Once that is done and

    the investigators are genuinely satisfied

    the prime suspect is not the mastermind,

    then move on to other leads.


    Right now,

    the police and the politicians

    are waiting on each other!


      Mr Emile_Mervin  ... 

      I am certain that if Mr Crum-Ewing reported

      the threat to the Police,

      and informed them who it was that made the threat,

      he would have also informed

      his close relatives and friends of those details.


      So, the identity of the person who threatened his life,

      is certainly known by some individuals.


      I hope that they step forward and

      give that information to the Police,

      and certainly to Mr Nigel Hughes,

      the lawyer involved in this case.


      Let there be justice

      for Mr Courtney Crum-Ewing.

        SKYY OBSERVER â€Ē 5 hours ago

        The name the family may have could be one they don't dare go to the police about. 

        Sometimes when you know who did the crime the GPF is not always where you should go.


      Alright Merv, it sure reads like

      you did some Biology in High School,

      but easy there with the trade secrets my friend.


      Why can't you be realistic and

      realize that the police in Guyana

      cannot will not ever produce a result.


      I am amazed that a sensible person

      keeps harping on issue that

      will never move those police to action.


        According to your 'reverse psychology',

        I should stop harping on this issue.

        Guess who else wants us to be silent on this issue?

        Thanks for revealing which side of the equation you stand!


    CCE is definitely a martyr who single handedly challenged the establishment.

    As a result he was assassinated by 4 cowards

    under the shadow of darkness.

    People of Guyana :

    this man's life must not be in vain.

    This is a call to action.

    On May 11 go out in record numbers and

    "VOTE LIKE A BOSS "...



    The instruction was.......... "certain death"!


      Burch01 I totally agree with you,

      he was to be killed at all costs and for what I wonder?

      it could not only be for urging people to go out on 5/11

      and how to vote ......

      because if that's the reason these people have a lot to hide plus

      this makes me  more strong in my suspicions of one of the killers.


      This was clearly an over kill.

      Moderator was it disclosed if more than one weapon was used?


    This is a democracy where these acts are intolerable and

    should this execution be linked to the suppression of free speech,

    then, we are in for a rude awakening.


    That was awful and distressing!

    RIP my brother in the name of our Lord-God

    "And though after my skin worms will destroy my body,

    yet in my flesh I shall see God".

    Real obs

    Yes, he was a "political activist" -

    and we salute him for his civic mindedness, and his courage.

    BUT - and it is a HUGE but -

    could it be a murder as a result of a long-lasting feud between he and someone with whom he had land and property quarrels?

    Looking forward to some replies to this...

    • Quincy Bailey Real obs

      Think my brother think ,

      four men with high power guns what is the cost for such a hit? ??

      how much land' are we talking about a house lot .

      think, could it be some one is sending a massage.


    One wonder how these people can sleep with so much blood on their hands.


      These are just the same as terrorists.  They are capable of the most primitive and cruel acts.  Violence is the only language they know.  All it takes is someone (a leader of their group usually) to plant the poisonous seed to send them into action.  These people refuse to feel pain for loss and to understand the meaning of tragedy.  They remain indifferent to death and disaster, especially other people's disaster.  The whole concept of pain is meaningless to them.  They surface especially in times of threat, tension and uncertainty as Guyana is going through right now.  This is when they burst out with their violence.  So you have the politicians on the one level talking and throwing words at each other and at the same time you have on a lower level those who come out and do their killing.  The opposition must remain on heightened alert from now to elections.  If Ramotar were serious he would offer opposition campaign workers police protection up to the elections.


    'Crum-Ewing, 40, was gunned down by a group of men in a car shortly after 8PM on Tuesday as he walked along a street in the Diamond, East Bank Demerara community where he lived. At the time, he was urging persons to come out and vote at the upcoming May 11th general elections so that the PPP/C could be removed from office.' And a few days ago it was reported that the Alliance was calling for calm. Any one know how many bullets Randy Persaud received?


      Who is Randy Persaud? What does Randy Persaud have to do with Courtney Crum-Ewing? This article is about the autopsy of Courtney Crum-Ewing. Stop your silly attempts at diversion.

      • Arenagal BORAPORK

        KassemB, has a very difficult time addressing head on any issue being discussed, he has perfected the art and science of divergent tactics, and  he is always trying to pull obscure points or issues out of hat.  I guess the man simply has a complicated relationship with truth and facts.

    • MAD DOG KassemB

      Since Moses joined PNC, things gotten worse. PPL of IND descent (POID) must be vigilant. Do not take anything for granted A vote is a nail which will sent MOSES AFC+ APNU+PNc to vaction for five years. Good Riddance

      Arenagal KassemB

      Tell us about the cause Randy Persaud was picketing when he was gunned downed by a brutal mob?   Enquiring minds would like to know.


    I am encouraged by the restraint being shown in response to this heinous crime. However, I hope that this restraint does not embolden Crum-Ewing killer(s), who may perceive restraint as a lack of desire for an appropriate response. I also hope that the killer(s) understand that a well-planned, calculated assassination requires a well-planned, calculated response. I urge the government and all peace-loving Guyanese to ensure that Crum-Ewing's assassination serves only to prove that murder under these circumstances carries a heavy price.

    Pouderoyen Man

    My gaad......5 shots......3 in his head to make sure he is dead.....water in my eyes.


Peeping Tom alluded to Mr. Ewing's Facebook posts which are chilling.

The govt is just waiting to release these.


However, the govt would not be able to absolve itself from this one.


This is what I would do.  Start the funeral in front of the Chat-3's Office; let the motorcade, stop by Freedom House, then stop by OP, then to Cuffy Square for big meeting, then motorcade to Grove for the burial.


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