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At least 37 people have been killed in South Sudan during a shoot-out at a peace meeting aimed at ending recent violence, officials said.

Officials from three states and the UN had met for talks in the remote town of Mayendit in Unity state in an effort to reduce inter-ethnic tensions.

Those killed in the gun battle included civilians, but most were police.

The talks were called after a series of clashes, including one in which 74 people died earlier this week.

Thousands of people have been displaced in the violence.

According to the UN, Friday's incident occurred after a row broke out at the meeting. Four trucks arrived filled with gunmen, who opened fire indiscriminately.

The gunmen included policemen from different units, soldiers and security guards, according to AFP news agency.

One member of the UN peacekeeping mission was wounded in the shoot-out.

South Sudan's Deputy Defence Minister, Majak D'Agoot, told the BBC it was triggered after "a problem occurred" between police from Unity and police from neighbouring Warab state.

"Each side thought they were attacked," he said. "It was a problem largely produced by lack of effective command and control."

Correspondents say security in South Sudan, which became independent from Sudan last July, is one of the country's greatest challenges.

The BBC's James Copnall in South Sudan's capital Juba says a lack of discipline is perhaps unsurprising as fighters make the transition from a rebel movement to a government force.

Hundreds of people have also been killed in a series of tit-for-tat cattle raids in Jonglei state in recent weeks.

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By CBC News,, Updated: February 2, 2012 12:28 AM

The names of dozens of alleged white supremacists in Canada are contained in files leaked by computer hackers in Europe intent on exposing hate movements, CBC News has learned.
The alleged white supremacists' names were revealed earlier this month by members of a loose-knit group of hackers called Anonymous on a website called, which is now offline.

In addition to emails and secret websites and blogs, the hackers uncovered photographs of children giving Nazi salutes at a gathering in Missouri, confidential legal documents and displays of Hitler tattoos.

The exposure is a huge blow to hate groups that organize online across Canada, said Helmut-Harry Loewen, a University of Winnipeg sociology professor and a member of the Canadian Anti-racism Education and Research Society.

"We can now begin to piece together a more accurate picture in terms of the distribution of these types of racist groups across Canada," Loewen said.

Among the information hacked were the names of 74 Canadians — with associated street addresses, email addresses and passwords — who are members of Volksfront and Blood and Honour, along with 142 emails from people who had joined Blood and Honour's Canadian online forum.

Alleged members charged

Attention has been drawn to Blood and Honour since the arrests in December of three alleged members of the organization who have been charged with attacks on five members of visible minorities in B.C.'s Lower Mainland.

The names of two of the accused, Alistair Miller and Robertson De Chazal, show up in the files uncovered by the European hackers. Miller, 20, and de Chazal, 25, are charged with an attack in which a sleeping Filipino man was apparently sprayed with a flammable liquid and set on fire.

Anti-racist groups hope the exposure hampers online recruitment by white supremacist organizations.

"[These organizations] are going to have to be even more careful in terms of who they trust, who they associate with," said Loewen. "They're going to have to look over their shoulders. The police will have access to this info once it becomes more widespread. Employers, neighbours and so on."

Supremacist angered

Another name uncovered by the hackers was that of Bill Noble, who in 2008 was convicted in B.C. of wilfully promoting hatred.
Noble is upset thousands of emails concerning his white supremacist views, legal woes, infidelity, and even some details of his online dating were exposed.

"If it can be determined that any of these individuals carried out these acts, because they were fully aware that they were interfering with the survival of an endangered race, then they should indeed be exterminated," Noble said in an interview with CBC News via Skype from a location he would not reveal.
"Obviously someone is really trying to harass me and cause problems for me," said Noble.

"It's annoying as hell and it's probably compromised a lot of private information."

With files from the CBC's Natalie Clancy

Mr Yujii, who claims to live in Canada.

A word to the wise . . .

Freedom of expression is my right. I am not in any way calling for or engaging in the extermination of any race.

This is a political discussion and we can openly have any such discussion. Who are you trying to threaten ?

The days of PNC thugs threatening others are over. I have every right to express my political views.
Originally posted by yuji22:

Freedom of expression is my right. I am not in any way calling for or engaging in the extermination of any race.

This is a political discussion and we can openly have any such discussion. Who are you trying to threaten ?

The days of PNC thugs threatening others are over. I have every right to express my political views.

You'd LOVE for me to "threaten" you . . . eh?

Would that give U some sort of a thrill . . . ?

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