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The media has been unfair to me – Prime Minister

September 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

By Abena Rockcliffe

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo is of the view that the media has been unfair to him by publishing several articles that lacked accuracy. The articles referenced to were those that spoke about Nagamootoo’s approach in handling the affairs of the state media, as the Minister responsible for information. It was reported that Nagamootoo accosted a young Chronicle reporter who wrote a story that carried the headline: “Gov’t blunders on Budget Estimates … violates laws assented to by President Granger”. The reports continued that Nagamootoo told the reporter about his disappointment with the article. Sections of the media also had it that as a result of the publication of that story that painted Government in a bad light, Nagamootoo instructed that all headlines in the Chronicle be approved by his Director of Public Information before publication. Other reports lamented that Nagamootoo was seeking to tamper with overall press freedom in Guyana. During a recent interview, the Prime Minister said that those reports could not be further from the truth. “In fact, I am appalled that people who come out to express solicitation to the media had not paid attention to accuracy. I never intimidated the reporter; I have never threatened the reporter. He approached me, I had not accosted him; he accosted me,” said Nagamootoo. The Minister said that the reporter wanted to interview him so he inquired to which newspaper the reporter was attached, “He told me ‘Chronicle’ and I said ‘Oh, that newspaper with the horrible headline.” The Prime Minister continued, “Those who have made allegations against me of interfering with the professional duties of journalists, those who said that I have asked people to toe the line, those who said that I have threatened press freedom, I think they have been unfair to me and they ought to have been able to report factually.” Nagamootoo said that he resisted “the temptation to answer to all of this.” Nagamootoo said, “I have never asked Chronicle, for example, to project the APNU+AFC. I have seen Jagdeo on the front page, in the middle pages; I have seen the PPP and Rohee all over the Chronicle. Mark Ramotar came to me to offer his resignation and I refused to accept it. “I said Mark you can do better; I brought you into the world of journalism and I think I can trust you to return to the path of professionalism. That’s all that I did.” The Prime Minister said that he took blows from his colleagues in government because he appeared not to have had “things under control” in the State and Government media. Nagamootoo said that the State media needs to develop a more balanced and fair approach towards the government and to ensure that the government business is given adequate, fair and proportionate coverage. Nagamootoo then moved to defend his right to an opinion saying, “I am a citizen of this country and I have a view. Being Prime Minister and Minister with responsibility for Public Information, do not take away my right to agree or not agree with a headline. “But like I said, I had not spoken to this reporter about his article. We had a conversation and I had wanted this journalist to place on the record what exactly happened during this conversation.”

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QUOTE: "Nagamootoo said that the State media needs to develop a more balanced and fair approach towards the government and to ensure that the government business is given adequate, fair and proportionate coverage."




What might be Nagamootoo's idea of a balanced and fair report, might not be that of the Reporter's, Nagamootoo as an attorney, I felt that if he think that he was slandered, then why not take it to the court?


Much ado about nothing, I am sure that the poor reporter's felt threatened. 


GEORGETOWN, Guyana (CMC) -- The Guyana Press Association (GPA) says it is concerned that Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo had engaged in a tactic that may have an effect on press freedom in Guyana.

The media organisation was commenting on recent media reports that Nagamootoo had met with a reporter for the state-owned Chronicle newspaper to express his disappointment over the publication of a news item he perceived to be critical off the new David Granger administration.

Nagamootoo has denied that he sought to intimidate the reporter, but the GPA said it felt "compelled to comment on the issue, because while the prime minister is free to express his views, he should not express such views directly to media workers as this is known to be a tactic of intimidation and may have a dampening effect on press freedom that can result in self-censorship.

"Further, the GPA regards the prime minister's stated pro-government expectations of the publicly-funded Guyana Chronicle newspaper (and presumably all State-owned media) as a retrograde and intolerable step that betrays the governing coalition's campaign and post-election promises not to engage in the same press freedom violations previous administrations were accused of," a GPA release said.

The GPA said that on the matter of the prime minister's comment on "government owned media" there needs to be a clear distinction between the State and the Government, it wished to "suggest that there should be, following extensive consultations, a policy which adumbrates the way the executive should interact with state-owned media that would allow for freedom of the press to be exercised in a meaningful way within these entities.

"Integral also in the approach towards a free and open State media, the association believes, should be the reform of the Broadcasting Act and the adoption of the British Broadcasting Corporation's editorial guidelines that govern that United Kingdom State-owned and funded broadcaster."

The GPA said that it was urging "all journalists never to be swayed by opinion, good or bad, once your story is factual, accurate and true. Questions from political leaders regarding your work should be directed to your editors".

Last edited by Former Member
Nagamootoo created this authmosphere to muzzle the media and cause Rickey Singh to resign. Nagamootoo is anti-democracy and it's showing every day. The press association must not take this lightly.
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Nagamootoo created this authmosphere to muzzle the media and cause Rickey Singh to resign. Nagamootoo is anti-democracy and it's showing every day. The press association must not take this lightly.

Send him back to improve his goat rodeo skills.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Nagamootoo created this authmosphere to muzzle the media and cause Rickey Singh to resign. Nagamootoo is anti-democracy and it's showing every day. The press association must not take this lightly.

This time the PNC Boys gun Cut his ass and leave him on the East Coast Road NOT Albion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by asj:

The media has been unfair to me – Prime Minister

September 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

By Abena Rockcliffe

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo is of the view that the media has been unfair to him by publishing several articles that lacked accuracy. ”

You reap what you sow!

Nagamootoo then moved to defend his right to an opinion saying, “I am a citizen of this country and I have a view. Being Prime Minister and Minister with responsibility for Public Information, do not take away my right to agree or not agree with a headline. “But like I said, I had not spoken to this reporter about his article. We had a conversation and I had wanted this journalist to place on the record what exactly happened during this conversation.”


The media has been unfair to me – Prime Minister, September 5, 2015 | By | Filed Under News

By the statement, this individual has displayed a lack of basis principles and behaviour when one is a minister of a government.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Honourable or perhaps, dis-honourable?

Honorable or Horeable?

Dem Gals ah Gaumont gat more SHAME than him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Honourable or perhaps, dis-honourable?

Honorable or Horeable?

Dem Gals ah Gaumont gat more SHAME than him !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, now Nehru.


Opposition protesters greet PM Nagamootoo at Whim village

Opposition protesters greet PM Nagamootoo at Whim village



Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo was Saturday afternoon greeted in his home village of Whim, Corentyne by a group of anti-government protesters who held placards attacking him and his government.
Under the watchful eyes of senior and junior police officers, the more than 20 persons let known their positions which are almost identical to the main opposition People's Progressive Party (PPP).
The placards read "Moses betrayed Whim," "Moses is a disgrace to Whim," "Moses want to control the media," and "Whim rejects Moses."
Lloyd 'Boy Blue' Douglas, one of the estimated 30 protesters told Demerara Waves Online News that he was outside the Whim Cricket Ground where the Nagamootoo is expected to be the main speaker at a community meeting because "Moses tell the people of this country that freedom of the press will always continue and he was one of the people in the days of the PPP struggle for democracy and freedom betrayed the entire country, sell the rights off to the APNU+AFC, a government that was installed twenty eight years and that government understands how to rule by the iron fist.
The Prime Minister has been at the centre of a controversy over his alleged political interference in the running of the State-owned Guyana Chronicle newspaper and his desire to see the government being treated in a positive light by that "government-owned newspaper." Nagamootoo has dismissed those charges. and insisted that as a Guyanese he has a right to express an opinion.
Another protester expressed concern that the four-month old APNU+AFC-led administration was misusing taxpayers monies, a charge that the coalition had leveled against the then PPP-Civic administration. "But this change that they are, doing is dividing the country and taking away bread from poor-man mouth.
Like the PPP, she expressed concern that five Regional ‎Executive Officers have been fired by the government because of their perceived affiliation with the opposition party and one of them has been replaced in Region Six by Dr Ramyya. "Now they are putting an REO who is AFC+APNU to run the region who has no qualification so tell me what our country is coming to," said Sherryann Beharry
The woman was also upset that the government has scrapped the GUY$10,000 annual school grant, and water and electricity susbsidies to pensioners. "We are fighting for the people. We want back our country to run right."
Nagamootoo, Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan and the Region Six Regional Executive Officer and attendees appeared undisturbed by the peaceful protest.

They held small group discussions with attendees ahead of the public meeting

The placards read "Moses betrayed Whim," "Moses is a disgrace to Whim," "Moses want to control the media," and "Whim rejects Moses."


Lloyd 'Boy Blue' Douglas, one of the estimated 30 protesters told Demerara Waves Online News that he was outside the Whim Cricket Ground where the Nagamootoo is expected to be the main speaker at a community meeting because "Moses tell the people of this country that freedom of the press will always continue and he was one of the people in the days of the PPP struggle for democracy and freedom betrayed the entire country, sell the rights off to the APNU+AFC, a government that was installed twenty eight years and that government understands how to rule by the iron fist.


Opposition protesters greet PM Nagamootoo at Whim village, Saturday, 05 September 2015 15:47, Written by 

Interesting comments on his current actions.


Jagdeo spoke his mind and give his views about what the PNC will do if they win the election.  He was right.  Granger wants to put him behind bars.  There is no freedom of speech in Guyana anymore.   Jagdeo spoke about the Budget and the PM called him a coolie bully.    Did the press make a mistake?


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