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Cuba has come up with an unusual way to repay its multimillion dollar debt to the Czech Republic - bottles of its famous rum, officials in Prague say.

The Czech finance ministry said Havana had raised this possibility during recent negotiations on the issue.

Cuba owes the Czech authorities $276m (ÂĢ222m), and if the offer is accepted the Czechs would have enough Cuban rum for more than a century.

However, Prague said it preferred to get at least some of the money in cash.

Havana's debt dates back from the Cold War era - when Cuba and what was at the time Czechoslovakia were part of the communist bloc.

Cuba now does not have much money but it does have lots of rum - hence this unusual proposal, says the BBC's Rob Cameron in Prague.

The Czech finance ministry said repayment was possible either with rum or pharmaceutical drugs.

But Cuban drugs lack EU certification, so repayment with a more traditional medicine - popular in the Czech Republic - may be easier to arrange, our correspondent adds.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Imran posted:
Chief posted:

Not a bad deal.

Pay them with what you have.

I thought Muslims is against Alcohol... and here you are encouraging to use and sales.  

How many hats you wearing.  

I have some Muslim friends that keep up their beliefs as best as they could, but the majority of them can be found bar hopping like bouncing bunnies on Liberty ave.  

Prince posted:
Imran posted:
Chief posted:

Not a bad deal.

Pay them with what you have.

I thought Muslims is against Alcohol... and here you are encouraging to use and sales.  

How many hats you wearing.  

I have some Muslim friends that keep up their beliefs as best as they could, but the majority of them can be found bar hopping like bouncing bunnies on Liberty ave.  

Once the booze is halal.


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