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Cuban trained doctors participate in outreach programme


September 28, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source


There is a new volunteer group in town. The Guyana Solidarity Brigade is striving to make Guyana a better place, by reaching out to the less fortunate, with the ultimate aim that becoming a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) will give them a chance to serve Guyana even further.


On Friday last, the group of 16 doctors who recently graduated from the Guyana/Cuban medical scholarship program, coordinated an outreach activity where they distributed clothes to the homeless.

The Group first targeted the Guyana Post Office (GPO)-Courts area in Georgetown, thence to Bourda Market, where they visited two homes for the elderly; Byer’s Home on Robb Street and the Archer’s Home on D’urban Street.

There, the group conducted general medical checkups on the residents, interacting with them and providing each resident with a clothing item.

Kaieteur News understands that the homes do not have any nurses or doctors on staff and the residents have to pay for any medical assistance.  The group then continued with a clothing drive at Good Hope on the East Coast of Demerara , where they distributed clothing to over 100 residents male and female, young and old.

In an interview with Kaieteur News, the President of the group, Dr. Jason Ramcharan stated that the aim is to make the group into an official NGO, whose main objective is to reach out to the poor in society with their medical skills and knowledge and other resources as part of a humanitarian effort.

He further stated that the group has activities planned for each month of the remainder of the year in different parts of the country. The first activity conducted by the group was held on the 27th august, 2015, when they visited the Guyana Red Cross Children’s Convalescent Home and the Joshua’s House Children’s center along with another NGO the “Save ABE Foundation”.

Dr. Ramcharan also invited other NGOS or individuals interested in coming on board to participate in the group’s activities. The Guyana Solidarity Brigade’s next activity will be held on the October 3rd, 2015 at the Mc Doom community located on the East Bank of Demerara, where there will be a medical outreach program coordinated by the Jesus Loves Ministries.

The Doctors all graduated from the Scholarship program back in August as part of a batch of over 90 students. During the ceremony held at the Arthur Chung Convention Centre, the group had made it clear that they would strive to serve Guyana to the best of their ability.

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