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Cuban woman, 62, fined, ordered deported for overstaying

Moraima Ruiz Medina


A Cuban woman, who said she overstayed her time here due to the bad economic situation in her home country, was yesterday fined and ordered deported.

With the aid of a translator, Moraima Ruiz Medina, 62, was read a charge which stated that having been permitted to stay in Guyana from June 21 to July 20, she overstayed.

According to Police Prosecutor Shawn Gonsalves, Medina entered Guyana legally through the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and she was granted a stay of one-month in the country. However, on September 4, police from Mabura police outpost stopped a Route 94 minibus, in which Medina was a passenger, and conducted a search.

When she presented her passport to the officers, it was revealed that she had overstayed.

When asked if she wished to say anything, Medina told the court that she came to Guyana because of the economic situation in her country. She added that she hoped that she would not be deported and would be given a second chance.

However, she was later fined $50,000 or a default sentence of 14 days in jail if she cannot pay the fine. Additionally, after paying the fine or serving the default sentence, she is to be immediately deported.


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Aging Cuban woman, in search of betterment, fined, ordered deported from Guyana

There is something called ÃĒâ‚ŽÅ“poetic justiceÃĒ₮ and because of the nature of the process, one has to apply the term correctly. It is best to describe a situation where poetic justice occurs. Team Pink and Team Purple always end up as the two sides to clash in the finals of a T/20 cricket tournament. On several occasions, the lead batsman for Team PINK was dropped by the wicketkeeper and he went on to score a century that was the factor that caused Team Pink to win.
Then in one of the finals, the lead batsman of Team Purple was dropped by the wicketkeeper, he scored a century and that was the crucial factor that caused Team Purple to win. You can refer to such a situation as poetic justice.
I doubt very much you can apply the term to what happened during the recent Camp Street prison inferno when they moved the prisoners out of the main jail that was burning and put them across the road to the Prison WardensÃĒ₮â„Ē Sports Club where they drank all the rum, whiskey, gin, vodka, beer, cream liquor and malted beverages then torched the building to the ground. That certainly was not poetic justice but one day, ruling politicians, judicial personnel and state security personnel, especially policemen will face a situation of poetic justice for their cruelties.
The police charged a 94-year-old pensioner. He appeared handcuffed in court and the Magistrate put him on $50, 000 bail for an offence of forgery that has been in dispute for over ten years. Our President, Prime Minister, Minister of Home Affairs (oops, make that Public Security) and the entire nation of Guyana uttered not a word of regret.
I understand the same day the 94-year-old man was in court the President and the Prime Minister were at the installation ceremony for the new Vice Chancellor of UG ( by the way are Granger and Nagamootoo running back in 2020, if they are, then NietzscheÃĒ₮â„Ēs Ubermensch has to come and save Guyana).
An aging Cuban woman, Moraima Ruiz Medina, was in a bus in the interior when the police at the outpost of Mabura, stopped it and searched everyone. Not sure if the police gave a reason for stopping the bus but then again, this is a banana republic (a tenth rate one at that). Her passport showed that her visa had expired. She was charged, fined $50, 000 (no doubt by one of our brilliant Magistrates) and ordered deported. What was interesting was what she told the court. She said she came in search of a better life. She begged the court not to deport her but the order was signed anyway.
This ladyÃĒ₮â„Ēs fate will be similar to the 12 Nepalese who overstayed their time, were fined and were in remand for months since they couldnÃĒ₮â„Ēt raise the money to pay the fine. It was a businessman who intervened to help them. Moraima will have to stay in the lock ups until she can raise the $50, 000. Did the police have to charge this woman in the first place?
Even if she broke the law, then context comes in. Look at her age. Look at how generous her country has been to us since the seventies. Seventy percent of the doctors in public medical institutions were given free scholarships from Cuba. ArenÃĒ₮â„Ēt these contextual situations relevant in deciding her fate?
This column will fade into history on Tuesday, and not one human in this nation will raise a word about how this country treated this woman. There is a quiet sadism that has taken over the souls (not the mind but the soul which is a deeper psychic reservoir in humans). I have been told that Venezuelans have come across to Guyana begging for food and these helpless people have been charged and hauled before the courts. I am saying without any hesitation that this mistreatment of Venezuelan refugees has been circulating long enough for Granger and Nagamootoo to know about it. And they never acted.
But last week a veiled statement was issued by the Foreign Affairs Ministry about more sympathetic treatment for these Venezuelan people. I am accusing the Government of Guyana of morbid hypocrisy. Cabinet knew how these Venezuelans were being treated by the police and the courts and they refused to act. I am in a state or remorse and I donÃĒ₮â„Ēt know when it will end. This is because I campaigned for Granger to become President and Nagamootoo to become Prime MInister. How could I have been so stupid


Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

When you give a Namakaram Crabdaag and a GADAHA to run a counntry, such practice is expected!!  Bloody IDIOTS!!!

I have been informed that they are charging and hauling the Venezualians to courts who have crossed the border to beg for food and medical help.

Yes Nehru Bhai, I am in a state of remorse. Go ahead and curse.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

After all that Cuba has done for Guyana no mercy was shown to this poor woman.  I wonder why she went to Guyana when the rest of South America speaks her language.

Apparently you don't know that Fidel Castro, your PPPs hero, doesn't like its citizens fleeing that prison.  If Guyanese allow Cubans to live there, telling Guyanese how bad life in Cuba is Fidel will not be happy.

Deporting her is exactly what Fidel would want Guyana to do. She will face immediate arrest for "telling lies against the Revolution".

The fact that this woman is 62, yet looks like an 80 year old just shows how hard life is in that Janet Jagan's paradise called Cuba.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

After all that Cuba has done for Guyana no mercy was shown to this poor woman.  I wonder why she went to Guyana when the rest of South America speaks her language.

Apparently you don't know that Fidel Castro, your PPPs hero, doesn't like its citizens fleeing that prison.  If Guyanese allow Cubans to live there, telling Guyanese how bad life in Cuba is Fidel will not be happy.

Deporting her is exactly what Fidel would want Guyana to do. She will face immediate arrest for "telling lies against the Revolution".

The fact that this woman is 62, yet looks like an 80 year old just shows how hard life is in that Janet Jagan's paradise called Cuba.

What does Fidel and Janet have to do with this?  Both are dead.  Blame Granger for deporting the woman.  He is alive.  I think.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Mitwah posted:
RiffRaff posted:

damn...Guyana worse than US

There is a "bug" in the copy and paste function.

There is no bug,you are copying hidden scripts and pasting it,edit your post before submitting,avoid copying ads.

Sorry! There is a compatibility problem with recent changes to hoopla. I never had to spend time editing before. I don't intend to do the editing. Admin needs to find a fix for this problem.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

After all that Cuba has done for Guyana no mercy was shown to this poor woman.  I wonder why she went to Guyana when the rest of South America speaks her language.

Apparently you don't know that Fidel Castro, your PPPs hero, doesn't like its citizens fleeing that prison.  If Guyanese allow Cubans to live there, telling Guyanese how bad life in Cuba is Fidel will not be happy.

Deporting her is exactly what Fidel would want Guyana to do. She will face immediate arrest for "telling lies against the Revolution".

The fact that this woman is 62, yet looks like an 80 year old just shows how hard life is in that Janet Jagan's paradise called Cuba.

Bhai, putagee ppl doan age like colored ppl.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

After all that Cuba has done for Guyana no mercy was shown to this poor woman.  I wonder why she went to Guyana when the rest of South America speaks her language.

Apparently you don't know that Fidel Castro, your PPPs hero, doesn't like its citizens fleeing that prison.  If Guyanese allow Cubans to live there, telling Guyanese how bad life in Cuba is Fidel will not be happy.

Deporting her is exactly what Fidel would want Guyana to do. She will face immediate arrest for "telling lies against the Revolution".

The fact that this woman is 62, yet looks like an 80 year old just shows how hard life is in that Janet Jagan's paradise called Cuba.

Bhai, putagee ppl doan age like colored ppl.

I age so much better that I got mid 30s binnie them wink at me, 'specially when I wear tight ridin shorts with no undies.

caribny posted:
Sunil posted:

. Some Islanders in Barbuda etc are now looking to emigrate. .


Let us see if the 20% of the population who are Guyanese will return to Guyana.  When Jagdeo sent planes to Grenada after their hurricane the Guyanese there said "no thank you" even though quite a few of them are PPP supporters.

If jackass Granger decide to hand out oil profits to the masses similar to Kuwait, you will see how much of them will come back, including you. 

Sheik101 posted:
Nehru posted:

When you give a Namakaram Crabdaag and a GADAHA to run a counntry, such practice is expected!!  Bloody IDIOTS!!!

yaaaawn...same old lines over an over with u. what do u suggested should have happened to her then.

Is dat a real question.? Show compassion and humanity but the GADAHA and Namakaram Crabdaag dont possess any of such things.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Cuban woman, 62, fined, ordered deported for overstaying

Moraima Ruiz Medina


A Cuban woman, who said she overstayed her time here due to the bad economic situation in her home country, was yesterday fined and ordered deported.

With the aid of a translator, Moraima Ruiz Medina, 62, was read a charge which stated that having been permitted to stay in Guyana from June 21 to July 20, she overstayed.

According to Police Prosecutor Shawn Gonsalves, Medina entered Guyana legally through the Cheddi Jagan International Airport and she was granted a stay of one-month in the country. However, on September 4, police from Mabura police outpost stopped a Route 94 minibus, in which Medina was a passenger, and conducted a search.

When she presented her passport to the officers, it was revealed that she had overstayed.

When asked if she wished to say anything, Medina told the court that she came to Guyana because of the economic situation in her country. She added that she hoped that she would not be deported and would be given a second chance.

However, she was later fined $50,000 or a default sentence of 14 days in jail if she cannot pay the fine. Additionally, after paying the fine or serving the default sentence, she is to be immediately deported.


Have these people forgotten all the assistance especially in the medical field that have gotten and are still getting from Cuba? Granger needs to step in and make this woman a Guyanese citizen or at the very least drop all charges and extend her visa.

GTAngler posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Have these people forgotten all the assistance especially in the medical field that have gotten and are still getting from Cuba? Granger needs to step in and make this woman a Guyanese citizen or at the very least drop all charges and extend her visa.

To the contrary. Here she is mouthing off that she is fleeing Cuba because life is hard. Castro gave out the scholarship. Do you think that he wants Guyana to reward his "enemies" by allowing them to escape his rule.


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