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Former Member

Cubans have the wrong idea of Guyana when they reach Immigration

Dear Editor,
Guyana and Cuba have shared diplomatic relations since 1959; today, Guyana benefits from Cuban scholarships that hundreds value in the field of medicine and engineering.
Cubans don’t need a visa to enter Guyana, but whatever the basic requirement for entry must be conveyed at boarding.
As President of the Guyana-Cuba Solidarity Movement (GCSM), I have been receiving numerous complaints from Cubans who travel to Guyana. They have related to me that they are being forced to pay bribes between US$100 to US$250 by immigration authorities at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA).
In making sure all Cubans who visit Guyana get the message of the bribe they are compelled to walk with when visiting Guyana, the immigration officers refuse entry to those who don’t walk with a bribe in favour of those willing to pay.
Those denied entry related what happened and others visiting make sure they walk with cash to pay up. These immigration agents have someone outside who collects the bribes. A most recent ordeal forced me to pen this letter after my complaints to authorities fell on deaf ears.
A Cuban by the name of Jessica Saavedro Marrero travelled to Guyana on Copa Airlines CM0254 on January 6, 2016, I has purchased her ticket personally from Sarah Travel Agency. Upon her arrival, I sent a Cuban associate and family friend who drives a taxi to pick her up at the airport. Upon arrival, she was denied entry.
A man who spoke Spanish who is also an agent for the immigration authority related to her that she has to pay US$200 before she is allowed to enter Guyana. The taxi driver then called me and related the story to which I demanded that no bribe be passed. I then contacted a senior immigration officer about my complaint of which I am assured that no bribe should be passed.  Although given this assurance Jessica was denied entry by 16:40h because the money was not paid over.  I then decided to contact another immigration officer in charge of the airport [name withheld] at 16:45h; I know him since he was a constable. I subsequently explained that Ms Marrero was visiting Guyana and I was in charge of all her expenses while staying in Guyana.  He asked for a minute, and this was his response several calls after.  Frustrated, I visited the CJIA the following day and spoke with  the immigration officer at 09:00h and related the ordeal once more. His excuse was that the passenger had already departed to Trinidad and that no one was at the airport to pick her up. I reminded him that I personally was in communication with the taxi driver who related to me that after speaking with him, he told the driver: “I don’t want hear anything.”
What was even more shocking was that all the time I was at the airport speaking with  immigration officer the Cuban passenger was on the aircraft and he had told me she already left on the return flight since morning. Meanwhile, another case occurred on December 29, 2015: I know of a few Cubans who again paid US bribes to immigration. These immigration officers on that occasion asked for them to show their US cash and how much they pulled out was the exact amount they had to hand over.  Another occasion, a Cuban doctor visiting Guyana was refused entry after he refused to pay over US$500 out of his US$2500 that was for hotel and other expenses. I would like these immigration officers to understand that these Cubans are poor people and should not be taken advantage of because of the language barrier and other issues.
I am calling on President David Granger to look into these matters if we honestly want to promote Guyana’s tourism and hospitality sector.  This corruption must stop and persons should be made examples if necessary.  Mr President, the first encounter a foreigner has with Guyana does not need to be with corrupt immigration officers who are looking for prey instead of executing their duties with honour and dignity. One must remember, we must treat others the way we want to be treated. I have personally experienced officers turning up their eyes and being rude when entering Guyana and visitors merely saying good day or good night.


Solidarity Movement
Haleem Khan

Editor’s Note: A copy of this letter was sent to the Ministry of Citizenship

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mr.T posted:
baseman posted:

Welcome to the PNC jungle republic replica!!

This "custom" was introduced under the PPP, and kept hidden from the new administration.

This is the risk when selling Weed, you end up inhaling too much of your own supply and your synapses are blunted.  Watch Scarface and take heed!!


If this report is true, this is ridiculous . I have visited Cuba several times as a tourist and on no occasion I was asked for money or a bribe. Indeed Cubans are not wealthy and we should always try to help them . They are a very educated and proud people. The government of Guyana need to investigate these occurrences and stamp this practice out. We need to stop looking at the past fifty years and start operating with higher standards. Peace.

baseman posted:
Mr.T posted:
baseman posted:

Welcome to the PNC jungle republic replica!!

This "custom" was introduced under the PPP, and kept hidden from the new administration.

This is the risk when selling Weed, you end up inhaling too much of your own supply and your synapses are blunted.  Watch Scarface and take heed!!

You are indeed paying a compliment to the FOOL!!!


The Minister of Citizenship must investigate Haleem Khan's allegations thoroughly. Whether those immigration officers were hired by the PPP or the APNU+AFC administrations is not the issue. Public officials must not demand bribes, period. That includes immigration officers.



Dred Scott (c. 1799 – September 17, 1858) was an enslaved African American man in the United States who unsuccessfully sued for hisfreedom and that of his wife and their two daughters in the Dred Scott v. Sandford case of 1857, popularly known as the "Dred Scott Decision."



We already know about Nehru's HOUSE SLAVES.



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baseman posted:

Welcome to the PNC jungle republic replica!!

Indian Students had to pay bribes in India to secure their visas to Guyana. Can you name the culprit who collected at least U$1,000 for each visa issued? 100 Visas times $1,000 in a US bank is just  a start.  Were you involved?

Gilbakka posted:


Dred Scott (c. 1799 – September 17, 1858) was an enslaved African American man in the United States who unsuccessfully sued for hisfreedom and that of his wife and their two daughters in the Dred Scott v. Sandford case of 1857, popularly known as the "Dred Scott Decision."



We already know about Nehru's HOUSE SLAVES.


Thank you Bhai for an excellent explanation.

BGMAN posted:

If this report is true, this is ridiculous . I have visited Cuba several times as a tourist and on no occasion I was asked for money or a bribe. Indeed Cubans are not wealthy and we should always try to help them . They are a very educated and proud people. The government of Guyana need to investigate these occurrences and stamp this practice out. We need to stop looking at the past fifty years and start operating with higher standards. Peace.

We talking PNC Guyana!!  Dem higher standard, one level above Buxton/Agricola.  Now we talking!!

Last edited by Former Member
baseman posted:
BGMAN posted:

If this report is true, this is ridiculous . I have visited Cuba several times as a tourist and on no occasion I was asked for money or a bribe. Indeed Cubans are not wealthy and we should always try to help them . They are a very educated and proud people. The government of Guyana need to investigate these occurrences and stamp this practice out. We need to stop looking at the past fifty years and start operating with higher standards. Peace.

We talking PNC Guyana!!  Dem higher standard, one level above Buxton/Agricola.  Now we talking!!

I would like the Minister of Citizenship to investigate the issuance of Indian student Visas under the PPP/C watch.

Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
BGMAN posted:

If this report is true, this is ridiculous . I have visited Cuba several times as a tourist and on no occasion I was asked for money or a bribe. Indeed Cubans are not wealthy and we should always try to help them . They are a very educated and proud people. The government of Guyana need to investigate these occurrences and stamp this practice out. We need to stop looking at the past fifty years and start operating with higher standards. Peace.

We talking PNC Guyana!!  Dem higher standard, one level above Buxton/Agricola.  Now we talking!!

I would like the Minister of Citizenship to investigate the issuance of Indian student Visas under the PPP/C watch.

Now Mitwah-ji, what does that have to do with the topic at hand?  And why you pick on yuh mattie Indian?  Is this what gives you a high?

If Granger want to build IT, alyuh better don't harass dem Indian bannas, or you dead in the water!!

baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
BGMAN posted:

If this report is true, this is ridiculous . I have visited Cuba several times as a tourist and on no occasion I was asked for money or a bribe. Indeed Cubans are not wealthy and we should always try to help them . They are a very educated and proud people. The government of Guyana need to investigate these occurrences and stamp this practice out. We need to stop looking at the past fifty years and start operating with higher standards. Peace.

We talking PNC Guyana!!  Dem higher standard, one level above Buxton/Agricola.  Now we talking!!

I would like the Minister of Citizenship to investigate the issuance of Indian student Visas under the PPP/C watch.

Now Mitwah-ji, what does that have to do with the topic at hand?  And why you pick on yuh mattie Indian?  Is this what gives you a high?

If Granger want to build IT, alyuh better don't harass dem Indian bannas, or you dead in the water!!

I am merely pointing out that this bribe for visas existed under the PPP and many scumbags became millionaires under the watch of the PPP/C. I know why you would like to sweep it under rug or play stupid that this never existed even when you were in India.

Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

I would like the Minister of Citizenship to investigate the issuance of Indian student Visas under the PPP/C watch.

Now Mitwah-ji, what does that have to do with the topic at hand?  And why you pick on yuh mattie Indian?  Is this what gives you a high?

If Granger want to build IT, alyuh better don't harass dem Indian bannas, or you dead in the water!!

I am merely pointing out that this bribe for visas existed under the PPP and many scumbags became millionaires under the watch of the PPP/C. I know why you would like to sweep it under rug or play stupid that this never existed even when you were in India.

Oh, what does India have to do with PNC bribery in Guyana??

Bai, me nevva pay bribe in India, baseman was always above board, the story of my life!!!

baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

I would like the Minister of Citizenship to investigate the issuance of Indian student Visas under the PPP/C watch.

Now Mitwah-ji, what does that have to do with the topic at hand?  And why you pick on yuh mattie Indian?  Is this what gives you a high?

If Granger want to build IT, alyuh better don't harass dem Indian bannas, or you dead in the water!!

I am merely pointing out that this bribe for visas existed under the PPP and many scumbags became millionaires under the watch of the PPP/C. I know why you would like to sweep it under rug or play stupid that this never existed even when you were in India.

Oh, what does India have to do with PNC bribery in Guyana??

Bai, me nevva pay bribe in India, baseman was always above board, the story of my life!!!

I know you are bit slow today but then again you were not an Indian student applying for a visa.

Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:

I am merely pointing out that this bribe for visas existed under the PPP and many scumbags became millionaires under the watch of the PPP/C. I know why you would like to sweep it under rug or play stupid that this never existed even when you were in India.

Oh, what does India have to do with PNC bribery in Guyana??

Bai, me nevva pay bribe in India, baseman was always above board, the story of my life!!!

I know you are bit slow today but then again you were not an Indian student applying for a visa.

I could not make that connection from your post (in red).  I thought you are implying bribery in India!!

Baseman was not Govt official and, as such, never involved in Guyana's visa program for Indian students, so I cannot comment!!

Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
BGMAN posted:

If this report is true, this is ridiculous . I have visited Cuba several times as a tourist and on no occasion I was asked for money or a bribe. Indeed Cubans are not wealthy and we should always try to help them . They are a very educated and proud people. The government of Guyana need to investigate these occurrences and stamp this practice out. We need to stop looking at the past fifty years and start operating with higher standards. Peace.

We talking PNC Guyana!!  Dem higher standard, one level above Buxton/Agricola.  Now we talking!!

I would like the Minister of Citizenship to investigate the issuance of Indian student Visas under the PPP/C watch.

Now Mitwah-ji, what does that have to do with the topic at hand?  And why you pick on yuh mattie Indian?  Is this what gives you a high?

If Granger want to build IT, alyuh better don't harass dem Indian bannas, or you dead in the water!!

I am merely pointing out that this bribe for visas existed under the PPP and many scumbags became millionaires under the watch of the PPP/C. I know why you would like to sweep it under rug or play stupid that this never existed even when you were in India.

Mits, I went to India many times and was never asked to pay or paid any bribes whether it was for a Visa or anything else. Now, that it not to say that these things don't happen there.

Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
BGMAN posted:

If this report is true, this is ridiculous . I have visited Cuba several times as a tourist and on no occasion I was asked for money or a bribe. Indeed Cubans are not wealthy and we should always try to help them . They are a very educated and proud people. The government of Guyana need to investigate these occurrences and stamp this practice out. We need to stop looking at the past fifty years and start operating with higher standards. Peace.

We talking PNC Guyana!!  Dem higher standard, one level above Buxton/Agricola.  Now we talking!!

I would like the Minister of Citizenship to investigate the issuance of Indian student Visas under the PPP/C watch.

Really Mits, you asking Roger Khan second cousin to investigate the PPP, while Immigration Officers on his watch are committing criminal offenses at the CJIA by asking for and accepting bribes from the poor Cubans? Are these crimes committed by the Government up for review? What you smoking today Pandit?

Dondadda posted:
Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:

We talking PNC Guyana!!  Dem higher standard, one level above Buxton/Agricola.  Now we talking!!

I would like the Minister of Citizenship to investigate the issuance of Indian student Visas under the PPP/C watch.

Really Mits, you asking Roger Khan second cousin to investigate the PPP, while Immigration Officers on his watch are committing criminal offenses at the CJIA by asking for and accepting bribes from the poor Cubans? Are these crimes committed by the Government up for review? What you smoking today Pandit?

Since returning Mits has become a changed man, confused and incoherent [if he ever was].  Not sure what happened to him behind bars, but it must have been traumatic!!!

BGMAN posted:

If this report is true, this is ridiculous . I have visited Cuba several times as a tourist and on no occasion I was asked for money or a bribe. Indeed Cubans are not wealthy and we should always try to help them . They are a very educated and proud people. The government of Guyana need to investigate these occurrences and stamp this practice out. We need to stop looking at the past fifty years and start operating with higher standards. Peace.

I owe my life to Cuban doctors after a terrible accident in 1985. They're good people. And as u said it's ridiculous should this story prove to be true.

It's plain wrong, man.

Sheik101 posted:
BGMAN posted:

If this report is true, this is ridiculous . I have visited Cuba several times as a tourist and on no occasion I was asked for money or a bribe. Indeed Cubans are not wealthy and we should always try to help them . They are a very educated and proud people. The government of Guyana need to investigate these occurrences and stamp this practice out. We need to stop looking at the past fifty years and start operating with higher standards. Peace.

I owe my life to Cuban doctors after a terrible accident in 1985. They're good people. And as u said it's ridiculous should this story prove to be true.

It's plain wrong, man.

Do you really think the PNC and their cohorts know right from wrong?  Man, yuh mek mi haan fall bai!!!

baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
BGMAN posted:

If this report is true, this is ridiculous . I have visited Cuba several times as a tourist and on no occasion I was asked for money or a bribe. Indeed Cubans are not wealthy and we should always try to help them . They are a very educated and proud people. The government of Guyana need to investigate these occurrences and stamp this practice out. We need to stop looking at the past fifty years and start operating with higher standards. Peace.

I owe my life to Cuban doctors after a terrible accident in 1985. They're good people. And as u said it's ridiculous should this story prove to be true.

It's plain wrong, man.

Do you really think the PNC and their cohorts know right from wrong?  Man, yuh mek mi haan fall bai!!!

Base, I don't think this got anything to do with the PNC or the PPP. I think this is just a bunch of opportunists exploiting the unwary for personal gain. Nothing political here in my view, just a good old fashion Guyanese hustle.
Sorry If I mek yuh haaan fall, tho. I'll try to do better next time.

Sheik101 posted:
baseman posted:
Sheik101 posted:
BGMAN posted:

If this report is true, this is ridiculous . I have visited Cuba several times as a tourist and on no occasion I was asked for money or a bribe. Indeed Cubans are not wealthy and we should always try to help them . They are a very educated and proud people. The government of Guyana need to investigate these occurrences and stamp this practice out. We need to stop looking at the past fifty years and start operating with higher standards. Peace.

I owe my life to Cuban doctors after a terrible accident in 1985. They're good people. And as u said it's ridiculous should this story prove to be true.

It's plain wrong, man.

Do you really think the PNC and their cohorts know right from wrong?  Man, yuh mek mi haan fall bai!!!

Base, I don't think this got anything to do with the PNC or the PPP. I think this is just a bunch of opportunists exploiting the unwary for personal gain. Nothing political here in my view, just a good old fashion Guyanese hustle.
Sorry If I mek yuh haaan fall, tho. I'll try to do better next time.

These are crimes committed under the watchful eye of the Government of Guyana who are their employer. You only do that which the employer asks you to do - plain and simple. If the employer sees/knows that its employees are committing offenses then those employees should be fired.

Dondadda posted:
Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
Mitwah posted:
baseman posted:
BGMAN posted:

If this report is true, this is ridiculous . I have visited Cuba several times as a tourist and on no occasion I was asked for money or a bribe. Indeed Cubans are not wealthy and we should always try to help them . They are a very educated and proud people. The government of Guyana need to investigate these occurrences and stamp this practice out. We need to stop looking at the past fifty years and start operating with higher standards. Peace.

We talking PNC Guyana!!  Dem higher standard, one level above Buxton/Agricola.  Now we talking!!

I would like the Minister of Citizenship to investigate the issuance of Indian student Visas under the PPP/C watch.

Now Mitwah-ji, what does that have to do with the topic at hand?  And why you pick on yuh mattie Indian?  Is this what gives you a high?

If Granger want to build IT, alyuh better don't harass dem Indian bannas, or you dead in the water!!

I am merely pointing out that this bribe for visas existed under the PPP and many scumbags became millionaires under the watch of the PPP/C. I know why you would like to sweep it under rug or play stupid that this never existed even when you were in India.

Mits, I went to India many times and was never asked to pay or paid any bribes whether it was for a Visa or anything else. Now, that it not to say that these things don't happen there.

IF you read slowly again, you may see that I am referring to Indian students coming to Guyana to further their education.

Say hi to Lawrence for me.

Dondadda posted:

These are crimes committed under the watchful eye of the Government of Guyana who are their employer. You only do that which the employer asks you to do - plain and simple. If the employer sees/knows that its employees are committing offenses then those employees should be fired.

Everytime dat happen dem boys cry "ethnic cleanse"

Last edited by cain
cain posted:
Dondadda posted:

These are crimes committed under the watchful eye of the Government of Guyana who are their employer. You only do that which the employer asks you to do - plain and simple. If the employer sees/knows that its employees are committing offenses then those employees should be fired.

Everytime dat happen dem boys cry "ethnic cleanse"

Surely you know that the immigration officers at CJA are 99.999% black so what does ethnic cleansing have to do with their firing?


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