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How can we have a discussion if an article is not posted ??

Most of us here are non resident of the homeland,we get information from the numerous media sources,i post some of the articles that i may assume is of interest to posters,so they can present their views,without such information there is nothing to discuss and the forum will be a blank page with a URL.

I follow a few FB pages and there are articles posted,no one complains,i am blocked from posting on one the FB page of a PPP parliamentarian,maybe he does not like my views no problem with that it's his page,mind you i am not disrespectful.

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Django posted:

How can we have a discussion if an article is not posted ??

Most of us here are non resident of the homeland,we get information from the numerous media sources,i post some of the articles that i may assume is of interest to posters,so they can present their views,without such information there is nothing to discuss and the forum will be a blank page with a URL.

I follow a few FB pages and there are articles posted,no one complains,i am blocked from posting on one the FB page of a PPP parliamentarian,maybe he does not like my views no problem with that it's his page,mind you i am not disrespectful.

People think you only want to post articles that bash one side and praise the other.  Is that so Django?

Billy Ram Balgobin

Last night, yuji posted a thread about D2 and asked why he never made friends on GNI. There are no rules for a member to make friends or enemies. His presumably friends are the ones that shared his political sentiments. If I was backbiting the PPP in earlier days, more Canadians would have loved to have me in their folds.                                          

The important thing to remember is that he was contributing member who posted articles that comforts him and his sidekicks.

In the case with Django, he has a right to post anything he feels comfortable with, regardless if it's pro-PNC or anti-PPP.                          

It's useless bashing a man who is on mission to nowhere. 

yuji22 posted:

Django should be free to post Pro PNC articles if he so wishes to post garbage.After all, like Moses,he enjoys being Granger's Posey.

Banna you have the tendency to be demeaning,I am sure you can do better.

The same r@ss does make i want to quit this forum,i am not thinned skin,act like a big man damn we are adults.

The PPP lost two elections and that's because their major supporters numbers are declining,if were it not for the constitution they would have been out since 2011.

Last edited by Django
yuji22 posted:

Do as you please man.

What you fail to realize is that the last election was rigged. Why are they refusing a recount ? They were paid off, that's why.

Everyone is entitled to his or her views and opinions including those who enjoy being Granger's Posey.

How the opposition can rig an election ??

What happen to the voices of the PPP representatives in the election commission ??

Furthermore the PPP tried to rig and it backfired,

i rest my case.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Django posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

People think you only want to post articles that bash one side and praise the other.  Is that so Django?

Nah..i does mix it up.

not all that bias.

I am not biased towards the PPP.  I just give them critical support when it serves my country right.

I read all your post,which i look forward for,

we all should support and also speak out on the gov't when the goof up,that's the way i see it,

in the homeland it's a different story,all about kith and kin,

it's is changing most of the young people are realizing racism is not healthy for Guyana.


As a Guyanese who left the shores many scores ago, I write to defend the people, so I critique the government that is in power. But if by doing so makes it looks as I belong to a political party, that is not my objective.I am fortunate so is my family, living in N/A allows me the freedom to criticize the present government in Guyana, they say two wrongs don't make a right. May,2017  will be two years for this government, obviously done nothing for me, but what about it's tax payers , Nothing, Serious crimes Up, Unemployment UP,no development structure, What are their future Plans???WAITING FOR OIL??? Well, Django you trying your best to justify your cut and paste expertise , the opposition is not the government, so forget about the PPP and show us the good if any and also the BAD which is prevalent of the PNC. Your everyday articles defend the present administration as though you are part of that administration, it is obvious.

Mitwah posted:

KP, when was the last time the PPP/C appointed Senior Counsels ?

ARE YOU A JACKASS, let's talk of the ruling government, PPP is the opposition, I care less about , UF, GUMP, ROAR, PPP, WPA you get my drift. I talk of the ones that are presently paid by the Guyanese people, such as Rumjaat, Nigmootoo Gunjra etc., name me a job created project done by the coalition. School drop-out has increased year to year, is there such a thing as FOURTH WORLD standard, well that is Guyana NOW.

kp posted:

As a Guyanese who left the shores many scores ago, I write to defend the people, so I critique the government that is in power. But if by doing so makes it looks as I belong to a political party, that is not my objective.I am fortunate so is my family, living in N/A allows me the freedom to criticize the present government in Guyana, they say two wrongs don't make a right. May,2017  will be two years for this government, obviously done nothing for me, but what about it's tax payers , Nothing, Serious crimes Up, Unemployment UP,no development structure, What are their future Plans???WAITING FOR OIL??? Well, Django you trying your best to justify your cut and paste expertise , the opposition is not the government, so forget about the PPP and show us the good if any and also the BAD which is prevalent of the PNC. Your everyday articles defend the present administration as though you are part of that administration, it is obvious.

Arright KP,will do

I don't attest doom and gloom in the homeland,i have family there who can't migrate to NA,about 10 have US visas,they visit and go back,I don't encourage them to stay here illegally.

Drugb posted:

I would advise django to give some comment of his own when cut and pasting articles and flooding the board with spam in support of the pnc criminals who are ruining the country. 

You r@ss deh pun stupidness,who said i don't ?

I trying to keep this place from becoming a wake house,

today every one active as soon as Django show up,they need topics to verbalize their feeling.

Drugb posted:

I would advise django to give some comment of his own when cut and pasting articles and flooding the board with spam in support of the pnc criminals who are ruining the country. 

You is de king of cut and paste. No need to mention your idiotic statements. Like I said you are an idiot. There is no point arguing with you.

Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

The Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA)  recorded a 13 percent growth in income for 2016.

How come if things so bad in Guyana under the PNC, the CJIA processed 572,000 returning Guyanese and visitors, a 14 percent increase in arrivals?

What wrong with you Mits,that's not good news for some of the fellas.

I have to give PPP credit for dem gloat away stellings dem built. Dem create all the new jobs for the current PNC crew to fix. General Manager, T&HD, Marcelene Merchant said a total of $534M was allotted in the 2017 budget to the department, and $240M will be used on vessels while $294.2M will aid in upgrading stellings.....

Django posted:
Mitwah posted:

The Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA)  recorded a 13 percent growth in income for 2016.

How come if things so bad in Guyana under the PNC, the CJIA processed 572,000 returning Guyanese and visitors, a 14 percent increase in arrivals?

What wrong with you Mits,that's not good news for some of the fellas.

You guys have short memory. Guyana celebrated its jubilee in2016 the PNC spent Billions to lure visitors so that is no surprise for an increase in visitors by a meager  14%. Nothing to be proud about. I forgot  small things excite small minds.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

I would advise django to give some comment of his own when cut and pasting articles and flooding the board with spam in support of the pnc criminals who are ruining the country. 

You r@ss deh pun stupidness,who said i don't ?

I trying to keep this place from becoming a wake house,

today every one active as soon as Django show up,they need topics to verbalize their feeling.

Looks like you and Mits are the last two remaining pnc supporters who post often. The rest ran in shame. Even tk show he face and ran away. You should not be surprised that you get a lot of play as now you are the only one they can beat on. 

Mitwah posted:

The Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA)  recorded a 13 percent growth in income for 2016.

How come if things so bad in Guyana under the PNC, the CJIA processed 572,000 returning Guyanese and visitors, a 14 percent increase in arrivals?

Apparently you should stick to bajan singing. An increase in visitors is not an indicator of prosperity. In fact so many people getting killed that family have to come back for funeral, hence the increase in arrivals. You know how big them Indian families can be. 


It's all political diversion, Django started a topic, "Cut and Paste". Nothing wrong if you can't find good things to write, then stay Quiet, "A still tongue keeps a wise head". I hope you understand. So don't allow yourself to be PRESSURED by the PNC to write nonsense, try and be selective, tell them to do good things so you can have a good story. Remember, you are just the MESSENGER.


Hinterland electrification projects in 2016 improved lives of many

GINA, GUYANA, Wednesday, January 04, 2016

The Hinterland Electrification Company Inc. (HECI) for the year 2016 was able to make the lives of those living in the hinterland a bit more comfortable. The company was allocated the sum of$110.9M of which $109M was used.

Chief Electrification Officer, Horace Williams during a Ministry of Public Infrastructure’s year in review (2016) press conference today, said that most of the projects that were set to be carried out in 2016 were completed.

Chief Electrification Officer, Hinterland Electrification Company Inc. (HECI), Horace Williams

Williams pointed out that the budget for 2016 was revised, due to the fact that the inclusion of two programmes could not be completed within the year as they were foreign funded ones.

Williams said a 6.2 KW Photovoltaic System was installed at the St. Cuthbert’s Mission Secondary School, Region Four and the upgrading of a generator at Port Kaituma, Region One.

Aside from the locally funded programmes, there were a number of programmes that were funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). According to Williams, only a small number of the projects funded by the bank were completed. He said the remainder will be completed in 2017.

Under the Lethem Power Company Inc. Williams stated that, “We were able to achieve almost 100 percent in terms of project execution and almost 100 percent in expenditure because some of the bids came in lower than budgeted for.”

Some of the projects undertaken by the power company include power extension of electricity system (Final Phase) to Culvert city new housing scheme, connection of new power station to grid, from new site to old site (Phase 2) and connection of new power station to grid, extension of electricity system at Culvert City and procurement of cables.

Even with the success the electrification company enjoyed in 2016, the year was not without challenges. Williams pointed out that there was slow implementation of contract activities by contractors, delays in getting ‘no objection’ from the National Procurement and Tender Administration Board (NPTAB) and poor responses by contractors to invitations to bid among others.

The work plan for 2017 will see the HECI thrusting towards the government’s drive for a ‘Green Economy’ with a number of green energy projects.

The locally funded projects for 2017 include:

  • Construction of micro-grids in 25 hinterland communities
  • Installation of anemometers to collect wind in four locations
  • Upgrade of distribution network and switchgear at Mabaruma
  • Installation of 400KW solar farm at Mabaruma
  • Diversion of network at Mahdia to facilitate road construction
  • Construction of office building for Lethem Power Company
  • Installation of LED street lights in Lethem and
  • Extension of power network in St. Ignatius

Foreign Funded Projects for 2017 include:

  • Preparation and implementation of public awareness campaigns
  • Procurement of goods and works for solar systems for hinterland communities
  • Installation of grid-tie solar PV systems on seven buildings
  • Contracting of firm for geo-technical survey at Moco Moco hydropower site and
  • Procurement of firm for the construction of the Moco Moco hydropower system

According to the Williams, the public awareness campaigns will “give awareness to the population of the benefits of using renewable energy and how to implement energy efficient measures.”


By: Isaiah Braithwaite


Hinterland electrification projects in 2016 improved lives of many

GINA, GUYANA, Wednesday, January 04, 2016

The Hinterland Electrification Company Inc. (HECI) for the year 2016 was able to make the lives of those living in the hinterland a bit more comfortable. The company was allocated the sum of$110.9M of which $109M was used.




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