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Berbice man remains critical after chopping

Clifton Ramsarran, 39, also called “Witch” of Lot 102 Number Two Village, East Canje Berbice, who was chopped about his body after he threatened his estranged lover to shoot her is still in a critical state. His is presently in the High Dependency Unit of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.

He is suffering from chop wounds allegedly inflicted at the hand of his lover’s son on Sunday evening and is slipping in and out of consciousness.

Tatranie Ramsarran, the mother of the injured man explained that she visited her son at the hospital on Tuesday and he was not responding, but the doctors at the institution claim that he was recovering quite quickly.

She explained that her son’s face is swollen as a result of the injuries he received to the head. The man’s mother said she did not see the woman with whom her son was involved and the police have not told her anything with respect to investigations.

However, Kevin Mohabir, 18, of 198 Sukhu Street, East Canje was on Wednesday slapped with an attempted murder charge when he made an appearance at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court.

 He was reportedly remanded to prison and is due to make his next court appearance later in the month.

Ramsarran was chopped about the body after threatening his estrange lover to shoot her if she does not agree to reconcile the relationship.

According to reports reaching this publication, Ramsarran went to the home of his lover at Lot 198 Sukhu Street, East Canje, Berbice and threatened to kill her with a .38 revolver.

The woman, whose name was given as Simone, became afraid and raised an alarm. Her son, Kevin Mohabir, who was in the sitting room of the house, armed himself with a cutlass and ran in the direction of Ramsarran who was standing in the yard and dealt him a chop to his left arm and head.

Mohabir was arrested and Ramsarran was taken to the New Amsterdam Hospital where he was examined by a doctor on duty. He was subsequently transferred to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he remains a patient.


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If a man comes into my yard and threatened my mother to shoot her, I would chop him myself. I don't agree with Guyana law to jail a person who defended himself or his family within the boundary of his own property. This is bullshit.


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