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Here's an idea.

Why don't we do a survey on this site running up to the election, here goes.

Posters may come in and give their thumbs up to the party of choice. Now we doan want none of dat dam BIGTARASS picture and stuff, just a big shout out.

So let's say I make the first post, I'll do something like dis; Go For It AFC flag

The next person comes in that also votes for AFC, they'll do let's say, YAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAFFCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC flag

Some other misguided soul comes in and does this ( I know dem rass gonna #%@* up the works but anyway) PPP TARASSSSSSSSSSSSS YAAAA!!

etc etc etc.

Doan worry, there'll be some real good score keeping goin on.
Now, if this thread was open to the people reading,that would be bloody marvelous. I'm quite sure some a dem guys would go an get dem donkey fo make a post and even use dem dead an gone aunty Irene tarass.

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Will Me kok duck if me na get an Auntie Irene.
But we used to get a dankey.

You know D_G gun pik an issue wid you about dis pole. He might tink Bisram poll betta. Smile

GO AFC GO flag


In GY, time and again while standing at the side of the road, without flagging dem down, a mini bus will stop and the conductor will say 'come abee go na', my reply is usually ' whea you want me to go, me ah jus stand up hea.' He is usually pissed for stopping.

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