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Shooting down a Russian airliner over the Sinai desert; the Beirut bombing; and now the Paris attacks, seem to belie Obama's idea that the Daesh's caliphate ambitions are restricted to the region and the civil war there is fertile grounds for this JV (Juvenile Varisty is the term Obama once used, unfortunately, to describe Daesh/ISIL/ISIS/Islamic Terrorists/Jihadis/WhateverYouWanToCallThem).


US Intelligence and Homeland Security have been focused on the lone-wolf attack, but also on the global reach of both Al Qaeda and now Daesh.


We must still follow the strategy of no US ground troops and instead help[ the Arabs help themselves, like we're doing with the Kurds. We must be forceful to get the Russians and Iranians from focusing on Daesh areas too, while we work out a political solution to Assad's rule and then turn the heat up once and for all on Daesh. It wll take some time and diplomatic offensive to achieve the stability of Syria politically to then eradicate Daesh. The Iraqi front is more solid politically with the new Iraqi Shiite government being inclusive of Sunnis in the regions that Deash captured last year.


Settle Iraq and Syria and then get the Saudis the hell out of Yemen, while strengthening Libya and parts of North Africa (Al Shabab and Boko Haram), and in 5 years we can have some semblance of pre-9/11 tranquility in that region. Netanyahu must go and his "Jewish State" demands removed before the last piece of Palestinian/Israeli peace can be put in place.

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The point is they brag because they hold turf they can label a caliphate. That is pure garbage. They plant nothing, build nothing and survive as a criminal organization and like any criminal organization has a finite shelf life.


It is beyond question, Raqqa is going to get massively bombed. The Americans were careful only to hit a care in the town's square and the Russians took put a couple of buildings.


Those days are over. I bet you that the french and he British if not the Americans will knock out every support infrastructure in that town and put then on a path to starvation.


Obama already assisted the Kurd to take back Sinjar. They have no place to go since no one like them. We have most of their faces in a data base so we have a good kill list in case they run.  The rest will be set upon by those they murder as soon as they become powerless with no support base.


We can deal with the local nutcases wanting to bomb a building or shoot up a concert hall. That only heightens awareness and makes it easy to ferret them out.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Thanks to that clown Obama, they can brag.  That boy turned out to be a big laughing stock.  I spoke to few Swiss friends and they think he is a joker, fluff talker.  Actually, Putin has more credibility when it comes to taking on ISIL and solving that problem.

what has Putin done exactly?

Originally Posted by baseman:

Thanks to that clown Obama, they can brag.  That boy turned out to be a big laughing stock.  I spoke to few Swiss friends and they think he is a joker, fluff talker.  Actually, Putin has more credibility when it comes to taking on ISIL and solving that problem.

 Isis is a different kind of enemy, they come from all corners of the earth. Obama was elected not to get caught up in invading other nations and have America bogged down in the wars that does not threaten the national security of America. One man today I met was ranting and raving about Obama not funding the military enough. The fact is that big warships and heavy machinery will not bring down ISIS and so far they are no threat to the US. Why do you think they haven't hit American soil as yet? If they do that will be the end of their occupation in Syria. They picked on France because they know that the response will be muted as the French have no appetite to be involved in wars. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by baseman:

Thanks to that clown Obama, they can brag.  That boy turned out to be a big laughing stock.  I spoke to few Swiss friends and they think he is a joker, fluff talker.  Actually, Putin has more credibility when it comes to taking on ISIL and solving that problem.

baseman, tell me when Putin decides to take on ISIS and I'll drink to that. That coward bombs the ineffective Free Syrian army and leave ISIS alone, even when ISIS downs his own plane. What a coward. HE took 4 years to implement his military defense agreement with Syria. Imagine that; and he's lauded for being a strong man. HE hid for 4 years while Assad was begging for him to act in accordance with a TREATY.


Tell me how "few Swiss friends and they think he is a joker, fluff talker." is some intelligent thing to be noted. What funny acts did Obama do that your Swiss friends tell you? Let me share in the laff.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I spoke to few Swiss friends . . . 


lol! That's all you can do in reading baseman's juvenile writing. Typical.

uh huh


kari, dis wan lil above yuh pay grade . . . staan easy

The mysterious redux that only he can comprehend, impactting the world.


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