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Dairy, livestock business for Wales factory

– hundreds of protesters march along West Bank
Agriculture Minister Noel Holder on Thursday confirmed that the soon-to-be-closed Wales sugar factory will

Lincoln Lewis addressing the gathering at the protest

Lincoln Lewis addressing the gathering at the protest

be converted to a business establishment that will see the rearing of poultry and other livestock.
The Minister was making his presentation on the third day of the debate on the budget estimates in the National Assembly.
According to Holder, an aquaculture feasibility study is set to commence. He said the preliminary indications are that if professionally undertaken, aquaculture will turn out to be a major profit generator that will provide employment for many.
“Feasibility will commence shortly on other crops. Work already done has indicated that well-known crops can be successfully grown on the Wales soils,” he said, adding that profitability and employment are key.

Belle West joins protest
Meanwhile, continuing what was started some two weeks ago, a massive protest was organised by the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU) Branch Committee on Thursday in the West Bank Community of Belle West.
Protesters marched along the route of the housing scheme’s entrance to the Bob Marley classic “Get Up, Stand Up”. Protesters waved their banners as they chanted: “Don’t close Wales estate” and “AP-NU must go.”
Guyana Times spoke to several protesters who decried the closure, stating they would find it difficult to provide for their families.
Francine Prince, who has been working at the Estate for some seven years, said: “I am having four children and they are all going to school and if they close the Estate, then we would be out of a job and then we wouldn’t have money to send our children to school.”
“We go suffer a lot because we got children going to school and you’re gonna suffer de youths dem coming up also. The Estate is the main thing we depend on and me is the only breadwinner in de home, there are seven of us; my wife sickly too,” said Krishna Gobindee, a father of five, who has been working on the Estate for 10 years.
Another worker said he has been working from the tender age of 18, “and this is the only job I know”. “I got three children; one is a baby. I an know yet wah I gan do,” the 38-year-old said.
He is undecided about the severance package or transferring to Uitvlugt.
Talib Khan, a farmer since 1979, stated that he has seen what has happened to Versailles and was worried what would become of his livelihood as transporting canes from Canal Number Two to Uitvlugt was “near impossible”.
Organisational Chairman Gordon Thomas said that the group wanted full clarification on the decision to close the Estate.
“We heard the news that [Guyana Sugar Corporation] GuySuCo and the Board decide to close Wales Estate; then we heard from the President saying that this [has] been made by Cabinet. The big question is this – who must we believe that’s saying these things?” Thomas posited.
He says that they are determined to fight the decision to the end.
“We are prepared to don’t give up the fight, because Wales is very important to us – to the community, all over and we are saying no to the closure of Wales,” Thomas stated with great emphasis.
Veteran trade unionist and former President of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG), Carvil Duncan also stood in solidarity with the workers, stating that the rights of workers were at stake and “injustice anywhere leads to injustice everywhere”.
“The issue … is not the question of the economics of Wales, but that of your rights and the laws of this land,” Lewis posited.
He also stated that the Constitution which protects citizens’ rights must be respected and called for Government to involve the Opposition in dialogue with the regional democratic organs regarding the closure of the Estate. This, he posited, was because Region Three (Essequibo Islands-West Demerara) was won by the People’s Progressive Party/Civic in the 2015 General and Regional Elections.
GAWU General Secretary Seepaul Narine, who was also standing in solidarity with the workers, told this publication that the closure of Wales Estate was a wrong decision that should be reversed by policymakers.
“Obviously, the fact that these people are all out here, are all convinced that this decision is a wrong one. We are supporting the workers, residents and farming community and we are calling on the policymakers to have this decision reversed.”
The General Secretary also stated that moves to engage in further industrial action were currently “on the table”.
The protest activities commenced two weeks ago in Wales, when community members became involved in the call for Government to give a second thought to its decision which would undoubtedly leave hundreds of families helpless.
The residents held hands and marched through the village, sending a message to Government that they would not give up without a fight.

GuySuCo backtracks on 3-day ultimatum

Meanwhile, GuySuCo has reportedly rescinded the three-day ultimatum given to Wales Estate workers to either receive severance packages or be transferred to Uitvlugt.
On Monday, Wales’ employees alleged that managers demanded that they make a quick decision or risk termination of services.
This followed the alleged dismissals of 50 workers deemed temporary, a move which has been condemned by GAWU.
The workers were told that they were no longer engaged in the employ of the Estate and, as such, were given their “marching orders”.
After disgruntled planters and operators met with the media following their meetings with GuySuCo, managers reportedly called them back in and announced a one-month grace period to make their decision on transferring to Uitvlugt or receiving severance.
In an interview with this publication, GAWU President Komal Chand stated that this was in keeping with labour regulations, but he remained adamant in his stance against the closure.
The GAWU President also reemphasised that the Union was not being invited to these discussions which has left workers without representation.

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SAVING WALES …aquaculture, dairy business, other crops for Wales


By Tajeram Mohabir

THE Wales Sugar Factory is set to be converted into a dairy/livestock business, and feasibility studies will soon commence in the areas of aquaculture and other crops as Government looks to return the estate to profitability.Agriculture Minister Noel Holder explained that the aim of these measures is to cushion the impact of the closure of the factory and simultaneously aid the economic viability of the estate, which has been projected to make a loss of some $1.6B this year.

Making his contribution to the budget debates on Wednesday, the Agriculture Minister said that from preliminary indications, professionally undertaken aquaculture would be a major profit-generator, providing reasonable employment.

Minister Holder also informed the House that work already done has indicated that a number of well-known crops can be successfully grown on the Wales soil. “Profitability and employment are key criteria,” he said, contending that the Opposition’s attack on the closure of the Wales Estate Factory is pure political rhetoric.

Also as part of the restructuring, an all-weather road will be developed connecting the Wales farmers to the Uitvlugt factory.
Farmers who currently rely on punt transport would have their lands replaced with cane lands that are more conducive to road transport, but ancestral lands will be retained by the farmers/community.

Minister Holder also indicated that GuySuCo has commenced discussions with workers at Wales, offering them alternative employment at Wales and at Uitvlugt in a bid to minimise the anticipated redundancies.

“It is expected that the number of redundancies at the end of the year would be lower than anticipated as the non-sugar activities would require skilled and unskilled labour; and vacancies arising at Uitvlugt in the course of the year will only be filled by workers from Wales. Workers would be encouraged to become farmers with extension services provided by GuySuCo,” the Agriculture Minister said.

But PPP Member of Parliament (MP) and veteran trade unionist Komal Chand contended that the planned feasibility studies on aquaculture and other crops for the Wales Estate is an arbitrary move as he passionately urged the Government to reconsider closing the factory. The closure, he stressed, will affect some 2500 workers directly and thousands more indirectly, bringing much

Don’t close Wales: PPP MP Komal Chand addressing the House on Wednesday

Don’t close Wales: PPP MP Komal Chand addressing the House on Wednesday

hardship to residents of the community.

Minister Holder, who spoke earlier, however disagreed with this contention. To much approval from members of the Government’s side of the House, he said the Ministry of Agriculture is committed to the 1700 workers and 774 private farmers from Wales. Mr Chand, who is also President of the Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union (GAWU), informed the House that the Opposition finds it difficult to comprehend the move by Government to close the Wales Factory, as this was not recommended by the Commission of Inquiry into the sugar industry.

Further to this, he said the problems of poor drainage and the rundown state of the Wales Factory have been overstated, pointing out that vital components of the factory have, in recent years, been replaced.

He also claimed that sugar workers are being discriminated against, pointing out that though GuySuCo surpassed its production target in 2015, sugar workers did not, for the first time in 35 years, receive their Annual Production Incentive (API).

Added to this, the PPP MP said the $9B allocated for the sugar industry this year are $3B less than what the Government had promised. This, Mr Chand contended, would negatively affect the Government’s plans to modernise and return the sugar industry to profitability.

Minister Holder, however, maintained that the Government is committed to securing the future of the 17,000 people employed in the sugar industry and their dependents. “This cannot be done by sustaining the industry in its present shape. To maintain the status quo would spell disaster for the industry and its employees sooner than most people think. The future lies in an industry that is more than sugar. The financial woes of sugar are so grave, the needs of the economy are so great, that the transformation of sugar cannot be done gradually. Time is of the essence; the process has to start immediately; and while there will be some initial redundancies, opportunities for reemployment will be created in a relatively short period of time.

“Some current workers may find themselves becoming entrepreneurs in the near future. Wales Estate is the beginning of this process. The attitude of the Opposition and GAWU is difficult to understand. They had 23 years to reverse the fortunes of the estates, but did nothing except take them further into depression. To date, neither has offered an alternative sensible constructive solution,” the Minister contended.
All stakeholders, the Minister said, must appreciate that it cannot be business as usual for the sugar industry. He stressed that to resist change is wanting to see the demise of this industry. The $9B allocated to GuySuCo this year, he said, will be used towards assisting the industry in its recovery and modernisation programme, and for budgetary support to the Corporation.

The Coalition Government has made major changes in the management of the sugar industry since assuming power. After years of failing to reach its production target, GuySuCo achieved its target in 2015. “This must be attributed to the implementation of good management measures. These are the positive signs of recovery the APNU+AFC promised the people of Guyana. Mr Speaker, for the past two decades, GuySuCo’s former Board and the past regime were warned that the sugar industry needed to address its cost structure if it is to survive and be viable. Sadly, these warnings were ignored by the Board and Government. The culture of cutting the industry’s capital expenditure and different kinds of bailouts were instead preferred. Such bailouts included the Government obtaining lands from GuySuCo and only paying for some of it; subventions from the Ministry of Finance; and latterly (in 2015), the very unusual act of disposing of the Skeldon Cogeneration Plant to the GPL/SEI.

“In the absence of any programme to rationalise the Corporation’s debt structure, these knee-jerk actions served as mere palliatives as the sugar industry’s financial deficit escalated at an alarming rate.”

“It cannot be business as usual,” Minister Holder said, stressing that the industry has to be re-organised, costs re-engineered, and operating deficits have to be reduced.

This year will see a marked decline in the cost of production at the East Demerara Estates, as the proper integration of LBI and Enmore is completed. A concerted effort is being made to reinforce the technical skill levels with the assistance of very experienced former technical staff of GuySuCo, and the sale of lands which are considered surplus to the industry’s requirements will recommence, with the proceeds applied to reducing the Corporation’s indebtedness to the banking system.

The Skeldon Cogeneration Plant, Minister Holder also announced, will be returned to GuySuCo, and an increase in the tariff per KWh negotiated. Other plans for the industry this year include the recovery of cost of services to third parties, including drainage and irrigation; an increase in value-added production at the Blairmont and Enmore factories; and each sugar estate will continue to keep its expenditure — yields, recoveries and other related indicators — under the microscope to ensure production and unit costs are significantly improved.

In Budget 2016, some $400M have been allocated to the Sugar Industry Mechanisation Project, which, among other things, deals with the purchase of machinery and equipment for semi-mechanical planting, mechanical harvesting and land preparation.

“From all the data we have seen, it is unlikely that the sugar business would become profitable in the foreseeable future. It is our hope that GuySuCo would not be about sugar only, but a business in which sugar is but one activity. And while sugar may be making losses, albeit at a much reduced level, the other activities (co-generation, other non-sugar crops, other forms of diversification) would be so profitable that when their results are consolidated with that of sugar, the business would show a profit and become cash positive.

“The Board and management feel that this is possible. Let us all work with them and make it happen,” Minister Holder urged members of the Opposition.

Sugar production for 2016 is projected to be at 242,287 tonnes, a five per cent increase over the 2015 production.


If people don't have jobs, where will they have money to buy the products? If everyone is a producer, we might as well revert to the days of bartering. Come to think of it, this might stop all the PNC thieving and and PNC police taking bribes. Well, there is always "gee me couple fowl and wan dozen egg and you can go.


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