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House prices are going through the roof making it difficult for first time buyers trying to get into the market.  I read of a couple in Ottawa bidding $400,000 over list price....they lost the bid..friken pathetic I call that. Houses are not worth the going a matter of time problems pop up because of shoddy work and with the high price of lumber nowadays it's not making things any easier.

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@cain posted:

House prices are going through the roof making it difficult for first time buyers trying to get into the market.  I read of a couple in Ottawa bidding $400,000 over list price....they lost the bid..friken pathetic I call that. Houses are not worth the going a matter of time problems pop up because of shoddy work and with the high price of lumber nowadays it's not making things any easier.

I blame the brokers who manipulate the people wanting to buy or sell! They are really unnecessary beyond telling you.what prices.are in the area of. your interest! What you really need is someone, an appraiser, who can tell you what you need to do to make a good showing! But I'm no expert! This is personal feeling! They play the buyers against each other! So, naturally, prices keep rising! Several years ago, in the '70s, a guy I know told me that a broker approached him and told him he could get $10,000 more than what he paid for the house he.had bought just six months before! I asked him if he in a tent with his $10,000 profit, as everybody else's house was going up in price, too! The real estate brokers are criminals who be restrained, IMO!

Last edited by Former Member
@Mitwah posted:

Buying real estate is the number 1 way of Laundering money.e

Yeh, but yuh gotta have the money, FIRST! Then, there must be a lotta of crime going get the money you need! Maybe that's why I've been under the government's criminal.cabal - RCMP/CSIS/CSE - since 2005! And all I.was trying to do was help the ordinary retail investor in stocks avoid the manipulations of dishonest stockbrokers who are owned or controlled by the banks! The US SEC approved of what I was doing but not.criminal Canada! The Zionist Jews of Israel are very much involved in this for their planned New World Order! They had pot-bellied Stephen Harper under their control! Probably through blackmail! They can track anyone through metal.chips installed in your body.unknown to you. by their alien friend,. 'god' who 'created the myth of.Adam 'n Eve! I have one in my right great toe.which I knew nothing.about ordered all my medical files.from Niagara Health System! Only.then did I understand how they could intercept my phone conversations whenever and wherever! Tracked! There was even a fake letter from a female doctor, a radiologist, attesting that she had found this chip in my toe! I had never seen her! I've other fake letters! Income tax, Bell Canada! Even a false bank statement!

But in Guyana, there is your Keith preaching Paulian BS! He knows NOTHING, blooody fool.that he is!

@Mitwah posted:

@Former Member, the buyer would have the money. It would be hard for a bank to approve a mortgage at 80:20 for a purchase of this nature. The City should revaluate this property and levy taxes accordingly.

Mits, where have I said that the buyer wouldn't need to have the money? Money talks, BS walks, and the politicians are tireless walkers! These politicians don't run Canada! The banks do! you think.really control the cabal? Who do you.think control.the banks? Rothschild, at one time, owned 5% of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basle, Switzerland! I don't know if he still does! But I'm sure the Rothschild family still has influence in, the bank of the central banks!

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The djinn in my home is, and only can be, controlled by a Jew, Zionist or not! Why do you think.the Arabs can't win against against Zionist Israel? The Zionists know all their war plans in advance through.use.of djinni! Now he, whoever he is, has the djinn create sounds just above my chest as I lie on my sofa! To frighten this supposed superstious Third World sh*t! Trouble is, I don't scare because I'm always curious about strange occurrences! I startled but then curiosity slips in! So, as I can't stop the sounds, I've started fo.join the singer making stranger sounds than he/she/it! Maybe it's frightened by this as it doesn't make as much sounds as before! Lol!

And then you have Jagdeo running around thinking he is doing great things for Guyana, greater things for Jag! Hahahahaha.......

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@Former Member posted:

But Jag belongs to that special breed of con men, the economist, doesn't he?!!

Jagdeo is my class of con-men, Only I am better.

I used to see bygan at Golden grove flee market.

I was sell Bigan 5 for 25 cents and the people that was too expensive.

So I offered them 4 for 25 cents and one free. They bought it like a charm.

@cain posted:

Shally I notice everytime you are attacked by Dah jumbie, you were lying on your sofa, try changing spots, maybe lie on the dining table or better yet, a bed, maybe Boogie man won't bother ya.

Yeah?.It's easy for you to.make fun of what I've related but what.would you have done, sugah? Besides losing YOUR fing  mind? It gets worse.if I should lie in bed! I haven't slept in either of.two beds.for years because the EMR is worse there! EMR? That's ElectroMagnetic Radiation! Surely someone of your wide.knowledge has heard of this! A doctor has that he had heard.of it but didn't know but then he.had the right to keep me in hospital because the policeman, who had kidnapped me and in, had told him he'd.brought me in because I was suffering from.influenza which diagnosis from a lying skunk of a policeman he accepted!. I hospital for.nearly 2 weeks, the last.2 days of which I was bombarded with EMR in a sometime locked room which was opened by a crazy woman shouting me. I told her to.get the fk.out! I take.each day one at a time, sugah!

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@Former Member posted:

Yeah?.It's easy for you to.make fun of what I've related but what.would you have done, sugah? Besides losing YOUR fing  mind? It gets worse.if I should lie in bed! I haven't slept in either of.two beds.for years because the EMR is worse there! EMR? That's ElectroMagnetic Radiation! Surely someone of your wide.knowledge has heard of this! A doctor has that he had heard.of it but didn't know but then he.had the right to keep me in hospital because the policeman, who had kidnapped me and in, had told him he'd.brought me in because I was suffering from.influenza which diagnosis from a lying skunk of a policeman he accepted!. I hospital for.nearly 2 weeks, the last.2 days of which I was bombarded with EMR in a sometime locked room which was opened by a crazy woman shouting me. I told her to.get the fk.out! I take.each day one at a time, sugah!

You seem to be suffering a lot, whether it’s real or not you can find out easily. While in the navy I work with high power radar, electronic warfare and all sorts of high power transmitter happens to know a bit about EMR. If you are that paranoid about it you can purchase radiation detector andradiation suits like we used in the navy from Amazon.

@sachin_05 posted:

You seem to be suffering a lot, whether it’s real or not you can find out easily. While in the navy I work with high power radar, electronic warfare and all sorts of high power transmitter happens to know a bit about EMR. If you are that paranoid about it you can purchase radiation detector andradiation suits like we used in the navy from Amazon.

I have an EMR detector I'd bought online from a company in Australia which.screams like crazy whenever it detects EMR home! I have to protect it with some  polypropylene as the special battery is easily killed if it is not protected! I use polypropylsne to cover my.head and central nervous system, especially when I slsep, their most favourable time, the cowardly swine! I have to cover my various.plexuses, too, when I sleep! They kill through the nervous system's connections!

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I had to watch 2 of my beloved dogs, my canine children, die of heart attacks, 4 months apart! First the mother in April '15 then her son 4 months later! They died with their eyes tightly closed while they gasped for breath! There was no need to go through first giving you symptoms to maks you go see a doctor for him to observe the symptoms a fsw times, then off you go to heaven (there's no hell, except for the body you lsft behind)! No symptoms necessary in the case of dogs! Dogs, meat eaters, seldom die of heart attack! Unless they are overweight which comes from a diet deficient.of the necessaru vitamins, protein and minerals! My dogs are never overweight although.their food is always available to them!


My wife died of a heart attack although she never had any heart problems in hee entird life! The symptoms were for the information of the doctor! She never told .me of these results at the doctor's office but if she really had experienced any heart problems, I would have known because.of our long attachment as husband and wife! Just as I knew that something was wrong with her foot which might have necessitated.amputation! Dreams are not for nothing! In dreams we return to the world of energy or spirit, temporarily!


I tried to post how I had been taken to hospital. by a lying skunk of a policeman but before i could post, it was shut down!

I was taking my 2 dogs for a walk when I felt the EMR and decided to return.home which.was just across the street! I started to walk across but instead I found myself running but heading downwards until I hit my.head on the driveway! I had held on to the leash and called my daughter, who was standing in the doorway of the house, to come take the leash and the 2 dogs! A young black man stopped his car by my hedge and came out, ostensibly, to help me up! However, he stopped, retrieved his cell phone from his car and said something briefly into the cell! Within SECONDS, the EMR team showed.up with a policeman I had, earlier in a false case of uttering threats, which was dismissed by the judge, proved to be a liar! They into my home, ostensibly to rest, but really to show the EMR team that I was crazy because I had aluminum foil stuck to my ceiling, This was put there on the advice of an OPP sergeant who told me to put it there and "leave them to God"! But aluminum foil doesn't stop EMR! Only steel or polypropylene does! The policeman gave me a choice of either going with them willingly or they would to hospital against my will. I.told them they would have to.take me there as I had no wish to go! So, they out into.the cold without parka, hat or shoes to hospital!

This I tried to throw some more light on my EMR experience in hospital!

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The only reason.I post my experiences is to warn my fellow Guyanese who yearn to go to.the rich countries that there experiences you might not like to have with no agency, whether medical, law or law enforcement ready to help you! There is provision in the Rules of Civil Procedure to help the self-represented but the judges ignore this! In fact, the lawyers want to do away with this provision because the self-represented supposedly waste the lawyers time in court!  I'm nof posting for sympathy as some think! Wtf can YOU do to help me? Your sympathy gives me WHAT? The laws are written in English but with endless whys and wherefores or whatever suits the lawyers for whom they are intended! Then there are endless case histories you have to quote even though a bit of common sense is all that's required to settle a case! The.judges have to be sure there is a precedent for their decision and you have to.provide it! He, poor judge, can't decide for himself as he might be judged against by a higher court! It's his decision that's at stake not the outcome of! Who cares about your case? Only you! And you are always suspect of trying to make the judge look injudicious! So, fk you and your ulterior motives, you.dirfy s.o.b! Fk your mother, too, for all the judge cares! That's an interesting case he WILL hear if only for its titilating content! Who can see whether the judge has a hardon or not beneath those voluminous robes? Yoi?

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Shally, you need to take off the propolyne hat, put away the aluminum foil, kiss the Djinns bye bye and take a trip to Guyana and wine down wid some young chicks.

Your hip will pop back into place, the Djinns will run away when they see them nice black chicks coming at them, the RCMP won't find you cuz the internet doant wuk too good in Guyana, and black out gon tek care of Electro anything.

Book a flight. Cain gon guh wid yuh. If yuh get friken, he gon give yuh some good weed. Just don't call he "sugah" pon de plane.

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Sugah, I fixed my so-called imaginary hip problem myself, this after 56 years of pain (from 1956 to 2012) but the ligament, stuck all this time, was weak! When squatting, with.or without weights, I would wiggle throwing the weight on to my right leg! After I'd dislodged the ligament from the hip joint where it had been stuck for 56 years I could squat and get up normally again! I was getting stronger! My voice became deeper and my daughter asked me if I had a cold. I laughed and told her no, I was getting stronger! As soon as I said this my hip.became under attack by EMR! I no longer awoke finding my mouth.dry and open with a soreness at the site of my.salivary gland on.the right side of my mouth! A doctor of Chinese ethnicity told me it was probably just.a virus that was causing the soreness! None of these mfkers know anything.about EMR therefore you must be imagining your problem! The EMR, related to gravity which is magnetism, is used to advance ageing by deleting your glandular secretions! Or you think causes ageing? Gravity is the MAIN cause.of ageing as it is constantly depleting your glandular secretions! The yogis of India, according to Paul Brunton's book "Yoga", claim that the 3 causes of ageing are ABuse, ABuse of food and ABuse of thought! But these are secondary causes, after GRAVITY which is the MAIN cause which I.reasoned after all I've gone through! The yogis don't.know anything about gravity! How else do you think.I had been pulled down to my driveway hitting my fing head?

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@Former Member posted:

Shally, you need to take off the propolyne hat, put away the aluminum foil, kiss the Djinns bye bye and take a trip to Guyana and wine down wid some young chicks.

Your hip will pop back into place, the Djinns will run away when they see them nice black chicks coming at them, the RCMP won't find you cuz the internet doant wuk too good in Guyana, and black out gon tek care of Electro anything.

Book a flight. Cain gon guh wid yuh. If yuh get friken, he gon give yuh some good weed. Just don't call he "sugah" pon de plane.

And F U,!

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Oh rass, all of a sudden a lil mo' Horizontal Bop, Food and Thought gon take Iman to my grave, yesssssssss!!! TAKE ME...Cummm TAKE MEEEeeeee.

Shally, next time dem hip start fi stick on you, try some WD40 then a lil bit silicone spray. My neigba fren does use it.

Dah business about how yo voice finally start getting deep at 56. Banna, Leh me tell you yeh...dat is a long time rass..for be wearing yo bukta too tight. I glad you ketch sense and right size finally.

Dah one about gravity pull yo rass down on your driveway sound lil so like I know a banna back in GT we called Goosh Pragalag..his bicycle would take him home drunk every night, good ting the bike knew where he lived. Gravity use fo ketch his ass in dem days too.

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Oh rass, all of a sudden a lil mo' Horizontal Bop, Food and Thought gon take Iman to my grave, yesssssssss!!! TAKE ME...Cummm TAKE MEEEeeeee.

Shally, next time dem hip start fi stick on you, try some WD40 then a lil bit silicone spray. My neigba fren does use it.

Dah business about how yo voice finally start getting deep at 56. Banna, Leh me tell you yeh...dat is a long time rass..for be wearing yo bukta too tight. I glad you ketch sense and right size finally.

Dah one about gravity pull yo rass down on your driveway sound lil so like I know a banna back in GT we called Goosh Pragalag..his bicycle would take him home drunk every night, good ting the bike knew where he lived. Gravity use fo ketch his ass in dem days too.

And.FU 2, sugah!


I've told you mfkers how to counteract the effects of gravity long ago but you prefer to mock in your false sense of knowing it all! But go see.Matthew 13: 57! Fk U all, you believers in what people in the developed countries would have you believe! I never believed, until now, how many stupid people of all races there were on earth! Covid19, 20, or any other, good! Makes fertilizer of fools! Including doctors with their stupid masks!

@Former Member posted:

I've told you mfkers how to counteract the effects of gravity long ago but you prefer to mock in your false sense of knowing it all! But go see.Matthew 13: 57! Fk U all, you believers in what people in the developed countries would have you believe! I never believed, until now, how many stupid people of all races there were on earth! Covid19, 20, or any other, good! Makes fertilizer of fools! Including doctors with their stupid masks!

Ow man, why you getting vex? Iz nah you tell we dat gravity mek de sidewalk put one cuff in yuh face?

When yuh finally tek off dat aluminum tinfoil hat yuh seeds fall out bup bup and yuh hit puberty. Deep voice and all. Even de Jinn get turn on. Suh why yuh complaining about gravity?

Last edited by Former Member

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