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In less than two year some 9 mega companies invested in Guyana under Hoyte:


Placer Dome - Canadian and three other large Canadian companies;


Home stake - USA and two other American companies;


and of course 1 mega Australian company.


Who came under Bharat -  FIP motilal, CGX, Chinee No. 1 who con us at skeldon, then chinee no. 2, 3 and four who is about to con us three time more.

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Skelly I understand how you all feel.  15 year of jagdeo and Guyana is now on the borderline of the Caribbean.


Progress Never with these Jagabats.

Guyana continues to progress under the PPP since 1992. Give the kudos to the PPP. The PPP will continue to rule Guyana for the foreseeable future.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Skelly I understand how you all feel.  15 year of jagdeo and Guyana is now on the borderline of the Caribbean.


Progress Never with these Jagabats.

Guyana continues to progress under the PPP since 1992. Give the kudos to the PPP. The PPP will continue to rule Guyana for the foreseeable future.

Ayoo hear de soupatunist shart softie man a talk. He a defend he daily soup.


Donald will need to ditch the cognitive dissonance that built up from being the editor of a major global communist magazine. Don't know if he can re-socialize and change his world view. I don't think Donald goes to Club Tobago to socialize with Pavi and prostitutes. At least that is a step in the right direction...but boy he is very far off.  

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

Skelly I understand how you all feel.  15 year of jagdeo and Guyana is now on the borderline of the Caribbean.


Progress Never with these Jagabats.

Jagdeo did more than enough and still you're empty. That fit the phrase, "belly full and they still hungry".

I noticed that Abidha and Old boy cousee jump on the blog early early this morning and then run away.  Blows too much.  Licks like peas for these fools.


I teking a break, its Christmas time.  2013 here we come.


Tun Old boy Counsee, Merry Christmas you filthy animal.



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