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Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by raymond:

I will also like a crack...I bring experience to the position and I am fair and impartial...ask TI

Heheheh. Amral's mayor, Rob Forde likes crack. Raymond will use TI as a Reference ......about liking crack.

Ray....I do not know about the Crack....but I have no doubt you would be fair.

Originally Posted by Amral:
If you guys are in support of Ray moderating i am willing to give him a run. Any others want to toss their hat in let us know

* Raymond is a mature and level headed poster.


* If he is serious about accepting the admin responsibility I'll definitely support him.


* yuji is away on sabbatical, but I will also recommend him as admin.


* Raymond and yuji would be an awesome combination---for example, when ray bans the Rev for using the phrase COFFEE LOVER----yuji will immediately unban him.hahahahaha


* Seriously, I support ray as admin.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by raymond:
Originally Posted by Amral:
If you guys are in support of Ray moderating i am willing to give him a run. Any others want to toss their hat in let us know

saddled with such responsibility may lift the quality of my's happening already

We have no objection to Raymond.....

THANKS.....Good Choice....Congrats Raymond.

We support Amral's choice on GNI.....Look how easy and transparent  this was done... PPP can take a leaf from GNI and call Local Govt Elections now.


Yuji22 is not fit or Qualified for this post...

WE will not make the same mistake like was done last August at Port Mourant and Promote Kwame.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:


yuji22 is not fit or Qualified for this post...




* Just like Raymond is a decent, mature and intelligent poster, the same can be said for yuji.


* amral should appoint 2 admins to replace him.


* ray is a PNC/AFC supporter; yuji is a PPP supporter.


* The Rev strongly supports both ray and yuji as new admin.


* But if I had to choose just one---since ray already expressed his desire for the position---Rev will support ray.




PS. rev already kissing up to




Amral, you need a person who shows a degree of neutrality and fairness to be a moderator on the political forum. A person who can warn members to refrain from breaking to rules before closing a thread or to render other sanctions against them. You need a person who can encourage members to join GNI rather than running them out. He/she has to preach what he/she intended other to practice. A little of these qualities will make a good moderator.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Amral, you need a person who shows a degree of neutrality and fairness to be a moderator on the political forum. A person who can warn members to refrain from breaking to rules before closing a thread or to render other sanctions against them. You need a person who can encourage members to join GNI rather than running them out. He/she has to preach what he/she intended other to practice. A little of these qualities will make a good moderator.

* Raymond is already salivating about banning the Rev for calling he and his fellow PNC/AFC supporters CUFFY LOVERS.


* Power has gotten to Raymond's head already---he has already warned the Rev.


* If amral gives a PNC LOVER like ray the admin title---he must balance things out by naming a PPP supporter like yuji admin.





Originally Posted by Cobra:

Amral, you need a person who shows a degree of neutrality and fairness to be a moderator on the political forum. A person who can warn members to refrain from breaking to rules before closing a thread or to render other sanctions against them. You need a person who can encourage members to join GNI rather than running them out. He/she has to preach what he/she intended other to practice. A little of these qualities will make a good moderator.

Amral, like Cobra wants the job.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Amral, you need a person who shows a degree of neutrality and fairness to be a moderator on the political forum. A person who can warn members to refrain from breaking to rules before closing a thread or to render other sanctions against them. You need a person who can encourage members to join GNI rather than running them out. He/she has to preach what he/she intended other to practice. A little of these qualities will make a good moderator.

Amral, like Cobra wants the job. I get competition

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Amral, you need a person who can encourage members to join GNI rather than running them out. He/she has to preach what he/she intended other to practice. A little of these qualities will make a good moderator.




* Stop talking and apply for the damn job.


* I like your what you are saying.


* Raymond has already threatened to ban the Rev.


* Give a man(ray) power-----you know the rest.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Amral, you need a person who can encourage members to join GNI rather than running them out. He/she has to preach what he/she intended other to practice. A little of these qualities will make a good moderator.




* Stop talking and apply for the damn job.


* I like your what you are saying.


* Raymond has already threatened to ban the Rev.


* Give a man(ray) power-----you know the rest.



Cobra setting up a PAC

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by raymond:

Cobra setting up a PAC

If that is true--you are DOOMED.



Guys, a moderator would never be fair enough for everyone. I've been here long enough to understand that. I never protested a moderator's decision, and I don't intend to. However, I don't want the job period. I have enough running with folks from both sides of the political isle since I started to focus on the people of Guyana and going against the political elites. I am an independent person who reserve the right to speak for or against any party whenever I see fit. So, here you have it in a nutshell. 


I believe Conscience or Demerara Guy would make excellent moderators, they keep their composure despite members of the afc/pnc contingent hurling insults. I have come to admire their composure over the years as I too sunk to the level of the gutter rats when attacked.


Danyel would not make a good moderator as he has time and time again shown his nastiness by posting personal picture of people and insulting their family, he belongs in the graveyard. 


As for raymond, he is a coward as he caves in to the cuffies.


Cain, well I don't have to mention, we all know about the white stuff.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I believe Conscience or Demerara Guy would make excellent moderators, they keep their composure despite members of the afc/pnc contingent hurling insults. I have come to admire their composure over the years as I too sunk to the level of the gutter rats when attacked.


Danyel would not make a good moderator as he has time and time again shown his nastiness by posting personal picture of people and insulting their family, he belongs in the graveyard. 


As for raymond, he is a coward as he caves in to the cuffies.


Cain, well I don't have to mention, we all know about the white stuff.



No, we all do not know about the white stuff, pray tell, you must have white stuff on your mind....


and your nose....



and your lips.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

I believe Conscience or Demerara Guy would make excellent moderators, they keep their composure despite members of the afc/pnc contingent hurling insults. I have come to admire their composure over the years as I too sunk to the level of the gutter rats when attacked.


Danyel would not make a good moderator as he has time and time again shown his nastiness by posting personal picture of people and insulting their family, he belongs in the graveyard. 


As for raymond, he is a coward as he caves in to the cuffies.


Cain, well I don't have to mention, we all know about the white stuff.


We have no objection to Raymond.....


We support Amral's choice on GNI......


Dem_Guy, Coinscience or BGurd_Seed  

are all not fit or Qualified for this post...

WE will not make the same mistake

like was done last August at Port Mourant .....

when the PPP Promote Kwame....a Pervert


Look the PPP made mistakes and

now the PPP & Govt is screaming

it is time to stop recruiting perverts

(Rohee is not afraid to call them out.....

B@tty Boys, Fa@@ots & Auntym@n 

who Love, promote or Practice Bu@@ery).


Mr Administrator,

Sir, I know some Funny Fellas

will say I am being Vulgar....


all I am doing is repeating warnings from

the General Secretary of the PPP

and the Minister of Home Affairs.....


and Rohee made this warning a few minutes ago...

after assessing the situation in the PPP & De Govt




Lets not make the same mistake the PPP made

which cause them to lose support and popularity.


THANKS.....Good Decision by Rohee....

So far the only person we have no Objection to is Raymond.

Long Live GNI

Mr Admin Ignore the few Funny Fellas

who saying this is the end of GNI...

GNI now is stronger ....and Growing.

Last edited by Former Member

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