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Former Member
Darchiville tells why he quit AFCPDFPrintE-mail
Written by Rajendra Prabhulall   
Monday, 05 March 2012 23:21

Source - Guyana Chronicle Online

FORMER Alliance for Change (AFC) Member of the Region Two (Pomeroon/Supenaam) Regional Democratic Council (RDC), Mr. Francis Darchiville has resigned from that party. Formerly a strong and faithful supporter, he tendered his letter of resignation last January 20, addressed to AFC Chairman, Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan and Party Leader, Mr. Raphael Trotman.

Darchiville, who is well known and was in the National Executive of the AFC, as well, said he has severed all political links with the party.

He said his resignation was because he was not invited to a very important meeting in January, when councillors were selected to represent the party in Administrative Regions where it won seats at the RDC level.

Darchiville said he decided to quit also in disagreement with most of the decisions made at the party’s political spectrum.

According to him, the appointment of councillors to RDCs should be based on loyalty, respect, credibility and merit; not selected through close connection to the leadership of the AFC.

He also said that members who have given of their time, loyalty and means for six years should not be sidelined for newcomers.

Darchiville, who also served as Chairman of the AFC Re-Election Committee for 2011, sincerely thanked the leadership and National Executive of the party for their patience, tolerance, understanding and friendship during the past five-plus years of his affiliation with the grouping.

His resignation from the AFC will certainly weaken the hold of the party in Region Two and push supporters away from the base, as Darchiville was a key figure and backed the party financially, as well, never expecting any remuneration.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Nehru:

HAHAHA I does tell Al YUh Bannas IS SNAKEOIL till yuh DEAD. All the talk about Democracy and Fairness is just a Lump of SHIT!!! SHAMELESS POlitical PROSTITUTES!!!

Berbicians who drank the AFC snake oil is now looking for someone to remove the poison. AFC dictators are now acting like big brother PNC. Beware of the AFC and their snake oil dictatorship.


Kick them out of Berbice or you will regret for generations to come. Moses is the biggest traitor in the AFC.


Gerhard is also being used by the AFC. He is a decent man but drank too much AFC snake oil.


AFC executive quits party



National Executive member and former Regional Councillor, Francis Darchiville, has tendered his resignation from the leadership of the Alliance For Change. His resignation became effective on January 20, last.

Darchiville’s decision to sever all political ties with the party, he stated, has to do principally with some of the most critical decisions made within the leadership of the party. Darchiville said that he was, β€œfor some reason” not made aware of any.


Francis Darchiville


The very vocal Darchiville added that while his primary decision has nothing to do with any personal grievance with the leadership of the party, his decision, however, has to do with the recent appointment of Regional Councillors.

Darchiville said the appointment of councillors should have been based on intellect, creditability, loyalty, hard work and respect in the community in which that councillor would have functioned, and not because the councilor is connected, or because the leadership wants to project a racial balance. β€œI personally do not feel that people who have given of their time, loyalty and means for the past six years, should be sidelined just to accommodate people who are newcomers.”

Darchiville added that another of his decisions has to do with his ill health. Mr. Darchiville, a remigrant, served as a National Executive Member and also in the capacity as a Regional councillor for the past five years.


Darchiville’s decision to sever all political ties with the party, he stated, has to do principally with some of the most critical decisions made within the leadership of the party.


Darchiville said that he was, β€œfor some reason” not made aware of any.


Francis Darchiville


AFC executive quits party


Of note.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Darchiville’s decision to sever all political ties with the party, he stated, has to do principally with some of the most critical decisions made within the leadership of the party.


Darchiville said that he was, β€œfor some reason” not made aware of any.


Francis Darchiville


AFC executive quits party


Of note.

AFC members are trying to do damage control but they have egg all over their faces. Now this and then the police accounted for the 90 million.


Really, rotten egg on the faces of snake oil AFC.


What next ?


Nandlall’s motion is seeking the following:

(i) A declaration that all Standing Committees and Special Select Committees of the National Assembly of the 10th Parliament of Guyana are to be constituted in proportion to the number of seats which each political party was allocated in the said National Assembly based upon the results of the National and General Elections held on November 28th, 2011, and in accordance with the provisions of Articles 60 and 160 of the Constitution of Guyana and the provisions of the Elections Laws (Amendment) Act No. 15 of 2000.

(ii) A declaration that the composition of the Committee of Selection of the 10th Parliament of Guyana which was done by an election of voting from the floor of the National Assembly on 10th day of February, 2012 and by which the said Committee was thereby composed as follows:

People’s Progressive Party/Civic – 4 members

A Partnership For National Unity – 4 members

Alliance for Change – 1 member

is in violation of the principle of proportionality as contemplated by Articles 60 and 160, of the Constitution and the provisions of the Elections Laws (Amendment) Act No. 15 of 2000 and accordingly, unconstitutional, unlawful, null, void and of no effect.

(iii) An Order setting aside, revoking, cancelling or annulling the composition of the said Committee of Selection on the ground that it is violative of Articles 60 and 160 of the Constitution of Guyana and in breach of the provisions of the Election Laws (Amendment) Act No. 15 of 2000.

(iv) An Order directing the Respondents jointly and severally by themselves, their servants/agents and each and every member who has been or maybe extracted from their respective lists of candidates to constitute all Standing Committees and Sessional Select Committees and every other Committees of the 10th Parliament whose composition are not expressly set out in the Constitution, with due regard to and in compliance with the principle of proportionality as contemplated by the letter and spirit of Articles 60 and 160 of the Constitution of Guyana and the provisions of Election Laws (Amendment) Act No. 15 of 2000.

(v) Costs.

(vi) Such further and/or other reliefs as the Court deems just in the circumstance.

The matter is fixed for hearing on March 16, 2012 before Chief Justice Ian Chang.


Excerpts from Stabroeknews


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