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The coalition consists of people like Rumjaat and Nagga, they are not the Forces. The Dark Forces is the Blackman side of the APNU/AFC how much clearer can one be.  The Dark Forces of the PNC that are using Burnham's Manifesto stained with Indo Blood.

If by manifesto you mean the constitution why didn't the PPP change it?


The Americans are the conspirators integrated in the intelligence and fooling all of us and the entire internet and media are controlled by them. The entire education system is meant to maintain control of the freedom of feelings and decisions. They don't want the Indians to have control of Guyana because we Indians have a high level of integrity and that is a threat to the Jews. They are using the power of the schizophrenic's mental illness as a physical mental illness to control people and the man made. This is done with the medication taken by me and others with mental illness. The only thing I can do is use my paranoia like a weapon to stop these bastards. I am afraid that the aliens are the victims.

Ronald Anthony Arjune

The Antichrist wants to eradicate the human race and the best way to do that is to treat us like a disease. The economy can be considered a virus because of the distribution of money and the computers can understand the structure financially. With a cure for covid 19, covid 19 can be used as a disease to control other diseases because the chemistry can be understood and a plan of attack on the  human race can be implemented logically because the computers will be able to see a definite geometry of data. Depending on who controls covid 19 will control who gets eradicated. The internet is structured like a virus and I hope that is not a target. So furthermore we can describe the enemy as a disease like the flu or cancer or, even mental illness...

Ronald Anthony Arjune

Mouth open, story jump out. After all these years, DJ finally admitted he is part of the PNC. He said in response to Gil on this thread, that he is on the faction of the pnc that is β€œdecent and fair minded ...” finally, that is decency and honesty. Lol

If you pay attention to my post ,from 2006 my support ended for the PPP ,because of their kleptocracy.

In 2015 my support was for the Coalition ,hence support for the decent and fair minded members of the PNC.There are differences between part and support ,you are knowledgeable to differentiate.

At the least ,i can declare while your support hidden in the closet.

Last edited by Django

Django, you were not honest with a reply sometime last month .... . when you came out in support of the "Coalition" and I asked which party of the coalition, as it consist of 7 parties, your response its the coalition and I put lol. What kept you in the closet Django.

Now you said the decent I saw ACDA calling for a recount also .  


Django, you were not honest with a reply sometime last month .... . when you came out in support of the "Coalition" and I asked which party of the coalition, as it consist of 7 parties, your response its the coalition and I put lol. What kept you in the closet Django.

Now you said the decent I saw ACDA calling for a recount also . 

What do mean not honest ?  don't you read my post ? by the way  i am not a card carrying member of any political party or doling out any dough.

There are decent people in both of the major political parties ,few bad eggs don't spoil the whole basket.

Well that's good the ACDA calling for recount, the Court will decide today.




(a) Respect for citizens’ rights to seek redress in the courts of law on any related electoral issue;

(b) A verified recount of all electoral districts as legally permitted under the Constitution, under the supervision of CARICOM in chronological order from one to ten, ACDA expects the African community and our political leadership to accept the results of a recount and will call on them to do so if necessary;

(c) In keeping with our stated historical position since 1998, we reiterate our demand that whichever party wins that it forms a government of national unity for an agreed period with a clear mandate to complete constitutional reform for shared governance with a view to enabling the country to achieve social cohesion and ending the "winner take all" governance system.

(d) ACDA is of the view that no one should be elated about sanctions or the threat of sanctions being imposed on Guyana since all investments in Guyana will be at risk and those with the greatest amounts of investment are likely to lose the most.

ACDA reiterates its call for all Guyanese to remain calm and not allow political leaders, activists or detractors to divert our attention from maintaining a unified stance against disruptive behavior in the common interest of all Guyanese.

9 Thomas Road, Thomas Lands


Stop clutching at straws for excuses.

No its not Democratic to cheat in election,( that's exactly what the PNC is doing) and that's is why I asked if you support Democracy, to see if you have a mind of your own...but you do not have a opinion of yourself and here is why. 

You support  Granger to a total recount  ...remember how you jump up. A candidate from APNU then file an injunction to stop the recount, and you went quiet ..rite. The Judge has a conflict of interest in this case and should have redawn.. I posted pictures to show his alliance. Besides, he is a commercial judge and is not suppose to listen to this case as per Anil and other qualified lawyers.... you mentioned in another post of waiting on court decision.. so what side of the fence you stand.

You speak of election within 3 months after the NCM in 2018... you then swing your pendulum after Basil Williams say 32 is greater than 33.

So you Mr Django have no self respect and cannot decide for yourself ... see what I am saying.


Who is the outsiders to interfere with electoral process.

APNU/ AFC brought in a campaign firm in 2015 from New York and Jamaica to assist them in the election. I posted a article about Mercury... its no secrete. THEY WERE NOT INTERFERING. And how can they interfer with a manual system. And GECOM is control by APNU.... arent you running out of excuses.

Read here Django.. explain below ...heh heh 


Chairman of the Alliance For Change (AFC), Khemraj Ramjattan has defended his party’s decision to have hired a United States (US)-based company that said it targeted undecided voters and helped secure a victory for the governing APNU+AFC coalition, even as he said it would not be the same as the opposition’s plan to peddle fake news and disinformation in the lead-up to the next general elections.

He insisted that the AFC’s campaign was not the same as would be the PPP’s through the US company, Mercury Public Affairs, that has been hired at a cost of GYD$34 million.

Ramjattan at first denied  knowing the name of the company but, when told it was El Toro IP Targeting, stopped short of conceding that an American firm might have been used. β€œI don’t know anything about El Toro…I don’t know whether El Torro was the firm used but in any event we did not (in) any event do that which is being complained by doing the personalised ads as Mercury, we understand, will be doing and El Toro would not be doing the mischief they have asked Mercury to do for them,” he told Demerara Waves Online News.

Ramjattan, who was the AFC’s Leader in 2015, denied knowing the companies that had been used by his party. β€œI am wholly unaware of what were the firms employed at the last elections but it could not have been… I am absolutely certain that we would not indulge in all kinds of news-feed that are not going to be repeating themselves on Facebook and a set of rascality and racial ads and all of that,” he said.

El Toro has not made it a secret that it helped the Granger-led coalition of A Partnership for National Unity+ Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) win the 2015 general elections by sending messages directly to youths in Guyana via social media based on their Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. In fact, an internal correspondence from the President and Chief Executive Officer of El Toro told associates that, among other things, β€œ60% of the audience is under the age of 34, which is spot-on for our expected demography.”

The Public Security Minister has already indicated that the governing coalition would ask Facebook to block messages about Guyana’s elections from Mercury Public Affairs because that would amount to the rigging of the polls through inaccurate information.

Ramjattan reiterated that the PPP’s plans to drive a social media campaign would be β€œdangerous for our democracy” and would deprive the ruling coalition of the right of reply because the advertisements would disappear. Claiming that Mercury Public Affairs was associated with Cambridge Analytica in US President Donald Trump’s campaign, he said that company planned to target β€œpersuadables” 

AFC’s US campaign firm can’t be compared to PPP’s disinformation plan – Ramjattan


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