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Former Member

David Granger: A Freudian analysis

Kaieteur News – This analysis was in the pipeline shortly after I did a Freudian assessment of the mind of Charrandass Persaud, thus it was not determined by the leave of absence Mr. Granger has taken from the PNC. But one can argue that it is too early to see his leave as a sign of eventual exit and that the move could be in keeping with the Freudian shape of his mind.

Political parties in this country have produced some of the most intriguing Machiavellian machinations when compared to other countries. No one believed that Hamilton Green would have been expelled from the PNC, a new face in the PPP – Bharrat Jagdeo – would have succeeded Cheddi Jagan and Mrs. Jagan, the WPA would have teamed up with the PNC, the AFC would have subsumed itself under the PNC. So we have to wait and see if Granger is not planning a Burnhamite strategy. I would urge analysts not to jump to conclusion too early.

It is misanalysis to argue that Granger was the particular, singular factor in the electoral defeat of the APNU+AFC coalition. That is extreme intellectual mediocrity or compulsive moral nastiness. Bharrat Jagdeo given his long experience in government knew that in power after 2015 the PNC had not changed, the WPA had become PNC backers, and that the AFC had just gone to the rubbish heap.

Thus he knew that the PPP had a chance given Guyana’s demographic reality. The PPP then set about to organise an election defeat of its opponents and it did. Once you understood Guyanese politics, you knew the PNC would either have lost or run in with a minority government. African Guyanese should by now know their party legally lost.

The mind of Granger played a huge part in the ouster in March 2020. He brought Freudian yearnings to the surface that could not have survived in 2015. Mr. Granger is essentially a Burnhamite. He has been a solid and emotional embracer in what Mr. Burnham believed in. When the PPP became a minority government in 2011, he understood that the configuration of social forces in Guyana would not have allowed him to display his Freudian mind. So he continued the Freudian sublimation which was natural. This Freudian repression was also nurtured in Granger by Raphael Trotman and Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine.

It was Trotman who revealed the “Nassau plan.” This was an idea Trotman and Granger birthed at the airport in the Bahamas. Our incompetent journalists have never possessed the commonsense to ask both men what is the Nassau Plan.

Helping to nurture Granger’s Freudian desires was Roopnaraine whose invisible closeness to Granger was unknown to Guyanese. I am convinced that it was Roopnaraine who suggested to Corbin that Granger should succeed him, Corbin. There is an entire period of sordid secrecy of Roopnaraine’s politics that must be researched.

So what are these Freudian imprints of Granger that eventually came to the surface, were applied in 2015 onwards, and helped to destroy the PNC’s staying power in government? Granger adopted Burnham’s blueprint for Guyana. One is African entitlement. Burnham accepted that the descendants of slavery should inherit Guyana.

Secondly, if African Guyanese are to be empowered, then electoral politics would be a barricade because there is an Indian majority in Guyana. Thirdly, the route of empowerment of Africans is through state hegemony and domination of society through the party of African Guyanese – the PNC. The culture of Guyana should become one-dimensional so as to elevate cultural motifs of African civilisation. Fourthly, possession of political power must not have plural features because it is through power that the blueprint would be a reality.

A caveat is in order. I don’t think Mr. Burnham intended to harm other ethnic groups and psychologically was racist. His intention was not to repress them but just to have the space to implement his theoretical framework of African hegemony. It could not have happened because a majority of Guyanese opposed and hated Burnham.

When Granger came into power, he set about resuscitating the “Burnham dream.” But the Burnham dream was appropriate for a certain epoch. The zeitgeist of the 1970s – the hippie counter-culture; the passion against the Vietnam War; Jaganite pacifism; Cuba’s protection of Burnham; Third World’s encouragement of Burnham; CARICOM’s closeness to Burnham; the demise of Indian capitalism in Guyana; that made Burnham’s totalitarianism possible were dead and gone.

Granger simply could not resurrect Burnhamism in the 21st century. In trying to do so, he encountered enormous opposition from a society in 2015 that had changed beyond recognition from the 1970s. With half of the population being under 18 and an energetic, aggressive PPP, Granger’s grandiose Burnhamite plan was fated to die.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

FREDDIE: "A caveat is in order. I don’t think Mr. Burnham intended to harm other ethnic groups and psychologically was racist. His intention was not to repress them but just to have the space to implement his theoretical framework of African hegemony. It could not have happened because a majority of Guyanese opposed and hated Burnham."

But by today standard dat is racist. That is a good column by Freddie...otherwise. Dem one lovers from WPA and PNC does talk about systemic marginalisation.


Guyana politics have always been racial dominance ,Burnham party held on to power from 1964 backed by the US to keep Jagan party out from the seat of government .

Free and Fair election came in 1992 ,Jagan party came to power another period dominance until 2015 ,Coalition Government came to power ,which was best suited for Governance of the country ,the rest is still in memory of events that took place from 2015.

@Former Member posted:

freddie psychoanalyzing people. hahahahahahahaha   someone needs to psychoanalyze he, me nominate dr totaram

Perhaps he should look in the mirror and analyze his psycho. From google,

Freud's theory is not a scientific theory, because it is not empirically testable (Karl Popper), that his research methodology is deeply misconstrued (Adolf Gr€unbaum), and that psychodynamic therapy is at best completely ineffective and at worst dangerous for people suffering from a mental crisis.

@Mitwah posted:

Perhaps he should look in the mirror and analyze his psycho. From google,

Freud's theory is not a scientific theory, because it is not empirically testable (Karl Popper), that his research methodology is deeply misconstrued (Adolf Gr€unbaum), and that psychodynamic therapy is at best completely ineffective and at worst dangerous for people suffering from a mental crisis.

Sure. What yuh seh is accurate. Freddie might have de wrong methodology...but he right about the view of Grangerite PNC. Dem dat do believe in some higher right because dem ancestors come first and suffer more. If yuh want empirical fact here:


I tell Spugum he cyan use he privilege and go to Freedom house. As a blac man dem would open dem arm to him. Wan regular Indo doan have dat coolie privilege De only Indos PPP does butter up is frens and family. Spugum could be de next Lumumba . PNC done mek policy clear. Only PNC cyan get wuk

@Former Member posted:

FREDDIE: "A caveat is in order. I don’t think Mr. Burnham intended to harm other ethnic groups and psychologically was racist. His intention was not to repress them but just to have the space to implement his theoretical framework of African hegemony. It could not have happened because a majority of Guyanese opposed and hated Burnham."

So Forbes, who was with Cheddi and other Indians fighting the British, who was Cheddi's lawyer, who had a following of Indians, got up one day and decided he wanted a "theoretical framework of African hegemony".

Did you and yuh fren Freddie ever ask yourselves why? Why did Forbes suddenly decide that he was going to look out for black people?

Think appan jaat had anything to do with it? Think the massive amounts of RACIST Indians surrounding Cheddie bothered him? Think he noticed that Indians outnumbered Africans significantly and a significant majority of those Indians were racist? Could it be that Forbes paid attention to the moves and intentions behind the BGEIA? Did all of the above move him toward forming some form of protection for black people in a land which they built?

Tell yuh LOSER fren who has contributed NOTHING to Guyana other than writing shit for decades that a significant part of psychological analysis goes to the reason why people do things. Is it parents, circumstances, etc. Froggy the FRAUD left that out.

But since you suh brite and you and he is fren, maybe you could answer the above. And don't beat around the bush about aloo, cane juice, buck crab and all that shit.

@Former Member posted:

Sure. What yuh seh is accurate. Freddie might have de wrong methodology...but he right about the view of Grangerite PNC. Dem dat do believe in some higher right because dem ancestors come first and suffer more. If yuh want empirical fact here:

i asked you many times to source the numbers and you haven't

anyway, to argue the numbers show evidence of mass employment of blacks because of some "right" is pure nonsense and an attempt at propaganda. the increased numbers were explained

a series of investigations into government ministries and agencies followed the apnu-afc's coming to power. they uncovered waste, massive corruption and mismanagement in these ministries and agencies. one of the things they did to address some of these issues was to move work that was otherwise contracted out in-house

they presented their case and argued it saved money and improved services - this would go a very long way to explain the increased staffing. i suggest you have a look at dr van west charles' presentation on gwi, for example, instead of misrepresenting what the figures mean

the same is true for gpl

what your boys are actually doing is reverting to the old system of contracting out some functions of the various ministries and agencies to their people. it will give the appearance of reduced staff numbers at ministries when it fact this is false and allows the corruption and teefing to resume

@Former Member posted:

So Forbes, who was with Cheddi and other Indians fighting the British, who was Cheddi's lawyer, who had a following of Indians, got up one day and decided he wanted a "theoretical framework of African hegemony".

Meh doan know if Forbes wake up and after tekkin he coffee and white man breakfast, seh let me go marginalise some Indos.

What we do know is party paramountcy did what Freddie said. It was a hegemonic system and Indos was at de bottom.

@Spugum posted:

i asked you many times to source the numbers and you haven't

anyway, to argue the numbers show evidence of mass employment of blacks because of some "right" is pure nonsense and an attempt at propaganda. the increased numbers were explained

what your boys are actually doing is reverting to the old system of contracting out some functions of the various ministries and agencies to their people. it will give the appearance of reduced staff numbers at ministries when it fact this is false and allows the corruption and teefing to resume

Bai dem numbers com from de newspapers/Stabroek News. So dem was hiring all de displaced sugar workers? That was why ee increase so much? Lol!

Sure...doan doubt that PPP is contracting out wuk. That is piefing for dem supporters.

@Former Member posted:

Meh doan know if Forbes wake up and after tekkin he coffee and white man breakfast, seh let me go marginalise some Indos.

What we do know is party paramountcy did what Freddie said. It was a hegemonic system and Indos was at de bottom.

To be fair, it wasn't ALL Indians at the bottom. There was the privileged class of Indians, some of whom frequent this site and backdam, that were PNC hacks and contributed significantly to the suppression of their own peeps.

You skirted around the reason for the hegemony. There was a reason that gave rise to the African hegemony and I posit that it was the overt anti black racism by Indians. And you know it too.

@Former Member posted:

Bai dem numbers com from de newspapers/Stabroek News. So dem was hiring all de displaced sugar workers? That was why ee increase so much? Lol!

Sure...doan doubt that PPP is contracting out wuk. That is piefing for dem supporters.

ppp had 23 years of fun. suh wuh if blackman get lil wuk?

we hear ppp got nuff nuff supporters in region 4. the lower east coast is dem own judging from the 47 ballot boxes. suh plenty ppp supporters get wuk...doing water testing, reading meter an suh

but the teefing crew don't want too much crumbs fall from the table suh they send home fuh no reason other than to be spiteful

yuh talking bout me avoiding thread but yuh was a no show pon the GHK Lall thread. yuh blasted hypocrite!

@guana: not sure if you saw that thread? i might have to pull it up again for snowflake


Last edited by Spugum
@Spugum posted:

ppp had 23 years of fun. suh wuh if blackman get lil wuk?

we hear ppp got nuff nuff supporters in region 4. the lower east coast is dem own judging from the 47 ballot boxes. suh plenty ppp supporters get wuk...doing water testing, reading meter an suh

but the teefing crew don't want too much crumbs fall from the table suh they send home fuh no reason other than to be spiteful

yuh talking bout me avoiding thread but yuh was a no show pon the GHK Lall thread. yuh blasted hypocrite!

@guana: not sure if you saw that thread? i might have to pull it up again for snowflake


Yeah bai...dat is de way to do it. PNC had 28 + 5 and PPP 23+ 1.

@Former Member posted:

To be fair, it wasn't ALL Indians at the bottom. There was the privileged class of Indians, some of whom frequent this site and backdam, that were PNC hacks and contributed significantly to the suppression of their own peeps.

You skirted around the reason for the hegemony. There was a reason that gave rise to the African hegemony and I posit that it was the overt anti black racism by Indians. And you know it too.

Of course, yuh have to purchase and buy the perception of fairness. Burnham and Jagdoe understand that very well.

@Former Member posted:

To be fair, it wasn't ALL Indians at the bottom. There was the privileged class of Indians, some of whom frequent this site and backdam, that were PNC hacks and contributed significantly to the suppression of their own peeps.

You skirted around the reason for the hegemony. There was a reason that gave rise to the African hegemony and I posit that it was the overt anti black racism by Indians. And you know it too.

So the reason for the African hegemony is justified because of indian racism? Did it matter to you that this hegemony cause Guyana to become the shithole of the Caribbean? Trinidad and Surinam has similar makeup with coolies migrants that dropped off by the same boats from India, what makes their anti blacks racism don’t deserve African hegemony?

If Guyana coolies is so anti blacks, how do you explain they voted against their PPP in 2011 to make them minority government and voted them out in 2015?

Y’all need to come to the realization that the reason that countries like Trinidad and Surinam are better off than Guyana is because of what they didn’t have, a racist dictatorship PNC and supporters who would support - the disenfranchising of the people, bullism, rigging and whatever it takes to stay in power….

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

So the reason for the African hegemony is justified because of indian racism? Did it matter to you that this hegemony cause Guyana to become the shithole of the Caribbean? Trinidad and Surinam has similar makeup with coolies migrants that dropped off by the same boats from India, what makes their anti blacks racism don’t deserve African hegemony?

If Guyana coolies is so anti blacks, how do you explain they voted against their PPP in 2011 to make them minority government and voted them out in 2015?

Y’all need to come to the realization that the reason that countries like Trinidad and Surinam are better off than Guyana is because of what they didn’t have, a racist dictatorship PNC and supporters who would support - the disenfranchising of the people, bullism, rigging and whatever it takes to stay in power….

Sachin, you sound like Jagdeo. Did freedumb house give you this piece of racist shit to post?

The PPP rigged that last election. This was happening since under Gocool.

@Mitwah posted:

Sachin, you sound like Jagdeo. Did freedumb house give you this piece of racist shit to post?

The PPP rigged that last election. This was happening since under Gocool.

look at all the grammatical errors   

Last edited by Former Member
@Mitwah posted:

Sachin, you sound like Jagdeo. Did freedumb house give you this piece of racist shit to post?

The PPP rigged that last election. This was happening since under Gocool.

Who did the PPP use to rig in the last election, Mingo and Lolobai? [Hahahahaha maniacal laughter]

Last edited by sachin_05
@Former Member posted:

look at all the grammatical errors   

Oh rass, we gat wan other professor, dis wan specializes in gramarology ..a wanda if he does suffer from brain fart wah nah gat cure hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Last edited by sachin_05
@sachin_05 posted:

Who did the PPP use to rig in the last election, Mingo and Lolobai? [Hahahahaha maniacal laughter]

Why do you think they don't house to house registration? Why am I and many other like me and even the dead are still on the voter's list?

The PPP likes to cry wolf.

@sachin_05 posted:

So the reason for the African hegemony is justified because of indian racism? Did it matter to you that this hegemony cause Guyana to become the shithole of the Caribbean? Trinidad and Surinam has similar makeup with coolies migrants that dropped off by the same boats from India, what makes their anti blacks racism don’t deserve African hegemony?

If Guyana coolies is so anti blacks, how do you explain they voted against their PPP in 2011 to make them minority government and voted them out in 2015?

Y’all need to come to the realization that the reason that countries like Trinidad and Surinam are better off than Guyana is because of what they didn’t have, a racist dictatorship PNC and supporters who would support - the disenfranchising of the people, bullism, rigging and whatever it takes to stay in power….

You have a tendency to not comprehend fully what is being said. Let me elaborate.

a. I am not "justifying" African Hegemony. I am pointing out that Indian racism gave rise to it. Indians conveniently forget that this so called "African Hegemony" is a response to the blatant and worse kind of racism emanating from a significant number of them. The rest of your ranting about Trinidad etc. are therefore irrelevant when my remarks are understood in their proper context.

b. There are Indians in Jamaica, the smaller islands etc. You do not see the so called "African Hegemony" there, do you? No, because those Indians did not actively seek to oppress black folks via tools like the BGEIA etc. Nor were there significant amounts of Indians to try such a thing. Note those Indians live peacefully in those societies.

c. SOME, not all, Indians voted against the PPP. Their reasons for some of them doing so were not just out of national concern for what was happening to the country, but personal grouses against the PPP. In other words, disappointment that they weren't allowed to be part of the soup drinkers. See Nagamootoo.

d. There were working class Indians who voted against the PPP. And how do the majority of Indians treat them for their expression of dissatisfaction with the PPP? Call them n..igga lovers? Cuss and insult them? It is this SAME behavior by these Indians that lead to this national divide.

e. No one is arguing for the PNC. The point is why this "PNC racism" existed in the first place. It is a response to the worse kind of racism practiced by a significant amount of Indians. You see it on these forums almost daily.

Walter Rodney was black and opposed Burnham. A socialist to the end, his black power movement included Indians. He had a multi ethnic position. Though they opposed Burnham and saw Walter as a tool to remove him, the black power movement was anathema to these Indians. They refused inclusion by their actions.

Not so in Jamaica and many other Caribbean nations where there is no conflict between Indians and Africans. Most Guyanese Indians are peculiar in how they see themselves and sign on to this notion of being racially superior to blacks. Any hint of association with blacks is an insult to them.

This racism that alyuh keep crying about is just as much on the back of the racist Indian. God help those Indians who seek racial unity. They are excoriated by a majority of Indians.

The way forward is for BOTH sides to admit there are racists among them and police their own. Former poster CARIBJ said so many times here. Did you see a significant amount of Indians side with him and agree to call out racist Indian posters here? NO. In fact they turned up the heat on him and cussed his black ass out, AND cussed the Indians who admitted to Indian racism.

Last edited by Former Member

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