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Originally Posted by Cobra:

Granger gets a warm and receptive welcome in RH. He's all smiles. 

And this is what he should do.  Meet every one.  Listen to every one. Share ideas with every one.  Develop ideas with every one.  Solicit the assistance of every one to implement the ideas that make sense.


This is what will make the PPP tremble.  Not some racially divisive attempt at a one sided apology!

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I gave the man credit and Granger can always come to Richmond Hill and have a good time. We are all Guyanese after all.

Cobra.  I understand.  Like all soup lickers your support is based on availability of soup.


In the remote event that Granger does win you want to ensure that you continue to have access to soup.


All good cobra!

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I gave the man credit and Granger can always come to Richmond Hill and have a good time. We are all Guyanese after all.

Cobra.  I understand.  Like all soup lickers your support is based on availability of soup.


In the remote event that Granger does win you want to ensure that you continue to have access to soup.


All good cobra!

Cobra need not waste his time then. A PNC win is far less possible than 'remote'

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I gave the man credit and Granger can always come to Richmond Hill and have a good time. We are all Guyanese after all.

Cobra.  I understand.  Like all soup lickers your support is based on availability of soup.


In the remote event that Granger does win you want to ensure that you continue to have access to soup.


All good cobra!

Not going to happen Caribny.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I gave the man credit and Granger can always come to Richmond Hill and have a good time. We are all Guyanese after all.

Cobra.  I understand.  Like all soup lickers your support is based on availability of soup.


In the remote event that Granger does win you want to ensure that you continue to have access to soup.


All good cobra!

Not going to happen Caribny.

Cobra knows that he needs soup so isn't going to take the chance like the two of you.


I mean who would have thought that the day would come when Granger could be warmly welcomed in RH when he isn't the president (yet)?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Cobra need not waste his time then. A PNC win is far less possible than 'remote'

You really think that PPP 42% APNU 44% is impossible?

Not when you factor in all those former PPP supporters who will 'go home' come next election. The AFC did not fulfill the vision most former PPP supporters expected. They squandered their chance.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Cobra need not waste his time then. A PNC win is far less possible than 'remote'

You really think that PPP 42% APNU 44% is impossible?

Not when you factor in all those former PPP supporters who will 'go home' come next election. The AFC did not fulfill the vision most former PPP supporters expected. They squandered their chance.

  Funny.  They flee the PPP and will go home to re elect them, and then board the first plane back to their new homes!  No wonder the Bajans are sick of PPP supporters and wish them OUT!


Why not let those forced to live in Guyana to elect the gov't of their choice, and then suffer the consequences of their vote if they fail to hold them accountable?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Granger gets a warm and receptive welcome in RH. He's all smiles. 

And this is what he should do.  Meet every one.  Listen to every one. Share ideas with every one.  Develop ideas with every one.  Solicit the assistance of every one to implement the ideas that make sense.


This is what will make the PPP tremble.  Not some racially divisive attempt at a one sided apology!

Apology not needed.  What's needed are substantive measures which prevent any future alliance between the Afro-dominated military and the PNC.  It's not about trust, love, apology, empty words, it's about substance over form.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Cobra need not waste his time then. A PNC win is far less possible than 'remote'

You really think that PPP 42% APNU 44% is impossible?

Not when you factor in all those former PPP supporters who will 'go home' come next election. The AFC did not fulfill the vision most former PPP supporters expected. They squandered their chance.

  Funny.  They flee the PPP and will go home to re elect them, and then board the first plane back to their new homes!  No wonder the Bajans are sick of PPP supporters and wish them OUT!


Why not let those forced to live in Guyana to elect the gov't of their choice, and then suffer the consequences of their vote if they fail to hold them accountable?

However you slice it you wouldn't win that race on race. But looks like that is how you prefer it.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Granger gets a warm and receptive welcome in RH. He's all smiles. 

And this is what he should do.  Meet every one.  Listen to every one. Share ideas with every one.  Develop ideas with every one.  Solicit the assistance of every one to implement the ideas that make sense.


This is what will make the PPP tremble.  Not some racially divisive attempt at a one sided apology!

Apology not needed.  What's needed are substantive measures which prevent any future alliance between the Afro-dominated military and the PNC.  It's not about trust, love, apology, empty words, it's about substance over form.

Unfortunately, given the PNC history and antics after the 2011 elections, this cannot be guaranteed.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Granger gets a warm and receptive welcome in RH. He's all smiles. 

And this is what he should do.  Meet every one.  Listen to every one. Share ideas with every one.  Develop ideas with every one.  Solicit the assistance of every one to implement the ideas that make sense.


This is what will make the PPP tremble.  Not some racially divisive attempt at a one sided apology!

Apology not needed.  What's needed are substantive measures which prevent any future alliance between the Afro-dominated military and the PNC.  It's not about trust, love, apology, empty words, it's about substance over form.

Unfortunately, given the PNC history and antics after the 2011 elections, this cannot be guaranteed.

My point.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

However you slice it you wouldn't win that race on race. But looks like that is how you prefer it.

But its OK for you if the PPP only wins because of race.  Even after many Indians either voted AFC or stayed home at least 80% of the votes that they got were from Indians.  Over 90% of the second largest bloc, blacks/mixed rejected them.


Do you think that this makes sense in a nation where Indians are less than 45% of the population? 


And I guess you approve of the PPP post 2011 tactics.  REJECTED by the population, but still ruling and refusing to vote for the opposition which collectively had MORE votes than they did.


51% did NOT vote PPP last election, so why does the PPP think that it can rule without consultation with the two parties which got 51% of the votes?


You can scream against APNU/AFC but they won 51% of the votes!  RESPECT THAT!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

I gave the man credit and Granger can always come to Richmond Hill and have a good time. We are all Guyanese after all.

Thanks for posting these photos, Cobra. You've done us a great service.

One picture speaks a thousand words. These pictures speak volumes. Thank goodness they don't reflect yuji's hallucinating tirades in his now disgraceful thread.

I'm not an APNU supporter. Right now I'm leaning towards the AFC to show solidarity with Moses, Khemraj, Gerhard, etc.

Guyana's official Opposition Leader David Granger has not only a right but also a duty to visit Guyanese in Richmond Hill and other locations in the US.

Whenever he decides to visit Toronto I'm sure most Guyanese here will be civil to him. We are a peaceful and friendly people; we don't mek no trouble.

Very Nice Pictures....It seems my friend TK did not make the Test Team for the Richmond Hill Test Tour... Maybe he is in the second eleven....... lets hope he is not ignored by the selectors..... because he can add a lot to the PNC at this Time..... It is just strange......No pictures or mention of the "Three Political Pedigree" who not so long ago seemed to be the Prize Catch of the PNC.
Originally Posted by Vish M:

TK was present at the Public Event

Vishnu it is a shame Granger and the PNC are not giving him the type of recognition he deserves.........Come on TK is no House of Israel Thug....he should be an asset to PNC and Granger......and I agree with JB apology from Granger do not mean a thing If they will continue to use people like TK and not recognize them.......Just look at the #7 & #8 picture in Brooklyn....yuh think the PNC or Granger in a "TK state of mind".
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

TK was present at the Public Event

So TK is now PNC?

How could you be such a Dunce......since when attending a Public Event means some one is a PNC
Now according to Baseboy.....there is no doubt .....PPP = PNC xxxxxxx xxxxxx

That banna live in Florida, it takes some commitment to go to NY.  Besides, the last pic I saw him posing with the Granger banna in GT.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Vish M:

TK was present at the Public Event

So TK is now PNC?

How could you be such a Dunce......since when attending a Public Event means some one is a PNC
Now according to Baseboy.....there is no doubt .....PPP = PNC xxxxxxx xxxxxx

That banna live in Florida, it takes some commitment to go to NY.  Besides, the last pic I saw him posing with the Granger banna in GT.

and Nandalal Mother-in-law live in Guyana.....Now explain how she getting caught everytime with "Coke-in-de-poke" in the USA.
You bragging and always reminding us about your Personal friends and Top Contacts in AFC, PNC and PPP.....and none of them ask you about "De Coke-in-de-poke Runnings and Business"

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