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Former Member

David Granger is PNC Leader. PNC is the dog that wags its APNU+AFC tail. A notorious PNC troublemaker named Carol Joseph effectively derailed transparent verification of Region 4 Statements of Poll at GECOM yesterday.

Late last night Returning Officer Clairmont Mingo declared highly questionable Region 4 general elections results showing that APNU+AFC won and beat the PPP/C overall, paving the way for David Granger's second term as President.

Virtually all the accredited local and international observers have denounced GECOM for its lack of transparency in the crucial verification process. From Volda Lawrence to Carol Joseph, PNC functionaries muddled and adulterated that process. Their nefarious behavior was reported in the press and social media.

PNC Leader David Granger never called off his PNC dogs/bitches. Yet with a  straight face Granger told CARICOM heads of government, Commonwealth Secretary General and ABCE diplomats that GECOM is an independent body and he had nothing to do with its operations. 

The buck stops with David Granger. He is to blame for the simultaneous tragedy and farce that happened in GECOM. His second term would be blighted by the consequences of PNC dirty doings in the 2020 general and regional elections. David Granger will be remembered as Guyana's most barefaced and repulsive elections rigger of all times.

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Sometime back in the '90s, I received a call from a recruiter saying that this large company likes my background and is interested in talking to me about a job. Bear in mind I was not even looking for work as I was already working for a company where I ended up working for over 17 years. She said that the pay was very good and the people are very happy. She said that it was a national spirits company. I told her that I am not interested because my religion's position on alcohol does not make working there appealing to me.

We hear all this talk about Granger being a church going person and that he has high moral standard. Given what took place yesterday, does he have what it takes to think as I did back then and refuse to accept this declaration and demand for the sake and wellbeing of Guyana a recount of the votes? He was very patient with all the legal proceedings following the successful passage of the NCV so does he have similar patience now. He spoke ad nauseum about the process being credible. Does ha have what it takes to nauseate us some more with his "process needs to be credible" mantra? I hope the powers that be does not let this go unpunished.


I believe Granger came from a Methodist Religious background, he feels pre-destined to be protector of the African Tribe. 

The decisions of Jagdeo, Ali and the PPP electorate caused him to act in that fashion. Many would say,"ungodly act" but in his mind he feels justified. It is the will of his god.

Let us hope he is benevolent dictator.


I don't expect any kind of miracles. I am just concerned that while it is the PNC who has reared their ugly rigging head this year, your tone seem to be chastising the PPP instead. It seems misdirected.

Was it Jesus' fault that the people around him did not accept his teaching but instead hung him onto a cross?

Last edited by Former Member

Kaz, I dont see eye to eye with Siggy most of the time but the PPP had years to iron out the ethnic problems in Guyana especially with the GDF and GPF. They also do not show they are democratic when BJ took over the party, he is to be blamed for all that's going on now. When the PPP were looking into having someone as their Presidential candidate and he pulled that stunt with fates, that I believe was the final nail for them. I know many as myself who backed APNU the last time, were hoping the PPP placed someone of integrity, without skeletons to lead them but  it wasn't so.

That being said, it is still sad the wishes of the people were not fulfilled with this election.


Bai Cain, I am not claiming that the PPP is not without sin. We all have sins and the PPP has their fair share of it. No doubt they contributed to now being in the opposition but things have to be taken within their confines and to that effect we are commenting on the current elections. If the PPP numbers are to be believed it would seem that picking Ali was not a nail at all as they supposedly garnered 34 out of 65 seats but that is another matter. This is about the behavior of GECOM and Granger's complicity in it. If the PPP supposedly garnered 34 seats and still lose because GECOM rigged the votes, the PPP would still lose if their presidential candidate was Gentle Jesus and GECOM also rigged the votes.

Although the PPP could have done more, it is a fact that they did not have 23 years to iron out the problems of Guyana because most of those 23 years were subjected to the PNC using violence to destabilize Guyana and make the country ungovernable. Then there was the years that criminal gangs wrecked havoc on the country. Then from 2011 the AFC rather than use line item approach to assist the PPP with legislation that benefits the people and denying the PPP legislation that was not beneficial to the people, they carte blanc joined with the PNC to make the country ungovernable.

But that too is not the issue here. The issue here is that every observer other than the APNU/AFC has declared yesterday's events unlawful and subject to international response which could include sanctions. I have no problem with sanctions because if Granger is able to get away with yesterday, if there are no sanctions, half of the population will still not benefit from Guyana's new found fortunes. That is because the Granger's REGIME will embark on a national crackdown worst than what Burnham did and people will be rounded up en masse and victimized. We are already hearing about some threats already being made.

I am still going to wait to see if anyone other than you and D2 have a problem with what happened yesterday at GECOM. We have seen many pontificators of virtue so it should not be too hard. In fact, I am surprised that so many hours have elapsed since I made my challenge and so far nothing fort-coming.


@Former Member, glad to see you back. PPP/C is indeed addressing the fundamental societal issues and has begun to earn dividends.

Based on bona fide Statements of Poll which the PPP/C has published on its website, the Party got significant numbers of non-Indian votes in all 10 regions/districts. And one heartening development in social media is rising of sympathy for the PPP/C cause of free, fair and credible elections in Guyana.

Of course more work needs to be done by the Party for national unity and positive testimonies by increasing numbers of Afro PPP/C members and supporters will help.

At this stage, the PPP/C has risen above race based support. Anti-PPP/C folks don't like that.


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