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Former Member

When the question is about protecting perks and turf, personalities like David Hinds are exposed for what they truly are, declared Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, who was no-holds barred in rapping Hinds for his recent comments.

On Wednesday (June 5, 2019), Executive Member of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), David Hinds, called for action by the APNU+ AFC Coalition Government to flush the public service of People’s Progressive Party moles. His comment was in response to the recent disclosures about corruption in the APNU+AFC Coalition Government camp. Hinds went as far as calling for a Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the public service with the aim of flushing out the PPP moles.

This latter comment drew the ire of the Opposition Leader who charged that Hind’s ‘Hitler-like’ posture to get rid of persons who are not in conformity with the order of the day as dictated by the APNU+AFC Coalition Government has no place in modern society. Jagdeo said, “He says the government needs to flush out PPP moles….he wants a purge of the public service…like Hitler had… these are not PPP moles. These are good decent Guyanese who are offended by the wanton corruption taking place at the top levels of government circles. These are good decent Guyanese people….they should not be subject to a test of which political party they support.”

The Opposition Leader noted that Hinds is takes offense at the fact that corruption has been exposed, but is silent on the acts of corruption itself; he takes offense that the firing of public servants by his WPA colleague, Tabitha Sarabo- Halley has been exposed, but is silent on the fact that all of the persons fired are Afro-Guyanese – the very group he has claimed to represent in the past.

Jagdeo said, “David Hinds is supposed to be a black rights activists, all the people fired were Afro-Guyanese, where is his outrage? He is not concerned about ordinary Afro-Guyanese… when it comes to defending his perks, his turf, all of the rights issues go through the window.

“…any modicum of respect I had for him is gone…he wants to a CoI to hunt down PPP supporters in government ministries…. now the people of Guyana see who David Hinds really is.”

The Opposition Leader made it clear that the Protected Disclosures (Whistleblowers) Act protects the rights of whistleblower. This is not the first time that Hinds has been called out for his “hypocrisy” by the Opposition Leader. The last time was in July 2018.

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What yuh talkin bout. I have exposed that Chap many, many times right here on GNI. I challenge anyone to go and check!!!!!

He always trying to sound and look like he is middlwe of the road and many bought into his scheme NOT Uncle Nehru!!!


Davis Hinds was alyuh darling when he was giving all those ‘exclusives’ to babby’s pseudo newspaper run by Ravi Dev

and  Jagdeo still thinks that Afro-Guyanese are biddable/stupid


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

Davis Hinds was alyuh darling when he was giving all those ‘exclusives’ to babby’s pseudo newspaper run by Ravi Dev

and  Jagdeo still thinks that Afro-Guyanese are biddable/stupid


Why would Jagdeo think Afro are Stupid? .. his current girl friend is Afro. His sisters  are dougla. 

Dave posted:
ronan posted:

Davis Hinds was alyuh darling when he was giving all those ‘exclusives’ to babby’s pseudo newspaper run by Ravi Dev

and  Jagdeo still thinks that Afro-Guyanese are biddable/stupid


Why would Jagdeo think Afro are Stupid? 

ask him

ronan posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:

Davis Hinds was alyuh darling when he was giving all those ‘exclusives’ to babby’s pseudo newspaper run by Ravi Dev

and  Jagdeo still thinks that Afro-Guyanese are biddable/stupid


Why would Jagdeo think Afro are Stupid? 

ask him

You suggested the “ Afro Stupid thing”.. so tell us why 

Jagdeo sisters  has a higher percentage of Blacks and he adores them.. ayo get off Jagdeo and this Black racist nonsense. 

Dave posted:
ronan posted:

Davis Hinds was alyuh darling when he was giving all those ‘exclusives’ to babby’s pseudo newspaper run by Ravi Dev

and  Jagdeo still thinks that Afro-Guyanese are biddable/stupid


Why would Jagdeo think Afro are Stupid? .. his current girl friend is Afro. His sisters  are dougla. 

My President Mr Jagdeo has always have black and red girlfriends.

Prashad posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:

Davis Hinds was alyuh darling when he was giving all those ‘exclusives’ to babby’s pseudo newspaper run by Ravi Dev

and  Jagdeo still thinks that Afro-Guyanese are biddable/stupid


Why would Jagdeo think Afro are Stupid? .. his current girl friend is Afro. His sisters  are dougla. 

My President Mr Jagdeo has always have black and red girlfriends.

Jagdeo knows coolie women are troublesome, he was married to one.  Kudos to him for avoiding trouble again.

Dave posted:
ronan posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:

Davis Hinds was alyuh darling when he was giving all those ‘exclusives’ to babby’s pseudo newspaper run by Ravi Dev

and  Jagdeo still thinks that Afro-Guyanese are biddable/stupid


Why would Jagdeo think Afro are Stupid? 

ask him

You suggested the “ Afro Stupid thing”.. so tell us why 

Jagdeo sisters  has a higher percentage of Blacks and he adores them.. ayo get off Jagdeo and this Black racist nonsense. 

knowing and having douglas in one's family does not make a person non-racist. I know some mixed people who are violently racist towards whites, and others who are racist towards blacks, etc.

Dave posted:

When the question is about protecting perks and turf, personalities like David Hinds are exposed for what they truly are, declared Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo, who was no-holds barred in rapping Hinds for his recent comments.

On Wednesday (June 5, 2019), Executive Member of the Working People’s Alliance (WPA), David Hinds, called for action by the APNU+ AFC Coalition Government to flush the public service of People’s Progressive Party moles. His comment was in response to the recent disclosures about corruption in the APNU+AFC Coalition Government camp. Hinds went as far as calling for a Commission of Inquiry (CoI) into the public service with the aim of flushing out the PPP moles.

This latter comment drew the ire of the Opposition Leader who charged that Hind’s ‘Hitler-like’ posture to get rid of persons who are not in conformity with the order of the day as dictated by the APNU+AFC Coalition Government has no place in modern society. Jagdeo said, “He says the government needs to flush out PPP moles….he wants a purge of the public service…like Hitler had… these are not PPP moles. These are good decent Guyanese who are offended by the wanton corruption taking place at the top levels of government circles. These are good decent Guyanese people….they should not be subject to a test of which political party they support.”

The Opposition Leader noted that Hinds is takes offense at the fact that corruption has been exposed, but is silent on the acts of corruption itself; he takes offense that the firing of public servants by his WPA colleague, Tabitha Sarabo- Halley has been exposed, but is silent on the fact that all of the persons fired are Afro-Guyanese – the very group he has claimed to represent in the past.

Jagdeo said, “David Hinds is supposed to be a black rights activists, all the people fired were Afro-Guyanese, where is his outrage? He is not concerned about ordinary Afro-Guyanese… when it comes to defending his perks, his turf, all of the rights issues go through the window.

“…any modicum of respect I had for him is gone…he wants to a CoI to hunt down PPP supporters in government ministries…. now the people of Guyana see who David Hinds really is.”

The Opposition Leader made it clear that the Protected Disclosures (Whistleblowers) Act protects the rights of whistleblower. This is not the first time that Hinds has been called out for his “hypocrisy” by the Opposition Leader. The last time was in July 2018.

David Hinds is, as he said in a letter to SN today, for Black Empowerment. He understands the problems facing Afros and his interest is in protecting the interests of Afros and supporting their upliftment. That does not make him a racist. He understands that there are other races living in Guyana and he has not opposed them taking care of their own people.

However,  when he makes stupid statements about "PPP moles" who need to be "flushed out of the public service", he needs to be called out his statement.

Even more ridiculous is the suggestion for a COI find the moles?

The irony about Guyana is that one of the ministers recently fired a large number of Afros...he should be more concerned about them if he is concerned about Black Empowerment.

VishMahabir posted:

The irony about Guyana is that one of the ministers recently fired a large number of Afros...he should be more concerned about them if he is concerned about Black Empowerment.

That's the new Minister of Public Service,can you tell us how many public servants was fired from the ministry ?


Minister of Public Service, Tabitha Sarboo Halley


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Django posted:
VishMahabir posted:

The irony about Guyana is that one of the ministers recently fired a large number of Afros...he should be more concerned about them if he is concerned about Black Empowerment.

That's the new Minister of Public Service,can you tell us how many public servants was fired from the ministry ?


Minister of Public Service, Tabitha Sarboo Halley

Not sure how many people were fired....but according to what people are posting here, if thats true then the concern should also be to find these people alternative jobs.

But thats not the central issue of this post...setting up a COI to investigate the moles? how will that work? how are the moles going to be identified? what will the government do about the suspected moles? 

Poor people, Indos and Afros, are going to be targeted ...its going to be like the McCarthy hearings in the US.

Its stupid...Hinds should know better...

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

One thing about the slopster is that de man consistently slopping.

Warning !!!  watch it !!

Steal the wheelchair.  

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

What yuh talkin bout. I have exposed that Chap many, many times right here on GNI. I challenge anyone to go and check!!!!!

He always trying to sound and look like he is middlwe of the road and many bought into his scheme NOT Uncle Nehru!!!

Hinds is a thinker and you are crud. I prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt that he erred .And do not give yourself kudos for fiction. You have never sustained an argument here on any issue to date and that is running some 20 years,  so pretending you call someone out because you leveraged your usual dog whistles or nonsensical peculiar cuss words   at them does not count. 

I do not agree with his support of firing supposed PPP moles or his categorization of moles as opposed to whistle blowers. These are subjective descriptors and can lead to purges mirroring McCarthyism. He has made a serious analytic error and ought to be called out on it.

Dave posted:
ronan posted:

Davis Hinds was alyuh darling when he was giving all those ‘exclusives’ to babby’s pseudo newspaper run by Ravi Dev

and  Jagdeo still thinks that Afro-Guyanese are biddable/stupid


Why would Jagdeo think Afro are Stupid? .. his current girl friend is Afro. His sisters  are dougla. 

Slave owners had sex with black women too.  Why dont you prove through his appointments of heads of agencies, and state corporations as well as overseas heads of mission that he wasn't.

One of his Head Negroes, when asked why few were black, answered that he didn't know and opined that maybe blacks are unqualified.

VishMahabir posted:

knowing and having douglas in one's family does not make a person non-racist. I know some mixed people who are violently racist towards whites, and others who are racist towards blacks, etc.

In fact among some of the most anti black racists include douglas and blacks with non black spouses. So when people cite this as evidence of non racism that doesnt impress.

When Jagdeo was in power he systematically marginalized blacks, excluding them from leadership. He also intimidated mid tier blacks into doing as they were told.  Several blacks were passed over for promotion, and others were left in acting appointments, which deprived them of pension and other benefits.

Jagdeo was proven to be an institutional racist and there is nothing that he can do to disprove this.  It is deeply ironic that he uses blacks as did the slave masters. For sex and nothing more.

Prashad posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:

Davis Hinds was alyuh darling when he was giving all those ‘exclusives’ to babby’s pseudo newspaper run by Ravi Dev

and  Jagdeo still thinks that Afro-Guyanese are biddable/stupid


Why would Jagdeo think Afro are Stupid? .. his current girl friend is Afro. His sisters  are dougla. 

My President Mr Jagdeo has always have black and red girlfriends.

As did many slave owners.  Please tell us about all of the heads of state owned corporations and commissions who were black under the Jagdeo era.  In fact when asked why there was this glaring under representation even Roger Luncheon couldn't deny this and claimed that maybe blacks are incompetent and unqualified.

Burnham was known to have had several Indo ladies but I bet the racists here wouldn't claim that this means that he wasn't racist towards Indians.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:

Davis Hinds was alyuh darling when he was giving all those ‘exclusives’ to babby’s pseudo newspaper run by Ravi Dev

and  Jagdeo still thinks that Afro-Guyanese are biddable/stupid


Why would Jagdeo think Afro are Stupid? .. his current girl friend is Afro. His sisters  are dougla. 

My President Mr Jagdeo has always have black and red girlfriends.

As did many slave owners.  Please tell us about all of the heads of state owned corporations and commissions who were black under the Jagdeo era.  In fact when asked why there was this glaring under representation even Roger Luncheon couldn't deny this and claimed that maybe blacks are incompetent and unqualified.

Burnham was known to have had several Indo ladies but I bet the racists here wouldn't claim that this means that he wasn't racist towards Indians. making shyte up...just like these knuckleheads...

Everybody knows Jagdeo does not fancy women...

BUT...where is the source for this shyte about Burnham...(and you keep posting stuff here like you have been at every event, every place and know it all...without anyone challenging your BS).  

Here is my question...

Everything I have read about Forbes Burnham suggest the man was a straight shooter...he may have been a dictator and power-drunk but he was also known to be a family man, and a person NOT given to being sexually immoral or being a some of the PPP leaders...

you dont need to concoct an unrealistic story to make a point..

AND please dont tell we you knew Burnham personally....or that his friends shared this information with you...

VishMahabir posted:

Everybody knows Jagdeo does not fancy women...

BUT...where is the source for this shyte about Burnham...(and you keep posting stuff here like you have been at every event, every place and know it all...without anyone challenging your BS).  

Here is my question...

Everything I have read about Forbes Burnham suggest the man was a straight shooter...he may have been a dictator and power-drunk but he was also known to be a family man, and a person NOT given to being sexually immoral or being a some of the PPP leaders...

you dont need to concoct an unrealistic story to make a point..

AND please dont tell we you knew Burnham personally....or that his friends shared this information with you...

I could mention a specific name but I will not as she isn't a politician. However if you knew the 70s ambitious Indo females were very interested in powerful Afro men.  That was their climb to the top. People considerably less powerful than Burnham had their pick, so you bet he had as well.  He wasn't known to be faithful to Viola B, anymore than he was to his previous wife when he started a dalliance with her.

When you hear old men like Skeldon/yuji crying about daily "rapes" of Indo females, it was because Indo females had frequent CONSENSUAL sex with Afro men and rejected skinny rural men like them.

As to Jagdeo's preferences. Word has it that he enjoys black vegetables as much as druggie does and his GDF appointee was one of them.  They had a noisy lovers' break up, this man rushed out of the office and he was no more.  Maybe he caught Jaggy sampling other black vegetables.   GT has people who suffer from verbal diarrhea.

I pander to Baseman and others when they insist that he likes Afro ladies.  He might be bi, using his front for women and his back for men.  No wonder druggie admires him.

You had me rolling on the ground about Forbes the family man.  Yes he did love his daughters and he was a good father, but his eyes and his fingers went roaming.  In fact apparently some PPP ladies were part of his group, which is why he had poor Jagan outmaneuvered as he had good intel through them.

Burnham had at least one outside son, and people know who he is.

Baseman posted:
Prashad posted:
Dave posted:
ronan posted:

Davis Hinds was alyuh darling when he was giving all those ‘exclusives’ to babby’s pseudo newspaper run by Ravi Dev

and  Jagdeo still thinks that Afro-Guyanese are biddable/stupid


Why would Jagdeo think Afro are Stupid? .. his current girl friend is Afro. His sisters  are dougla. 

My President Mr Jagdeo has always have black and red girlfriends.

Jagdeo knows coolie women are troublesome, he was married to one.  Kudos to him for avoiding trouble again.

You need to attend more Richmond Hill events to get the truth vs. the lies you were fed to give free vacations.   

Stormborn posted:
Nehru posted:

What yuh talkin bout. I have exposed that Chap many, many times right here on GNI. I challenge anyone to go and check!!!!!

He always trying to sound and look like he is middlwe of the road and many bought into his scheme NOT Uncle Nehru!!!

Hinds is a thinker and you are crud. I prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt that he erred .And do not give yourself kudos for fiction. You have never sustained an argument here on any issue to date and that is running some 20 years,  so pretending you call someone out because you leveraged your usual dog whistles or nonsensical peculiar cuss words   at them does not count. 

I do not agree with his support of firing supposed PPP moles or his categorization of moles as opposed to whistle blowers. These are subjective descriptors and can lead to purges mirroring McCarthyism. He has made a serious analytic error and ought to be called out on it.

You are no better than Hinds!! You condone CORRUPTION, THIEVING, INCOMPETENCE, maybe it is in your DNA and so you cannot help it. Being a shameless Nitwit is not something to be proud of. Here, a Minister thieving million and giving to her children and these two see no wrongdoing, instead they blaming the people who are exposing and trying to stop such abuse. Well, that is all you need to know about these people. How the hell they got to such an advance Country is a mystery to me!!


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