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Which Planet you came from?? Bhai yuh really know what yuh writing? yippie
Originally posted by raymond:
Originally posted by Nehru:
People are starting to line up in front of the Stadium to secure a spot for the BIG occasion. This DAY will go down in HISTORY as a DAY of GREAT importance.

enuff of the man worship...even Burnham didn't do this Big Grin
Wendy, You are RIGHt and I will take your advise. I look at these people trying their BEST to try and put a damper on our beloved President Celebrations because ALL they have to offer HUMANITY is HATE, IGNORANCE and STUPIDITY.. I said my two piece and would now take your advise. God Bless. Be good.
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
Nehru, don't fall for their traps. Let them rant, rave, and make asses of themselves. Show them class.
Originally posted by Nehru:
You dont get the World calling you "CHAMPION OF THEEARTH" for no reason. Haters will ALWAYS be Haters. Look around HATERS, it is only a FEW like you!!!

Originally posted by ksazma:
Day of appreciation. Night of appreciation. When is the week, month and year of appreciation?

Most of the haters still live in Guyana, especially in Cheddi Jagan region 6 and will be voting at the next election.

Get Real!

To show "appreciation" of Jagdeo's legacy we ask all Guyanese to wear and display on your houses, businesses and cars something black on September 16, 2011.

The people of Guyana will "appreciate" Jagdeo for all that he has done to our lives and communities on Friday September 16 2011. Jagdeo's legacy must be "appreciated" and told to generations to come. So President Jagdeo we "appreciate and thank you" for...

1.The 16% VAT - less money in our pockets.
2.The torture of a teenager by the Police while in the care and protection of the Guyana Police Force and denying him the paltry $6.5M compensation awarded by the court.
3.The $3M per month for life pension package you approved for yourself. You will receive three times what former US Presidents receive today. A pensioner in Guyana is forced to make do with $7,500 per month.
4. Highest maternal death rate in the Caribbean.
5.The failure of GuySuCo and the Skeldon project after a US$200M expense paid for by hard working tax paying Guyanese. Donald Ramotar was your resident economist.
6.Increased murder of women and high levels of domestic violence - a direct consequence of the economic pressures people face.
7.Highest rating for corruption in the Caribbean.
8.The very high electricity bills and unending blackouts despite billions of tax payer dollars invested.
9.Your favouritism and nepotism which resulted in one company being selected for in excess of 80% of the sea defence, the road and construction projects, $300M to a barber shop company, Fip Motilall's extraordinary road building enterprise, the seizing of state land for distribution to your inner circle, including Ed Ahmad.
10.The designation of our country as a narcotic state by our friends.
11.Inability to protect the citizenry against crime in any neighbourhood.
12.A police force in which the Police Commissioner and his Assistant Commissioners argue over the Force's relationship with drug lords.
13.Refusal to seek foreign assistance to investigate the murder of your own cabinet Minister.
14.Keeping investments away from Guyana which has led to most of us being unemployed and poor.
15.The fact that in excess of 80% of our graduates want to leave and leave their beloved country.
16.The remanding to prison of a teenager because he showed your speeding motorcade his finger.
17.The shooting at innocent civilians by a Minister of the government who is subsequently rewarded with a diplomatic posting.
18.The fact that the UN expert on minorities designated the country as deeply divided with unequal opportunities to its citizens based on race.
19.Dr Luncheon proclaiming that there are no Guyanese of African descent capable of representing the country at ambassadorial level.
20.The increased racial allocation of state assets in the country resulting in no African-Guyanese owning any lots in Coldingen Industrial estate and less than 10% in the Eccles industrial site.
21.The failure to honour the principles of "Freedom of Expression" through the refusal to grant radio licenses to anyone other than your friend.
22.Non-funding of Critchlow Labour College that affects African-Guyanese students.
23.The oppressively high tolls on the Berbice Bridge
24.Limiting Guyanese in Linden to one TV station run by the state despite the orders of the Chief Justice.
25.Overseeing the continued suffering of Linden from dust pollution and the clogging of Georgetown with garbage while being "Champion of the Earth".
26.Going through a public marriage ceremony which you say never was a marriage. No wonder Shaggy had to remind us that "IT WASN'T ME".
27.Failure to develop any capacity in our indigenous brothers and sisters. This is so your friends and family programme can continue with road building in indigenous areas.
28.Continued oppressive conditions on the North-West ferry, with even a rape occurring on-board, and a consequent suicide attempt.
29.The 29 tons of duty free material from the "wrongfully accused" Ed Ahmad.
30.Threatened de-recognition of GAWU and GB&GWU. Their Excellencies Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan must now truly APPRECIATE the day they left you in charge.
31.And other ills and disasters too numerous to mention here.
Originally posted by Nehru:
You dont get the World calling you "CHAMPION OF THEEARTH" for no reason. Haters will ALWAYS be Haters. Look around HATERS, it is only a FEW like you!!!

Bai whah wrang wid yuh? I don't know the president enough to either love or hate him. I have to admit that under his tenure, the country's economy grew but from what I read here a lot of people don't benefit from that growth. But why the big fuss over his leaving office?
Originally posted by ball:
I used to have a teacher at Rama Krishna named Lalta Persaud. Good looking guy but died very young.

Lalta is still alive you must be talking about Chowbey he died young.

I remember when Chowbey died after being shocked on the electric wire. But I thought that Lalta died a few years later. I am glad to learn that he is still alive. flag
Originally posted by baseman:
Originally posted by ball:
I remember when Chowbey died after being shocked on the electric wire.

He died by motocycle accident.

Was there a live wire across the road?

He climbed the electric pole to get something down. Maybe a kite and got shocked. Some of those wires were live.
Here Alex, here's some good that he's done

The people of Guyana will appreciate Jagdeo for all that he has done to our lives and communities on Friday September 16 2011. Jagdeo’s legacy must be appreciated and told to generations to come. So President Jagdeo we appreciate and thank you for...

1. The 16% VAT - less money in our pockets.

2. The torture of a teenager by the Police while in the care and protection of the Guyana Police Force and denying him the paltry $6.5M compensation awarded by the court.

3. The $3M per month for life pension package you approved for yourself. You will receive three times what former US Presidents receive today. A pensioner in Guyana is forced to make do with $7,500 per month.

4. Highest maternal death rate in the Caribbean.

5. The failure of GuySuCo and the Skeldon project after a US$200M expense paid for by hard working tax paying Guyanese. Donald Ramotar was your resident economist.

6. Increased murder of women and high levels of domestic violence - a direct consequence of the economic pressures people face.

7. Highest rating for corruption in the Caribbean.

8. The very high electricity bills and unending blackouts despite billions of tax payer dollars invested.

9. Your favouritism and nepotism which resulted in one company being selected for in excess of 80% of the sea defence, the road and construction projects, $300M to a barber shop company, Fip Motilall’s extraordinary road building enterprise, the seizing of state land for distribution to your inner circle, including Ed Ahmad.

10. The designation of our country as a narcotic state by our friends.

11. Inability to protect the citizenry against crime in any neighbourhood.

12. A police force in which the Police Commissioner and his Assistant Commissioners argue over the Force’s relationship with drug lords.

13. Refusal to seek foreign assistance to investigate the murder of your own cabinet Minister.

14. Keeping investments away from Guyana which has led to most of us being unemployed and poor.

15. The fact that in excess of 80% of our graduates want to leave and leave their beloved country.

16. The remanding to prison of a teenager because he showed your speeding motorcade his finger.

17. The shooting at innocent civilians by a Minister of the government who is subsequently rewarded with a diplomatic posting.

18. The fact that the UN expert on minorities designated the country as deeply divided with unequal opportunities to its citizens based on race.

19. Dr Luncheon proclaiming that there are no Guyanese of African descent capable of representing the country at ambassadorial level.

20. The increased racial allocation of state assets in the country resulting in no African-Guyanese owning any lots in Coldingen Industrial estate and less than 10% in the Eccles industrial site.

21. The failure to honour the principles of “Freedom of Expression” through the refusal to grant radio licenses to anyone other than your friend.

22. Non-funding of Critchlow Labour College that affects African-Guyanese students.

23. The oppressively high tolls on the Berbice Bridge

24. Limiting Guyanese in Linden to one TV station run by the state despite the orders of the Chief Justice.

25. Overseeing the continued suffering of Linden from dust pollution and the clogging of Georgetown with garbage while being "Champion of the Earth".

26. Going through a public marriage ceremony which you say never was a marriage. No wonder Shaggy had to remind us that “IT WASN’T ME”.

27. Failure to develop any capacity in our indigenous brothers and sisters. This is so your friends and family programme can continue with road building in indigenous areas.

28. Continued oppressive conditions on the North-West ferry, with even a rape occurring on-board, and a consequent suicide attempt.

29. The 29 tons of duty free material from the “wrongfully accused” Ed Ahmad.

30. Threatened de-recognition of GAWU and GB&GWU. Their Excellencies Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan must now truly APPRECIATE the day they left you in charge.

31. And other ills and disasters too numerous to mention here.

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