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De criminals get more sympathy that de victim

Jun 14, 2016 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....athy-that-de-victim/

This world full of sick people. De other day some pirates raid a fishing boat and after robbing de boat, dem tek de men pun de boat and tie dem to an anchor before them toss dem overboard. Dem boys want to know wha mind gun tek people and throw dem overboard even as de men begging fuh dem life.

A man go inside a man house to thief and when de man wake up he stab de man. Is like if he had a right to be in de man house to thief he things.

He had to be a sicko.

But wha tek de cake was de one who pick up a gun and go inside a bar in Florida. He start to shoot de people in de bar. When he done kill 49 and injure more than 50. This is a man who shooting and killing people who didn’t do him nutten.

A man hide in a bathroom and text he mudda. He still had de courage to text she when de man go in de bathroom. He send “I’m gonna die” and he dead.

Dem boys seh that when things like this happen dem want to know how people can still talk about shutting down de gallows. All who seh don’t hang ain’t know what pain is. Dem didn’t see a man pointing a gun at them; dem didn’t hear people begging fuh dem life.

That is why dem boys glad de grenade didn’t go off. It woulda lef nuff people either dead or badly wounded. And to think that dem who throw de grenade didn’t know anybody at de Waterfalls paper; dem never had any problem wid de reporters. In fact if these men see dem they don’t even know dem.

Is people like dem who does get more sympathy than de people dem kill. Somebody pay de people who throw de grenade and dem boys hear some names. Is only fuh dem who get ketch call de names.

Talk half and watch who you sorry for.

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