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AFC’s No Confidence Motion is “force ripe” – Rohee says as he beats up on the Party

October 27, 2014 12:24 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-


By Kurt Campbell

General Secretary of the PPP/C, Clement Rohee. [iNews' Photo]

General Secretary of the PPP/C, Clement Rohee. [iNews' Photo]

[] – General Secretary of the governing People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Clement Rohee says the Alliance for Change (AFC) is bankrupt and is being driven by desperation rather than a real sense of political purpose.


Speaking at his weekly media briefing this morning [Monday, October 27], Rohee said the AFC has placed all its political eggs in one basket and out of desperation has been forced to postpone its congress which was slated for this month.

He didn’t stop there; in a poetic like manner, Rohee added that the Party [AFC] is like a rudderless ship, drifting along the sea of despair hoping for some miracle to save it from sinking as a result of it force ripe no confidence motion.

“The AFC knocking from pillar to post, a sad state of affairs indeed,” Rohee told the news conference.

He told reporters that political observers should not be surprised if the “corpse” of the AFC sponsored no confidence motion is found “floating in political wilderness.”

He pointed out that many of the AFC’s financial supporters have deserted Party; making that his basis for declaring that the AFC is both bankrupt and desperate.

Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan. [iNews' Photo]

Leader of the AFC, Khemraj Ramjattan. [iNews' Photo]

With confidence, Rohee assured that his Party will survive the motion which the main political Opposition has signaled its willingness to support.


To this end, the Rohee said the PPP has noted with interest the widening divergence of views between AFC and its counterpart – A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) on the no confidence motion.

“APNU is not on same page as AFC, the Opposition Leader has said that he wants local government elections.”

Speaking authoritatively for the Opposition Leader, Rohee said “APNU will not allow itself to be driven by an AFC agenda and would rather allow the order paper to be given prominence.”

According to the General Secretary, “The main Opposition has made its preference clear that its focus is on local government elections… it will not allow itself to be arm twisted by the AFC’s rush into general elections.”

Rohee reasoned that this is so especially when the APNU is still festering with issues within its camp.

“AFC is swimming against political tide,” he said; adding that “Guyanese are fed up with the politics of negativity.”

He says the AFC however seems bent on having its own way despite calls for continuity and political stability.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Govt running from parliament,

running from democracy.


PPP new slogan:

no parliament is better than new elections.


Moses Nagamootoo



Lets see Rohee address .....

Why there is no Parliament?


Who is adrift......



or PPP?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

What kind of creature smells like a goat and brays like a donkey every Monday?

what  kind of guyanese can you be to support people like rohee,i never believe guyanese can be so stupid 


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