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De green state tun de gas state

Jul 25, 2020 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists 0 , Source - Kaieteur News Online - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...te-tun-de-gas-state/

Dem boys seh…

De tropical storm Gonzalo decide fuh mek a right turn and stay far off de coast of Guyana. De situation so bleak that if Gonzalo bin pass over Guyana, it would have tun from a tropical storm to a tropical depression.

De Rigadier bin talk about Guyana becoming a green state. But dem boys seh he now tun Guyana into de gas state. Is sheer gas passing.

Exxon flaring gas since last December. Dem boys read dat de permit wah Fat Boy give to Exxon is so vague dat even de local environmental watchdog not in a strong position fuh do much about it.

De Hap-New+Hay-Eff-See wan dialogue. Dem boys seh dat is passing wind. Dem wan stick around rather than step aside. It mek dem boys rememba de story of de woman wah went into de expensive jewelry shop. She look around in de showcase and spot a nice diamond bracelet.

As she bent over to look at it more closely, she accidentally farted. She look around nervously fuh see if anybody hear. When she turned around, there was a salesman right behind her.

De salesman was as cool as a cucumber. He tun to de lady and seh, “Good day, Madam. How can I help you today?”

De lady, a little more confident now that she’s gotten away with her little accident, asks, “How much fuh dis lovely bracelet?” De salesman replies, “Madam, if you farted just looking at it, you’re going to mess yuh self if I tell you de price.”

Talk half and try nat fuh pass wind when yuh deh in public.

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