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De guvment nah gat confidence in de Opposition too

Jul 07, 2021 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, Source - Kaieteur News Online - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...n-de-opposition-too/

Dem Boys Seh…

Kaieteur News – Wan Hay-Eff-See man was surprised to read bout de no-confidence motion wah file yesterday by de Opposition. He seh how de Hay-Eff-See symbol is de key but he can’t understand why dem always getting lock out of decision-making.

In de meantime, de guvment also surprise. Dem seh (and dem correct) how dem never hear bout wan no-confidence motion against a Minister. De only confidence de minister gat to enjoy is dat of de President. But like de Coal-a-Shun nah understand parliamentary conventions.

However, de guvment decide fuh file a counter motion in de parliament.

Dem seh dem lose confidence in de Opposition. De guvment seh de Opposition like wan eraser; it does get smaller after every mistake de guvment mek.

De guvment also seh how de Hap-Nu nah gat confidence in itself. So dat is why it filing wan no-confidence motion.

Dem boys hope dat when de time come fuh de Speaker count de votes, he maths nat like “you-know-who?” Dem boys seh deciding wat is majority is not de Opposition strang point.

Dem boys done know dat de matter gan end up all de way to de CCJ. De Coal-a-shun gan dispute dat 34 is de majority of 65. Dem gan seh how yuh need 2/3 majority fuh defeat de motion. Is mo laughing stock Guyana gan become.

It mek dem boys remember when de journalist ask de Coal-a-Shun, “How much is 1+1?”

De Coal-a-shun check dem addition book and seh it is 2 but fuh safety sake leh we add half and den round it off to 3.

De journalist spot a lawyer in de house and ask he de same question: “How much is 1+1?”

De lawyer tek de journalist to de side and whisper: “How much do you want it to be?”

Talk half and wait fuh de confusion!

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Opposition files no-confidence motions against Frank Anthony, Robeson Benn

Kaieteur News – The A Partnership for National Unity+Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC) coalition has filed two no-confidence motions against Health Minister, Dr. Frank Anthony, and Home Affairs Minister, Robeson Benn.

Home Affairs Minister, Robeson Benn.

The no-confidence motions were hand delivered yesterday to the Clerk of the National Assembly, Sherlock Isaacs, by Leader of the Opposition, Joseph Harmon.

Speaking to members of the media outside Public Buildings yesterday, Harmon said that the motion is being brought against Dr. Anthony because the Minister of Health has failed to draft a proper plan to deal with the COVID-19 situation.

He noted the government’s failure to address the acquisition of Sputnik-V vaccines and its arrangement with Sheik Ahmed Dalmook Al Maktoum is also among the reasons for filing the motion against Anthony. Further, Harmon noted that the Minister of Health has persistently demonstrated his inability to effectively undertake his duties in the health sector for the welfare of the citizens.

Health Minister, Dr. Frank Anthony.

“Dr. Anthony must bear direct responsibility for the health care crisis and disaster he has placed Guyana in, imperiling the lives and the health and wellbeing of every citizen…We all know that the situation in Guyana in respect to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spiral out of control, the number of deaths is about 478 or thereabout and that is basically a runaway train,” the Opposition Leader stated. As such, he requested that the House express a lack of confidence in the Minister of Health and called for his immediate resignation.

In the case of the Home Affairs Minister, Harmon said Benn ought to resign because crime is out of control.

“Crime is out of control, when you have a private citizen in the bright lights of Main Street, gunned down and onto to now we can’t find, with all the cameras around, we still cannot find who did it,” Harmon said.

The Opposition Leader claimed, “The APNU+AFC Coalition, in filing these no-confidence motions, is acting on behalf of hundreds of thousands of Guyanese who have lost all confidence in the performance of these two incompetent ministers to perform their duties.”

The Clerk is expected to examine the motions against the Standing Orders and submit the motions to the Speaker, Manzoor Nadir, who will decide on whether these motions could be placed on the order paper for debate.


NCM an opportunity to remind Harmon of APNU+AFC’s shortcomings in Govt – Health Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony

Health Minister Dr Frank Anthony says the no-confidence motions filed by the APNU+AFC against him and Home Affairs Minister Robeson Benn is an opportunity to remind the Parliamentary Opposition of their many shortcomings while in Government from 2015 to 2020.

Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon yesterday filed two no-confidence motions with the Clerk of the National Assembly against Benn and Dr Anthony.

“It doesn’t affect me at all. Mr. Harmon has given us a unique opportunity for us to debate this matter in the Parliament, and of course, we welcome this opportunity to remind Mr. Harmon and the APNU+AFC of the many shortcomings that they have had over the last five years that they were in Government,” Dr Anthony said.

He was at the time being interviewed by a social media commentator.

“We recall the damage and the destruction they have done to the health sector and I have no problem reminding them of all of that. And they themselves, as you would’ve recalled in just that short period of time, would’ve have three Ministers of Health because they had so many challenges in the health sector. You would recall also that they had some of the biggest scandals that happened in health which include…the Sussex Street bond, they had the scandal as it relates to drug shortages where they’ve spent close to $35B in drugs and medical supplies, but across this country there were massive shortages of medicines, and then just recently when we took over we discovered that they had more than $10B dollars’ worth of medicine that had expired at the Diamond Bond and just recently we had to throw another $4B worth because they procured things that was expiring,” Dr Anthony reminded.

“So, we’ll be happy to deal with them in Parliament and we’ll be happy to expose them once again to the Guyanese public so that people can see the incompetence and what they have done, and be reminded of what they have done to this country. How much money they have squandered and how they have squandered it and how many lives they have put at risk. So we’ll have an opportunity to deal with them,” the Health Minister added.


“I am not adverse of criticism” – Benn calls NCM against him a “stunt”

Minister of Home Affairs Robeson Benn says the no-confidence motion filed against him by the APNU+AFC Opposition is nothing but a “stunt”. of Home Affairs Robeson Benn

Opposition Leader Joseph Harmon yesterday filed two no-confidence motions with the Clerk of the National Assembly against Benn and Minister of Health Dr Frank Anthony.

During an interview with a social media commentator today, Benn contended that “this no-confidence motion against Frank and myself, it’s a stunt, I see it as a stunt. It is intended to deflect, to make oblique attacks, to not have persons, the public pay attention to the security issues, in our case which we’ve been taking condign action on.”

Minister Benn made it clear that he is not adverse of criticism and he welcomes to opportunity to defend himself in the National Assembly.

“I am not adverse of criticism, in fact, I welcome it. It gives me the opportunity to review my actions, the actions undertaken by the Ministry’s policy and even down to the individual misdemeanors and sometimes very bad things which happens in relation to some Units of the Services which fall under the Ministry. So I have no difficulty in being criticised,” he expressed.

However, he admitted that he could improve on his communication. “In respect of the issue of being more communicative…I would admit that I’ve been fairly averse to coming out and saying things which will invoke irrational responses and I think even now, the fact that we’re talking, perhaps relates to a recent statement I made in respect of things Mr Harmon himself said.”

But the Minister contended that his record so far as head of the country’s security sector has been successful.

“In terms of our records here in the Ministry, we have repeatedly said…serious crime in Guyana has gone down by 22%, that’s a fact, it’s a fact that cannot be set aside. Road deaths have gone down by 30%…most of the other statistics have shown reduction,” the Minister said.

The Minister also confessed that “perhaps we didn’t pay enough attention to what was going on last year and the previous year in terms of crime. But now and rightfully so, we can focus on the real and proper issues which affect the daily lives of our Guyanese.”

“Is it of crime, insecurity, upsets in the community, even misdemeanors, traffic safety, we can focus on these things now, and I’m glad otherwise that we are going to have this debate because it brings us properly into focus on what we should have been doing all the time, not attempting to steal the elections in case of the Opposition last year.”

The Home Affairs Minister explained that he along with other security leaders are aware of the issues affecting the sector, many of which are not new matters. He assured that the government is continuously working to improve the security sector.

“I think we are having success. We know where we are having serious gaps and deficiencies, we know what we have in respect of our Forces…the lack of mobility, the lack of integrity, the question of corruption, we know what we are dealing with and we are working on those issues,” he assured.


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