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De leaders seh shut up and tek wha come

October 8, 2014 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

When leaders of a country can use taxpayer dollars fuh attack taxpayers it means that these kavakamites really hijack de country and is now in full control.
Fuh a long time dem was trying to trump up charge against de Waterfalls paper and de boss fuh exposing dem backside without underwear.
Dem was so shame that dem plot how much charge dem can file and who must file de charge. One of dem in de plot remind de group that all of dem in this thing together.
De Waterfalls paper ketch dem and expose dem, then write a front page comment calling on all Guyana to stand by de paper in de face of their wickedness. Instead of dem denying de plot dem come out and hoist up dem skirt like dem bad woman and cussing everybody who seh that dem support de Waterfalls paper.
Dem boys don’t mind that dem lift up dem skirt without underwear and cuss, but don’t tek de poor taxpayers dollars to do it. It is disgusting and is nutten but eyepass. Dem do all of that fuh people keep dem mouth shut.
Well dem boys want ask dem who gun sit down quiet, don’t tell dem neighbor, inform de village and report to de police,  knowing that bandits planning to kick down dem door. Not one of dem who plotting against de Waterfalls paper gun sit down quiet.
Dem would run and report to all de security guard at dem embassy much less de embassy officials.
These jokers calling on people not to support de Waterfalls paper. Dem should go in de streets fuh find out de people’s reaction. De people listening, watching and waiting to see dem next move.
Meanwhile, dem boys hear that de same nurse who treat de Ebola patient in SPANE treat Cee fuh Satar fuh he crooked SPINE.
If he ever come back home, please keep far from him. Let he alone go thy way. De rest who he seh dem deh in this thing together, can follow later.
Talk half and please continue to pray fuh dem.

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