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 October 8, 2015  Source

Everybody kicking up a stink because de government people give demself a pay increase. People start fuh seh all kind of thing. Some seh how de government people lining dem pocket; some seh that dem robbing de taxpayers; and some seh that dem should tek that same money and give to de public servants.

When dem boys ask de government to explain wha happen Li’l Joe seh that if he pay de people good then dem wouldn’t thief. He point dem boys to de opposition and then dem boys remember wha he seh was true. Today all of dem who was Minister got a big house.

But dem boys seh that before dem was Minister none of dem didn’t even have a bicycle. When dem boys hear that dem run and ask de Waterfalls boss man if was true. Why de Waterfalls boss man? Because he and dem was tight—very tight—and he know dem business.
He seh that Reepu had a old car and Papa Cheddi had one. De rest use to walk. Now all of dem get rich.

He seh that he would like Rohee explain how he own house at Eccles, Diamond and Pradoville wid de salary he use to get. And Rohee is only one. Almost all of dem done pay fuh de house wah dem got.

Dem boys seh that nuff of Burnham Ministers ain’t even got a proper house because he never pay dem anything much. Dem was people who wuk and when dem days close off dem end up living hand to mouth.

De Jagdeo set learn fast but dem boys seh that dem forget one thing. Dem forget that Guyana small and you neighbour can hear when you let out gas. Dem same neighbour know wheh everybody hide everything and in who name.

Soulja Bai seh that he don’t want he people do any of that. Dem must live pun what dem earn. Dem mustn’t mek people feel that wha dem get is from thiefing money. And is not dem alone get de pay increase. In fact, de only person who kiss out is Donald but he already getting nuff money as a pension, more than almost all dem Minister who now get de new salary. Is only one man getting more than he and is de Attorney General—and he got to wuk. All Donald and Jagdeo got to do is sit down and stretch out dem hand. That is Jagdeo legacy and nobody didn’t quarrel.
Talk half and wait fuh de public service pay increase.

Dem PPP bhais miss the lawless days when they could tief from the treasury without fear of being reprimanded. From riding bicycle to Pradoville mansions overnight. Dem bhais seh that they save up their money. Their banks were paying a million percent interest on the savings deposits. 


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