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Guyana Dubbed A Financial ‘Risk’

Published on May 30 2014 //


News Americas, MIAMI, FL, Fri. May 30, 2014: The South American nation of Guyana has been dubbed ‘a risk to the international financial system’ by The Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF).

The CFATF is organization of twenty-seven jurisdictions of the Caribbean Basin Region, which have agreed to implement the international standards for Anti-money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT), Financial Action Task Force Recommendations (FATF Recommendations).

The group’s goal is to protect the international financial system from money laundering and financing of terrorism risks and to encourage greater compliance with the AML/CFT standards.

Guyana was blacklisted by the body again because of its failure to pass the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AMLCFT) (Amendment) Bill 2013, which was presented in Parliament on April 22, 2013.

The Bill was, however, rejected by the country’s Parliament in November 2013. While it was reintroduced in Parliament in December 2013 and has been subject to consideration by a Parliamentary Special Select Committee, the Parliament has not moved to enact the legislation again.

Guyana’s President President Donald Ramotar, in a radio and television broadcast statement last night, called the decision “disappointing.”

The CFATF said that as a result of not meeting the agreed timelines it was forced to list Guyana “as a jurisdiction with significant AML/CFT deficiencies, which has failed to make significant progress in addressing those deficiencies.”

Members were urged to implement further counter measures to protect their financial systems from the ongoing money laundering and terrorist financing risks emanating from Guyana.

The CFATF has referred Guyana to the international, Financial Action Task Force (FATF) .

Countermeasures could entail, among others, the requirement of enhanced due diligence measures; introducing enhanced reporting mechanisms or systematic reporting of financial transactions; refusing the establishment of subsidiaries or branches or representative offices in the country concerned, or otherwise taking into account the fact that the relevant financial institution is from a country that does not have adequate AML/CFT systems and limiting the business relationships or financial transactions with the identified country or persons in that country.

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Originally Posted by yuji22:

Bad news for Guyana = Good news for the AFC.



President Ramotar busy (Right Now) trying to get AFC support..... I wonder if he sincerely need AFC help..... XXXXXX Or the Parliamentry Majority should tell him Puck-off....and go to YouGee fuh pass de bill in Parliament.

Members were urged to implement further counter measures to protect their financial systems from the ongoing money laundering and terrorist financing risks emanating from Guyana.


Is who turned Guyana into a money laundering and terrorists financing hub? Is it not the PPP that set up a base for Arabian countries with known terrorist links around the world? Even the FARC has been doing business with the PPP cartel. Now the PPP crying wolf and pointing false fingers

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Bad news for Guyana = Good news for the AFC.




For once, think of bad news as bad news, period; and not as somehow someone else's good news.


See the value in the reporting, and if there is need for some corrective behavior, then advocate for this change.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Bad news for Guyana = Good news for the AFC.




For once, think of bad news as bad news, period; and not as somehow someone else's good news.


See the value in the reporting, and if there is need for some corrective behavior, then advocate for this change.

Agree with you here, because it isnt evident that only the AFC/APNU will be blamed if the economy tanks.  So I dont know why some PPP folks seem to be rejoicing at the prospect.


What this should indicate to people is that preventing post election alliances isnt workable.  Suppose 2016 produces the same result.  What than?


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