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There would always be a demand for rice.  Our embassies are doing a bad job on the economic front.  As is, they are paperwork agencies.  WE need a reckoning of which embassies have recruited investors and secured the most assistance for Guyana.


Yesterday, there was a meeting between rice farmers and GRDB.


PPP are too addicted to thieving and the real producers are being neglected.


PPP has been very lazy when it comes to diversification of the economy, and spinoff industries.


They make a big deal when cutting ribbon for a Church's chicken or other foreign franchise.  But they have done very little in 23 years to work on the economy.  They are only interested in kickback ventures such as hotels, and schemes where they pay up front and people abscond with the country's money.  They planned it like that -  Surendra, Fip, and all the projects that had to be extended over and over without consequences.


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