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Former Member

De virus deh pun steroids

Sep 13, 2021 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, Source - Kaieteur News Online -

Kaieteur News – De world nat going back to normal; it moving towards a ‘new normal’. Dat is what dem boys feel. Work is nat going to be de same again. More and more people gan continue to wuk from home rather dan gat to spend hours every day commuting to and from wuk, after getting up early fuh mek lunch and to turn up at office and spend lang hours gaffing with dem other staff members.

De pandemic show how wukkin from home more effective and it cheaper for dem companies too wah nah gat to pay so much light bill and rent. So wukkin from home is de new normal.

De new normal is also virtual education. Dem boys hope Aunty Priya understand dat. It force dem children fuh use multimedia fuh learn and de benefits of multimedia learning well known. But dem boys know how at nursery and primary level dem children does learn best through play and contact with dem friends.

So de new normal gan be face-to-face learning at nursery and primary and virtual learning at secondary and university. So nah bother with dem billion dollar school wah bin plan fuh build. Spend de money on providing better internet service and loans fuh dem parents fuh buy tablet and computa fuh dem secondary school children.

But even de new normal gan get delayed unless de unvaccinated go and get dem shot. Dem wah refusing fuh get vaccinated giving de virus steroids because de virus gan spread faster among de population.

Talk half and leh we get to dis new normal quick!

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I heard that one before about the unvaccinated being the cause of the virus mutating, seems like bs to me, it's more likely to mutate the same way other pests become immune to certain bug sprays etc, those chemicals are overused. We never hear of these pests becoming immune to bug sprays because we don't use enough.


Ah notice alyuh neglecting to mention the source of the pure SHIT coming out about de vaccine. In the old days alyuh would be screaming about Trump.

Now you got this bowl of oatmeal looking "president" telling us that he needs to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. huh? Isn't one of the reasons for BEING vaccinated that you don't fear being around unvaccinated people?

Go check the CDC website, it says about 120 million Americans had Covid. This means they already have the strongest immunity to the virus. So do those who took monoclonal antibodies (I think). Why is he insisting that people who already have covid put themselves at risk by layering a vaccine on top of their antibodies, thereby increasing their risk of something going wrong?

Then piling on about "mandates". Where are all the screams about dictatorship now? Alyuh mouth deh in alyuh ass now, eh?


Sock it to dem Iggy. I was ok with Biden but this nonsense he's doing with forcing vaccines on people and the screw up with getting the people out of Afghanistan will be his downfall.


According to the experts, if you had COVID you need a shot after a while to maximize protection.  Having the illness boosts immunity but the added shot increases it.  Moreover, the protection afforded by the vaccine is not 100% but it is close to it.  In Canada, close to 80% of those above 12 are fully vaccinated and more than 85% have received one shot.  Any way you twist it or turn it the fact is that upping the vaccination rate is the best protection against COVID. I don't understand the resistance to the vaccine.  There have been previous vaccination campaigns.  I remember having to get shots or booster shots before travelling to certain parts of the world.  Yes, I still have my vaccination card.  What's so different about the current campaign against COVID-19?


The shots we took/take to travel were properly tested, at this time not one person including Fauci can give us the goods on this one. I don't give a rats ass where they mention this vaccine being out there for a number of years but just need a bit of tweaking for Covid. How many booster shots will be needed four, five,ten? They no nothing if it. They tweaked it alright.

Has anyone seen the nonsense we now see where we are being bribed to get a vaccine? No. Why is this being allowed?


Several vaccines were approved for emergency use and I believe Pfizer's has now received full approval in the US.  Were it not for the vaccination campaigns around the world the virus would have posed an even bigger threat.  Come on man jus mek up you mind and tek the vaccine--is only a lil juk--like a maskita bite.  I took two shots of Pfizer and my wife told me I am no more abnormal than I was before.   


Banna, I don't even take medication so for me a vaccine ain't in the cards. Proper rest, vitamins, exercise, laughter, music, 'erb, this is my prescription to get me through all the hell I encounter.

@Totaram posted:

According to the experts, if you had COVID you need a shot after a while to maximize protection.  Having the illness boosts immunity but the added shot increases it.  Moreover, the protection afforded by the vaccine is not 100% but it is close to it.  In Canada, close to 80% of those above 12 are fully vaccinated and more than 85% have received one shot.  Any way you twist it or turn it the fact is that upping the vaccination rate is the best protection against COVID. I don't understand the resistance to the vaccine.  There have been previous vaccination campaigns.  I remember having to get shots or booster shots before travelling to certain parts of the world.  Yes, I still have my vaccination card.  What's so different about the current campaign against COVID-19?

I am vaccinated and have no problems with vaccines. I agree that in this case, a vaccine is needed to head off tens of millions of dead. "Protecting the vaccinated" is absurd, especially given the negligible amount of breakthrough cases. Mind you, even if a vaccinated person gets it, the severity is low and not fatal.

However, it is the mandate and the bullshit about "following the science" when it is clear that no science is being followed here that bothers me. The science says people with Covid already have immunity. Why the mandate for them? And what about herd immunity? We were told that with 60% vaccinated herd immunity would be achieved. Why the push to 100% ?

The issue for me is government encroaching on my rights. That pasty old man has long held that a woman's body doesn't belong to the government and that no one has a right to tell a woman what to do with her body. Fine. I agree. But then why does he have the right to tell ANYONE to take a vaccine when it is THEIR body to decide.

This is all bullshit. Fk him and fk his "mandatory" bullshit. Note that none of this applies to congress or their assistants. So what do we have here? An elite class?

People need to see through this bullshit or tomorrow they will tell you to drink horsepiss or lose your job. Well, in Prashad's case he's already doing that.

Last edited by Former Member

Oh rant doan say that man you'll hurt de man feelings. I gaffa talk to him an make him feel better.

Oi Ahlie..ah mean, Oi Prash, leh we gaff lil bit pardna. You does take dah horsey thingy with ice? Shaken or stirred?

Last edited by cain
@cain posted:

Banna, I don't even take medication so for me a vaccine ain't in the cards. Proper rest, vitamins, exercise, laughter, music, 'erb, this is my prescription to get me through all the hell I encounter.

all hail the cainster, poster boy for the covid anti-vaccine campaign

Last edited by Former Member

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