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De whole world change

Apr 11, 2019 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, Kaieteur News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-whole-world-change/

De whole world looking at how things changing. A long time ago dem boys read how de seats in cinemas bigger than dem cinema seats that use to exist 50 years ago.

De same study find that de people had to mek wider seats in schools. De reason was that dem gyal of today got more broad behind that dem grandmother. Something had to happen to mek that change.

And any man wid two eyes seeing more confusion going behind dem woman that when dem was li’l boys forty or fifty years ago. Every woman got a big behind. De thing become so fashionable that de people who use to mek underwear start to pad some of dem same underwear to mek de behind look bigger.

Climate change is anodda thing. People talk how de ice melting at de poles and when that happen dem low-lying island countries gun flood out. Water gun cover dem and people gun have to find new place to live.

Guyana wid its seawall and low coastland gun flood. People gun stand up at Mackenzie and rinse dem foot in de seawall.

Dem boys seh this climate change and global warming is a dangerous thing. But that is not de most dangerous thing. Dem boys seh anybody who want to see de most dangerous thing must go in de night clubs.

Fifty years ago when you go to any place wheh dem had dancing was man and woman dancing. Dem use to kiss and things like that. Today, in dem night club is woman kissing woman. Dem boys never see man kissing man.

This thing rampant. Woman walking wid a tablet that dem does drop in odda woman drink and rape dem. In fact, man and woman doing de same thing. Both of dem fighting fuh woman.

Dem innocent gyal who get ketch in this thing does got to keep dem mouth shut because people got dem in video.

Dem boys seh that long time men use to smile how dem got ten woman to every man. That might have been true because nuff man was really woman. That shorten de number of men going around. Now de women evening up. Dem mekking sure that dem use up de excess women too.

And dem really nuff.

Talk half and watch woman and man fighting fuh woman.

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