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De winners’ concept is de way to go

Mar 05, 2018 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ept-is-de-way-to-go/

There is an old saying that de brave concept is to do or die. De practical concept is to do before you die and de winners’ concept is don’t die until you do it.

Soulja Bai always tell he people to do or die. He use to be an army man and that is why he tell people to do or die. Nuff of dem dead before de do because den didn’t know what to do.

That is because dem didn’t understand de concept of life. Jagdeo understand de practical concept which is to do before you die. He do nuff thing. He tek de radio licence and give he friends and family; he give away de cable; he give way three-quarters of Guyana, Then tun round and tek over de whole Pee Pee Pee from de dummy.

De winners’ concept is wha dem boys believe in. That is de concept which seh don’t die until you do it. That is why dem putting pressure pun Exxon to change de oil contract and dem ain’t gun dead until de contract change.

Dem also plan to change de nonsense that going on at Ogle wheh only one family getting all de sweet. Dem got local people who trying to get space at Ogle and dem can’t get.

One local man want a 100 by 100 plot of land, de size of a house lot to park he plane and he can’t get. But dem coulda find 10 acre fuh give Exxon.

Is a good thing de Lands and Surveys boss man step in because dem boys believe dem got to do before dem die and dem woulda never sit down and watch Exxon get that land.

Soulja Bai got to get involve in de winners’ concept. Don’t die until you do it.

Talk half and know that dem boys ain’t done do yet.

De winners’ concept is de way to go

Mar 05, 2018 Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...ept-is-de-way-to-go/

One local man want a 100 by 100 plot of land, de size of a house lot to park he plane and he can’t get. But dem coulda find 10 acre fuh give Exxon.

PNCR/AFC focused way with Exxon and the Guyanese people.


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