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Former Member

Ok folks,


I am of the firm opinion that the PPP must take up it's seats in parliament. 


The boycott of parliament on the other hand, plays well for the PPP for now until it's supporters demand that they are represented.


The PPP appears in no rush to enter parliament and this may look very bad in the eyes of investors and potential lending agencies etc. The PPP is taking a gamble and it is hedging that it will payoff.


During my last trip to New York, most Indo Guyanese have a wait and see attitude towards APNU/AFC. It is important that APNU tread carefully and not portray themselves as a government hell bent on victimizing Indo Guyanese by replacing them with Afros in high profile positions.


Let us see what happens. Interesting times ahead.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks,


I am of the firm opinion that the PPP must take up it's seats in parliament. 


The boycott of parliament on the other hand, plays well for the PPP for now until it's supporters demand that they are represented.


The PPP appears in no rush to enter parliament and this may look very bad in the eyes of investors and potential lending agencies etc. The PPP is taking a gamble and it is hedging that it will payoff.


During my last trip to New York, most Indo Guyanese have a wait and see attitude towards APNU/AFC. It is important that APNU tread carefully and not portray themselves as a government hell bent on victimizing Indo Guyanese by replacing them with Afros in high profile positions.


Let us see what happens. Interesting times ahead.


I endorse what you say. However, I will add that the PPP is now purposely destabilizing Guyana economically and worsening our racial situation just so it can improve its chances in 2020. I'm not sure it will work. I'm also not sure it won't work. It's the unpatriotic intellectually lazy thing to do. But it's right out of the page of communism. The PPP is going to lead Indians and Guyana to further ruin.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

It is important that APNU tread carefully and not portray themselves as a government hell bent on victimizing Indo Guyanese by replacing them with Afros in high profile positions.

The inherent problem therein is that any square indo corrupt peg will scream victimization. But I suspect you already know this.


Not sure what the PPP gains by staying out of parliament.  Maybe they are NOT interested in amending the Constitution hedging their bets that the coalition will fracture thus giving them a chance next time around if there is no coalition?? 

What happens if they stay out indefinitely?  Would the seats be declared vacated or something like that?

Originally Posted by VVP:

Not sure what the PPP gains by staying out of parliament.  Maybe they are NOT interested in amending the Constitution hedging their bets that the coalition will fracture thus giving them a chance next time around if there is no coalition?? 

What happens if they stay out indefinitely?  Would the seats be declared vacated or something like that?

That's essentially their strategy. To hold tight and hope the coalition fails. Meanwhile they whine and complain. PPP will never get involved in constitutional reform. If they pressure the coalition will agree on constitutional reform.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by TK:
 PPP will never get involved in constitutional reform. If they pressure the coalition will agree on constitutional reform.

No sure what you meant here.  I thought the coalition wants constitutional reform.

Well perhaps the coalition wants constitutional reform because they know the PPP is not grown up enough to demand same.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by TK:
 PPP will never get involved in constitutional reform. If they pressure the coalition will agree on constitutional reform.

No sure what you meant here.  I thought the coalition wants constitutional reform.

Well perhaps the coalition wants constitutional reform because they know the PPP is not grown up enough to demand same.

  I think I know what you are getting at.

Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by TK:
 PPP will never get involved in constitutional reform. If they pressure the coalition will agree on constitutional reform.

No sure what you meant here.  I thought the coalition wants constitutional reform.

HEHEHE  Stupidee Bill but not really, a Slimeball who dance to different beats. He is a DANGER to the civilized World!!!! I heard him halla here like the HO he is about the PPP Govt not doing  anything about changing the Constitution , now this FOOL want the PPP to pressure the Govt in POWER, a majority Govt!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by TK:
 PPP will never get involved in constitutional reform. If they pressure the coalition will agree on constitutional reform.

No sure what you meant here.  I thought the coalition wants constitutional reform.

HEHEHE  Stupidee Bill but not really, a Slimeball who dance to different beats. He is a DANGER to the civilized World!!!! I heard him halla here like the HO he is about the PPP Govt not doing  anything about changing the Constitution , now this FOOL want the PPP to pressure the Govt in POWER, a majority Govt!!!!!!!!!!

Ask yu bai DG. He will tell you it takes two to tango...2/3 uncle DG says..

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by TK:
 PPP will never get involved in constitutional reform. If they pressure the coalition will agree on constitutional reform.

No sure what you meant here.  I thought the coalition wants constitutional reform.

HEHEHE  Stupidee Bill but not really, a Slimeball who dance to different beats. He is a DANGER to the civilized World!!!! I heard him halla here like the HO he is about the PPP Govt not doing  anything about changing the Constitution , now this FOOL want the PPP to pressure the Govt in POWER, a majority Govt!!!!!!!!!!

Ask yu bai DG. He will tell you it takes two to tango...2/3 uncle DG says..

You were too DUNCE to know that.  I remember CLEARLY he was teaching Al YUH DUNCES but Al YUh still dont get it.  DG wasted his time with DUNCE Students!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by VVP:
Originally Posted by TK:
 PPP will never get involved in constitutional reform. If they pressure the coalition will agree on constitutional reform.

No sure what you meant here.  I thought the coalition wants constitutional reform.

HEHEHE  Stupidee Bill but not really, a Slimeball who dance to different beats. He is a DANGER to the civilized World!!!! I heard him halla here like the HO he is about the PPP Govt not doing  anything about changing the Constitution , now this FOOL want the PPP to pressure the Govt in POWER, a majority Govt!!!!!!!!!!

Ask yu bai DG. He will tell you it takes two to tango...2/3 uncle DG says..

You were too DUNCE to know that.  I remember CLEARLY he was teaching Al YUH DUNCES but Al YUh still dont get it.  DG wasted his time with DUNCE Students!!!!!!!!!!!

Yea...DG is abbe sage...just like yu .

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks,


I am of the firm opinion that the PPP must take up it's seats in parliament. 


The boycott of parliament on the other hand, plays well for the PPP for now until it's supporters demand that they are represented.


The PPP appears in no rush to enter parliament and this may look very bad in the eyes of investors and potential lending agencies etc. The PPP is taking a gamble and it is hedging that it will payoff.


During my last trip to New York, most Indo Guyanese have a wait and see attitude towards APNU/AFC. It is important that APNU tread carefully and not portray themselves as a government hell bent on victimizing Indo Guyanese by replacing them with Afros in high profile positions.


Let us see what happens. Interesting times ahead.


I endorse what you say. However, I will add that the PPP is now purposely destabilizing Guyana economically and worsening our racial situation just so it can improve its chances in 2020. I'm not sure it will work. I'm also not sure it won't work. It's the unpatriotic intellectually lazy thing to do. But it's right out of the page of communism. The PPP is going to lead Indians and Guyana to further ruin.

Jagdeo only looks at the world through the lens of a sociopath. I agree they will try to destabilize the new govt. It is unpatriotic.

elaborate on how they are Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks,


I am of the firm opinion that the PPP must take up it's seats in parliament. 


The boycott of parliament on the other hand, plays well for the PPP for now until it's supporters demand that they are represented.


The PPP appears in no rush to enter parliament and this may look very bad in the eyes of investors and potential lending agencies etc. The PPP is taking a gamble and it is hedging that it will payoff.


During my last trip to New York, most Indo Guyanese have a wait and see attitude towards APNU/AFC. It is important that APNU tread carefully and not portray themselves as a government hell bent on victimizing Indo Guyanese by replacing them with Afros in high profile positions.


Let us see what happens. Interesting times ahead.


I endorse what you say. However, I will add that the PPP is now purposely destabilizing Guyana economically and worsening our racial situation just so it can improve its chances in 2020. I'm not sure it will work. I'm also not sure it won't work. It's the unpatriotic intellectually lazy thing to do. But it's right out of the page of communism. The PPP is going to lead Indians and Guyana to further ruin.

Please elaborate how the PPP is purposefully destabilizing Guyana economically? There has been no Mo fia, slo fia from them.

Originally Posted by Zed:
elaborate on how they are Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks,


I am of the firm opinion that the PPP must take up it's seats in parliament. 


The boycott of parliament on the other hand, plays well for the PPP for now until it's supporters demand that they are represented.


The PPP appears in no rush to enter parliament and this may look very bad in the eyes of investors and potential lending agencies etc. The PPP is taking a gamble and it is hedging that it will payoff.


During my last trip to New York, most Indo Guyanese have a wait and see attitude towards APNU/AFC. It is important that APNU tread carefully and not portray themselves as a government hell bent on victimizing Indo Guyanese by replacing them with Afros in high profile positions.


Let us see what happens. Interesting times ahead.


I endorse what you say. However, I will add that the PPP is now purposely destabilizing Guyana economically and worsening our racial situation just so it can improve its chances in 2020. I'm not sure it will work. I'm also not sure it won't work. It's the unpatriotic intellectually lazy thing to do. But it's right out of the page of communism. The PPP is going to lead Indians and Guyana to further ruin.

Please elaborate how the PPP is purposefully destabilizing Guyana economically? There has been no Mo fia, slo fia from them.


The private sector in Guyana is overwhelmingly Indian. The PPP simply has to send the Indo business class into psychological distress. Cobra here uses the fancy term of "loss of investor confidence." We are witnessing this happening as we speak. Imports by businessmen have almost ground to a halt as we speak. This is directly as a result of the PPP panicking the Indos.


This is the 2015 version of burning the canefields. Paralyze the Government by wrecking the fragile economy and then turn around and blame the Government for a wrecked economy. It's wicked, it's's classic PPP.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
To take those seats means that we the East Indian people of Guyana have no regards towards our human rights and dignity as a people. It is better to drink poison instead of taking those seats.

Humbly beg to disagree.


The PPP should sit in Parliament.





1.  Can give effective leadership to the national issues;


2.  The House is a Platform;


3.  The perks for the PPP friends and family - many of them like Alexei Raumtar is out of a job, so he can do with the duty free;


4.  Free food for Gail Texiera (she has a reputation for packing doggy bags from Parlaiment for her home in the past).  



5.  But back to the serious issues  - they can use Parlaiment to showcase the party's agenda and to present itself as the Government in waiting for 2020.  




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
The only talk should be to negotiate the creation of a new country for the East Indian people of Guyana where we can live free from hate.

So let us try to understand you.  So what will happen to the people of Herstelling on the East Bank of Demerara - a mainly East Indian village?

Wan letter writer sey, dey being persecuted.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
The only talk should be to negotiate the creation of a new country for the East Indian people of Guyana where we can live free from hate.

Together East Indians,Potagee,Amerindians and Chinese need a separate state where they can feel free from the atrocities committed everyday against them.They want to live in a state where the fear of kick down breakdown,people robbing the poor farmers going home after selling their vegetables at Bourda and Stabroek market.People waiting to kill or rob them on their way from the airport (coolie gat money).

Destroy or loot your business because of the rumor that APNU  (PNC) will lose the election.

The need to live in a place where pigs are not making a mess in every street,a place where the homes are neat and painted and the surroundings are clean.No Mashramani.No qweh-qweh.No wild mobs running down the streets as if on elephant hunt.

This separate stae will grow and flourish within 20 years.Have a separate army and police force that are responsive to the needs of your own people.

It is the best way forward.Let the others create a new Haiti.How will they manage with no CVS Pharmacy.

Just saw Idi Amin wife died in London (backra man country).

The best so;ution is to have a separate part of the country-partition.

Originally Posted by george dasilva:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
The only talk should be to negotiate the creation of a new country for the East Indian people of Guyana where we can live free from hate.

Together East Indians,Potagee,Amerindians and Chinese need a separate state where they can feel free from the atrocities committed everyday against them.They want to live in a state where the fear of kick down breakdown,people robbing the poor farmers going home after selling their vegetables at Bourda and Stabroek market.People waiting to kill or rob them on their way from the airport (coolie gat money).

Destroy or loot your business because of the rumor that APNU  (PNC) will lose the election.

The need to live in a place where pigs are not making a mess in every street,a place where the homes are neat and painted and the surroundings are clean.No Mashramani.No qweh-qweh.No wild mobs running down the streets as if on elephant hunt.

This separate stae will grow and flourish within 20 years.Have a separate army and police force that are responsive to the needs of your own people.

It is the best way forward.Let the others create a new Haiti.How will they manage with no CVS Pharmacy.

Just saw Idi Amin wife died in London (backra man country).

The best so;ution is to have a separate part of the country-partition.

You ROARites are exceedingly stupid!!!

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by george dasilva:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
The only talk should be to negotiate the creation of a new country for the East Indian people of Guyana where we can live free from hate.

Together East Indians,Potagee,Amerindians and Chinese need a separate state where they can feel free from the atrocities committed everyday against them.They want to live in a state where the fear of kick down breakdown,people robbing the poor farmers going home after selling their vegetables at Bourda and Stabroek market.People waiting to kill or rob them on their way from the airport (coolie gat money).

Destroy or loot your business because of the rumor that APNU  (PNC) will lose the election.

The need to live in a place where pigs are not making a mess in every street,a place where the homes are neat and painted and the surroundings are clean.No Mashramani.No qweh-qweh.No wild mobs running down the streets as if on elephant hunt.

This separate stae will grow and flourish within 20 years.Have a separate army and police force that are responsive to the needs of your own people.

It is the best way forward.Let the others create a new Haiti.How will they manage with no CVS Pharmacy.

Just saw Idi Amin wife died in London (backra man country).

The best so;ution is to have a separate part of the country-partition.

You ROARites are exceedingly stupid!!!


ROAR like all parties had a stupid wing. Let's not paint all of the former ROAR as a bunch of ignars who craved partition. Prashad can't be really ROAR because he believes in a Jagan Hereditary Monarchy.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

TK, You could have been representing Indians from within not without.


The PPP has a nasty and self-defeating habit of expelling any and all intelligent Indians.


The PPP won't even grant us membership in the party.

If you can't toe the Party line, then you are out.

You have to be loyal to the Party.  That is their rule.  If you don't like it, then find another Party like AFC.  You can't be that stupid. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

TK, You could have been representing Indians from within not without.

Uncle Rama_Cyant yuh doan understand abie Indos who did not mek a living by being souptunists in PPP or PNC for that matter.  Now, please outline clearly those unique features of Guyanese Indians that make them in need of special representation from myself or anyone else? Bulleted points, please.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

TK, You could have been representing Indians from within not without.

Uncle Rama_Cyant yuh doan understand abie Indos who did not mek a living by being souptunists in PPP or PNC for that matter.  Now, please outline clearly those unique features of Guyanese Indians that make them in need of special representation from myself or anyone else? Bulleted points, please.

I am not going to do that but instead I am going to encourage them to get out of the kitchen if they can't stand the heat, like you did.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

TK, You could have been representing Indians from within not without.

Uncle Rama_Cyant yuh doan understand abie Indos who did not mek a living by being souptunists in PPP or PNC for that matter.  Now, please outline clearly those unique features of Guyanese Indians that make them in need of special representation from myself or anyone else? Bulleted points, please.

I am not going to do that but instead I am going to encourage them to get out of the kitchen if they can't stand the heat, like you did.

Like yuh turning a chicken or wat? List dem unique features dat only abie Indos gat na?

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

TK, You could have been representing Indians from within not without.

Uncle Rama_Cyant yuh doan understand abie Indos who did not mek a living by being souptunists in PPP or PNC for that matter.  Now, please outline clearly those unique features of Guyanese Indians that make them in need of special representation from myself or anyone else? Bulleted points, please.

I am not going to do that but instead I am going to encourage them to get out of the kitchen if they can't stand the heat, like you did.

Like yuh turning a chicken or wat? List dem unique features dat only abie Indos gat na?

If you don't know that then you are not the man for the job...


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