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I appreciate that you are currently in a psychologically confusing state because of the following two sets of facts:

  1. You have worked extremely hard to get APNU elected because you thought they were the right moral, ethical and political choice for governing the country.
  2. Since the elections of March 2nd, several independent local and international organizations have called out immoral and unethical actions by APNU. The independent press has also reported on a number of these actions. As a result, APNU have significantly weakened their political status both domestically and internationally which draws into question whether they can govern effectively.

Yes, I realize both facts are conflicting, but they can also be true at the same time. I know you may have tried to solve this dissonance by taking what seems to be the only obvious path which is to deny or disprove the second set of facts. To this end the APNU leaders said that you should turn to them for alternative facts to rationalize all the work you have done to date. So you may have turned to the Chronicle and APNU’s Facebook page. Unfortunately, being that we are in the information age, it is difficult to avoid the hard facts as they are available on, well pretty much everywhere else on the internet.

However, there may be another way to solve your current psychological conundrum and that is to recognize that while your support was with the best of intentions, the facts bear out that APNU no longer deserves your support. I know you are fully invested with APNU, particularly with your family, friends and colleagues so when you renounce your support it may initially be a bit embarrassing.  However I think folks ultimately are going to respect your intellectual flexibility and honesty. Most importantly you will be in a healthier psychological state.

Afterall, when the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do?

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The problem APNU folk find is no other party to take up the mantle,unless they back one of the smaller parties but "too late" will be the cry, that should have been done at the polls.


Nothing wrong to appeal to APNU+AFC supporters to see reason and accept reality. Amid the frustration and running out of patience, such an appeal is noble indeed. But I truly believe that only a relatively small clique within APNU+AFC is hellbent on clinging to power. I would like to think that the majority of Coalition supporters want to get on with their lives because they too are suffering. One defeat is not the end of the world.


The world was shocked when Trump emerged victorious in 2016. A political analyst from University of Virginia predicted a day before the elections that Clinton will win 342 electoral delegates. She did not. The same night everyone realized that Trump won and although Clinton was shocked, disappointed and upset, she still managed to concede as well as pick up the phone and congratulated Trump on his victory. That is the reality of elections. The PNC obstinacy is to their detriment and the sooner they come to terms with it the sooner they can begin repairing their tattered image. They also have to be honest with the supporters that they were defeated not cheated.

@Former Member posted:

Nothing wrong to appeal to APNU+AFC supporters to see reason and accept reality. Amid the frustration and running out of patience, such an appeal is noble indeed. But I truly believe that only a relatively small clique within APNU+AFC is hellbent on clinging to power. I would like to think that the majority of Coalition supporters want to get on with their lives because they too are suffering. One defeat is not the end of the world.

Unfortunately history has shown that these actions are dependent on the complicity of a large segment of the population including the intelligentsia (see numerous op-ed pieces in the various newspapers). Yes it always begins with an individual or a small group of individuals, but it also always requires a significant proportion of the people to believe that their economic and social well-being are at risk if they don’t provide the support. There is no way a small group of 10-40 individuals can continue to ignore democratic norms if the vast majority of the country (and the world) was against them. The only way that would be possible is with the active use of military force.  


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