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The lie about a pension book

December 18, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, Some measure of slackness which needs to be addressed is very evident at the Anna Regina office of the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security. That office cannot be exonerated from blame for me not being provided with my pension book for seven months now. During the very next month after completing 65 years, having been born on 1948-04-29, my form as a requirement was filed up at this office in order to get my book which had to be processed at the Headquarters in the city before being sent back to the district for me to collect. From then and on to now, I visited this office no less than 20 times on the advice given, β€œCome back next week. You book ain’t come yet”. Out of curiosity, a few days ago, I contacted the Head Office where the shocking revelation was made that nothing was sent from Anna Regina office for me which points to a pellucid situation of where nothing could have come back when nothing was sent. Someone was just making a fool of me all the time. With my frustration and stress mounting after wasting so much time, getting money to travel there seems to be no certainty when I would get my book. But what now seems likely is that it may now be made available after my death when it would be just useless as no benefit could then be derived. When coupled with the suffering and inconvenience endured, the protracted delay is unacceptable when better needs to be done for the elderly. Budhanie Ramroop

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Originally Posted by Mitwah:

When these people turn to the AFC for help, the PPP/C insults them by calling them traitors and other unmentionable names. They are then blacklisted.

this might just be a dumb idea but why not pay these people with direct banking in this way instead of waiting in line for their checks they just go to the bank its about time guyana keep up with time


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