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Enough of PNC blocking progressPDFPrintE-mail
Written by T. KING   
Thursday, 11 April 2013 23:04

THE projects identified by the combined opposition for allocation cuts, include the Amaila Falls Hydro project. The PNC is telling government and all other Guyanese that Lindeners are the only ones that are entitled to cheap electricity. The PNC would have no qualms that the Specialty Hospital be built in either Buxton, Linden or Agricola with the best doctors and nurses and care- givers. The PNC wants to cut the funding for expansion of the Cheddi Jagan International Airport for one single reason only, the name of the Airport according to PNC should be LFSB

International. The PNC said no to government E-Towers in any PNC stronghold villages. They have already done it in Plaisance and are a very proud people for stopping progress. Ask the ordinary man in the street and they will tell you that the PNC wants all that budget money to be pumped into PNC strongholds and to hell with other Guyanese. I was never an advocate for snap elections, but seeing the PNC’s charade at its best I think the time is right for Guyanese to go back to the polls to elect a government of their choice, as they did ever since 1992 in free, fair, transparent elections and  without intimidation. Since intimidation was a deadly factor on the part of the PNC at the last elections, the government is now urged to ask for UN help and even UN troops to be present whenever elections are held again. The people are saying enough is enough of the PNC and their trying to make good on their open promise to this nation of "making the country ungovernable." One way or another, the PNC must learn that when it loses an election in a free, fair,  transparent and intimidation-free manner,  it must accept defeat and work with government for its people. Enough of PNC threats of "slo fiah" and "mo fiah." Guyanese must never hear PNC operatives utter words such as "if PPP win and don't share power with PNC there will be no Guyana." Those are serious threats to non-PNC supporters and must be dealt with in a serious fashion. Enough of the PNC blocking progress.  

Last Updated on Thursday, 11 April 2013 23:04

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