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Deciding on the selection of numbers for parliamentary committeesPDFPrintE-mail
Written by A WHITE   
Saturday, 03 March 2012 20:58
IT IS with some concern that I read in the papers, almost daily that a decision has not yet been made  on the parliamentary committees.  It is almost amazing how  APNU and the AFC are saying that they support this and that, but in contrary to all of that – they are fighting to control parliament; why? The chief whip of the APNU – was quoted in the newspapers as saying: “We believe in unity and consensus”; I personally do not believe this for one moment.
Why is changing the numbers from 10 to 9 that important to the opposition?  The government is proposing 5, 4, 1, which is a good balance.  This will give the people of Guyana an opportunity to see all parties in parliament are working together and for the people.

If the APNU and the AFC  are insisting on the 9-member committee, then fine, but this is what the government must insist upon 5, 3, and 1. The government got a majority of votes counted at the last election; why is the opposition ignoring this?

The PPP, APNU and the AFC, must understand that we the people of Guyana, are the ones who put them there, who gave them the votes to be in parliament.

The 10 members parliamentary committee should be put in place and allowed  to work – that is a balance, 5/5; so then what are the  concerns of the opposition?

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