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“Dialogue is a must!” – House Speaker pushes for third party intervention

November 30, 2014 12:09 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-

By Fareeza Haniff

Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman. [iNews' Photo]

Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman. [iNews’ Photo]

[] â€“ Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman continues to push for dialogue between the Opposition and government, following the prorogation of Parliament.


While being aware that the Opposition is against engaging the government in any dialogue outside of Parliament, Trotman believes that it is the only way to move forward.

As such, he once again plugged the notion of inviting a ‘third party’ to facilitate dialogue; a suggestion which the Opposition and Government are not against, but one which they both believe should be a last resort.

During his appearance on the radio programme ‘Hard Talk’ aired on 90.1 Love FM on Sunday, November 30, Trotman explained that President Donald Ramotar acted within the constitution in proroguing Parliament...



Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Didn't ashni singh and Ramotar shelve the triparty talks?

Didn't Ramotar boldly pronounce that he didnt want to talk to anyone or he didn't have to consult anyone?

Why the urgent need to talk now?

Why not let the people of Guyana talk and call elections to give them a voice?

His vote buying money got seized by the Feds so now he is in a tight spot.


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