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Deconstructing Dubious Growth
By Dr. Tarron Khemraj


The PPP government – or most likely the Jagdeo loyalists – have been making a lot of noise about the half-year GDP growth rate, which Minister Ashni Singh claims to be 5.9%. This number is in itself interesting because typically the Bureau of Statistics does not release quarterly GDP statistics. It has never been done. Suddenly before the election we are told about an estimated half-year GDP growth.
If this data is indeed available why only Minister Ashni Singh has access to them? The Bank of Guyana (BOG) ought to be using the quarterly data in its monetary policy forecasts and implementation. This kind of quarterly breakdown will indeed make it easier for the central bank to manage the nation’s money supply and meet its various monetary targets.
Several Caribbean countries – Jamaica, Belize, Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados – do have quarterly GDP compilation. We call upon the government to give the Bureau of Statistics the necessary resource to do the same in Guyana.


The average rate of real GDP growth under President Jagdeo has been 1.95% from 2000 to 2010. This is hardly spectacular. Even if we assume the one-time 5.9% rate of growth for the entire of 2011, the Jagdeo period realised an average rate of growth from 2000 to 2011 of 2.3%.
To put things into context, the Guyana economy grew at an average of 6.8% from 1992 to 1999. The PPP has a habit of telling Guyanese how well Guyana is doing in spite of the global crisis and problems. What it does not want to face up to is the fact that when the world economy achieved a boom from 2000 to 2007, Guyana grew at a meagre 1.45% in the pre-crisis period. Why has this been the case? This column explains some reasons for the mediocre growth performance under the Jagdeo Administration.


A country must have investments if it is to continue growing. Growth, in turn, is critical because it leads to employment creation for citizens. If investments are zero then there will be no growth. We particularly value private investments given the private sector’s ability to generate growth. When analysing private investments we must take the private investment rate (PIR), which is calculated as the dollar amount of private investments divided by GDP. If we look at the PIR since 1992 it has declined continually. It continued to decline into 2010 as data released by the BOG show. Therefore, it is a mystery how growth has picked up given Guyana’s declining PIR.
Government investments have however increased while PIR is declining. Government investments have two main facets: (i) a non-tradable aspect such as construction of roads, schools, bridges, etc; and (ii) a tradable component such as investments by GuySuCo and GuyOil – notable state-owned enterprises.
The problem is government investments have been very inefficient to date. The Skeldon sugar factory is a disaster, while infrastructure works continue to break up after a few months of being constructed. Only recently we learnt major design flaws were found in the Fip Motilall road. It is therefore a mystery how Guyana can achieve 5.9% growth with grossly inefficient public investments and falling domestic private investments. If we are to believe this growth rate then it cannot result from productivity gains but most likely temporary good luck in sectors such as gold. This kind of “good luck” growth is never sustainable and has

nothing to do with shrewd policies in the Jagdeo years.


While the Minister appears keen to report half-year GDP we still do not have regular statistics on the Guyana labour market. The unemployment rate continues to be a mystery and it is a number typically subjected to political abuse. We also need to know what the rate of labour force participation is, which is calculated by dividing the labour force by the population.
Regular labour statistics – as quarterly GDP – are critical for the proper management of the economy. In the United States, for instance, they even know the ethnic and gender profile of unemployment. The AFC will be a government of transparency and every effort will be put in place to see these data get collected and reported regularly. We are serious about managing the economy in as scientific a manner as possible. Therefore, we need regular quality statistics.


These two have served as an important source of consumption. Guyana receives approximately 40% of GDP in remittances each year. This is one of the highest percentages in the world. Remittance inflows are stable and altruistic. Even when the North American economies enter into recession, Guyanese abroad still remit funds home. Remittances have served as an important pressure valve and have propped up family consumption for years.
The inflows have also created a false sense of success among government Ministers. From an economic growth perspective, remittances could contribute to a reduction of labour supply and willingness to work. Remittance is the dual of migration of Guyanese – itself a symptom of the failed policies of the PPP since 1992. The World Bank reported that 89% of skilled Guyanese migrate. It is difficult to achieve sustainable economic and productivity growth when a society is haemorrhaging skills at this rate.
The illegal underground economy has been particularly destructive in terms of security and has made it difficult for legitimate businesses to compete. Drug trafficking and money laundering lead to corruption of at all levels of the society. The WikiLeaks revelations are bringing these out clearly. However, we must note that these illegal activities do not contribute favourably to long-term GDP growth and prosperity. Drug dealing increases the cost of doing business among legitimate business investors.
One consistent pattern of the Jagdeo economic framework is to allow the illegal underground economy to flourish. The WikiLeaks have revealed Roger Khan, the notorious and convicted drug lord, leaving the Office of the President. Another WikiLeaks cable reported that Khan built housing schemes without bank financing. This is not the way to run an economy. This is not only morally wrong, but also makes it difficult for legitimate businesses to compete. It corrupts the public officials who must lay the foundation for private investments. Therefore, the narco-economy crowds out the official economy. Hence, we question the 5.9% GDP half-year growth and its sustainability.




Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is a very good analysis and is relevant even today.  It was a dumb idea to cater to a drug economy and money laundering.  The number of illegal guns in Guyana was a direct consequence of drug running.

VVP posted:

This is a very good analysis and is relevant even today.  It was a dumb idea to cater to a drug economy and money laundering.  The number of illegal guns in Guyana was a direct consequence of drug running.

Some folks say they see development,not taking in to consideration the consequences.


The growth rate picked up from 2010 to 2015. Some of it due to favorable international prices and PPP policies to shift into a service-based economy. If the PPP was better at maintaining law and order the growth rate would have been higher and there would have been less outward migration. I did not see a discussion on law and order at just concluded Congress. At the end of the day they need people to grow and economy, not govt spending.

Nehru posted:

Django is a bloody Jackass. Posting an Article by Donkey Cart Economist FROM 2011!!.  This IDIOT ran out of basic ideas!!  What a bloody FOOL!!!!

Nehru- like you got something personal with the man.  Be realistic in your comments on the guy.

VVP posted:
Nehru posted:

Django is a bloody Jackass. Posting an Article by Donkey Cart Economist FROM 2011!!.  This IDIOT ran out of basic ideas!!  What a bloody FOOL!!!!

Nehru- like you got something personal with the man.  Be realistic in your comments on the guy.

I am being realistic, tell me where I am wrong. Talk about being realistic, he is living in bloody La La Land, delusional and plain stupid!!!!


Bibi, he cant . This FOOL can only bray like his PNC Masters. He was shouting about CHANGE and how glorious things will be for the Guyanese people. Maybe he is profiting from this Govt but the majority of the Guyanese People cant buy salt, bread and butter for Christmas.  Right now GT FLOOD, the place is a DISGRACE. Do you hear or see him commenting on that. These people are beyond bloody SHAMELESS!!!!


They were preaching time for a change.  Well dem get the change and they are still daydreaming about Jagdeo all day.  I want them to address the current economy, the job loss, the downward spiral of Guyana's GDP, the looming devaluation of the GY currency, the lack of cash flow in the local economy, the $US 5 million disappearance at GT&T, the displacement of the sugar workers without finding alternative employment.  Let's discuss that.

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

They were preaching time for a change.  Well dem get the change and they are still daydreaming about Jagdeo all day.  I want them to address the current economy, the job loss, the downward spiral of Guyana's GDP, the looming devaluation of the GY currency, the lack of cash flow in the local economy, the $US 5 million disappearance at GT&T, the displacement of the sugar workers without finding alternative employment.  Let's discuss that.

Actually, the GDP increased.  

This government is doing a lot of wrong things.  They are dumb as far as governance is concerned.  I am not sure why TK gave them a C-.  Granger should get a Z- for his knowledge of government and LEADERSHIP!

Life in Guyana will naturally get more difficult if there is severe curtailment of drug runnings and money laundering.  They claim that even remittance is down...well I am not surprised.  Commodity prices are also down.  So there are good reasons for harder times.

The problem with this government is that they are clueless as to what is needed to get the economy going.  They have created a bad business climate and destroyed any trust the people had in them.

Anyway, For you people to claim that Jagdeo was some sort of economic genius that brought REAL growth to Guyana I would say get educated!!  Jagdeo took the easy way out.  Drugs, money laundering and corrupt Chinese...get the picture?  I am not saying Jagdeo is a dunce but he built a fake economy that is crumbling today.

VVP posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

They were preaching time for a change.  Well dem get the change and they are still daydreaming about Jagdeo all day.  I want them to address the current economy, the job loss, the downward spiral of Guyana's GDP, the looming devaluation of the GY currency, the lack of cash flow in the local economy, the $US 5 million disappearance at GT&T, the displacement of the sugar workers without finding alternative employment.  Let's discuss that.

Actually, the GDP increased.  

This government is doing a lot of wrong things.  They are dumb as far as governance is concerned.  I am not sure why TK gave them a C-.  Granger should get a Z- for his knowledge of government and LEADERSHIP!

Life in Guyana will naturally get more difficult if there is severe curtailment of drug runnings and money laundering.  They claim that even remittance is down...well I am not surprised.  Commodity prices are also down.  So there are good reasons for harder times.

The problem with this government is that they are clueless as to what is needed to get the economy going.  They have created a bad business climate and destroyed any trust the people had in them.

Anyway, For you people to claim that Jagdeo was some sort of economic genius that brought REAL growth to Guyana I would say get educated!!  Jagdeo took the easy way out.  Drugs, money laundering and corrupt Chinese...get the picture?  I am not saying Jagdeo is a dunce but he built a fake economy that is crumbling today.

And what is your PNC doing these days? Is drug money considered fund raising? Should we ask Noel Blackman and Lear Goring? Why did not the economy crumble during the PPP rule? Why only during the PNC rule? Maybe you did not renew your PNC card yet. They are waiting for that money to prop up the economy. Hurry up!!!

VVP posted:

Why did the PPP keep the US DEA out bai?  Well y'all got the answer to messing with the USA last year, didn't you?

The US wanted to be in Guyana to destabilize Venezuela. They wanted to use Guyana as a base to carry out their illegal activities.

skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:

Why did the PPP keep the US DEA out bai?  Well y'all got the answer to messing with the USA last year, didn't you?

The US wanted to be in Guyana to destabilize Venezuela. They wanted to use Guyana as a base to carry out their illegal activities.


VVP posted:
skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:

Why did the PPP keep the US DEA out bai?  Well y'all got the answer to messing with the USA last year, didn't you?

The US wanted to be in Guyana to destabilize Venezuela. They wanted to use Guyana as a base to carry out their illegal activities.


Continue braying with your PNC bwoys.

skeldon_man posted:
VVP posted:

Why did the PPP keep the US DEA out bai?  Well y'all got the answer to messing with the USA last year, didn't you?

The US wanted to be in Guyana to destabilize Venezuela. They wanted to use Guyana as a base to carry out their illegal activities.

I don't believe that was the case, but why should Guyanese care? They claim 5/8th of Guyana's territory.

Nehru posted:

Django is a bloody Jackass. Posting an Article by Donkey Cart Economist FROM 2011!!.  This IDIOT ran out of basic ideas!!  What a bloody FOOL!!!!

Banna you got some serious issues with your vocabulary,i consider some of your words abusive.

2017 coming shortly some change needed,

I may consider quit posting,the nonsense crew can take over.

Have a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year.

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

Django is a bloody Jackass. Posting an Article by Donkey Cart Economist FROM 2011!!.  This IDIOT ran out of basic ideas!!  What a bloody FOOL!!!!

Banna you got some serious issues with your vocabulary,i consider some of your words abusive.

2017 coming shortly some change needed,

I may consider quit posting,the nonsense crew can take over.

Have a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year.

Bai...likka greatly diminished de man brain cells. Pavi is the village drunk just like snake eye, sagga bai or harse. De man is our cyber drunk. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

What is this crazy obsession with Jagdeo and the PPP?  Please publish an article on the current PNC economy and let's discuss in the name of remaining relevant. 

When Jagdeo and the PPP announce that they plan to cease involvement in Guyanese politics then discussion about them becomes irrelevant.

Until such time it is quite relevant. Note that growth under your boy Jagdeo was quite mediocre, worse than that which occurred arising from the Hoyte reforms and euphoria over Jagan replacing the PNC.

skeldon_man posted:

And what is your PNC doing these days?

Nothing but then neither dud your PPP.   The PPP lucked out with high commodity prices between 2008 and 2013.

I also don't see any one here singing praises about APNU/AFC economic competencies.  According to some Jagdeo is some economic wizard, and yet no one seems able to say what exactly he did to give rise to those views.  Even now he screams that money, that Guyana doesn't have, be squandered into a failing industry, without stating how that industry can become viable.


Django, do you have a soul, do you have humanity, compassion, integrity, are you capable of sympathizing? I ask these questions to try and help you. Do you condone recklessness, corruption, theft, LIES and deceit??

Last edited by Nehru

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