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yuji22 posted:

I do not associate with antimen.

Antimen are Gays, Homosexuals, etc. They are children of the same blood as you. If you believe in creation, they were created by your God, Christian, Muslim, etc. They are legal citizens of Canada with rights, the country that gave you sanctuary. When you show disrespect for Gays and Blacks as you do, you don't have respect for yourself and knowledge beyond your boundaries. 

yuji22 posted:

Mitwah was the Grand mistress of the event. It's ok Mitwah, we will not judge you.

In the Mahabharata, Drupada raises his daughter Shikhandini as a man and even gets ‘him’ a wife. When the wife discovers the truth on the wedding night, all hell breaks loose; her father threatens to destroy Drupada’s kingdom. The timely intervention of a Yaksha saves the day: he lets Shikhandini use his manhood for a night and perform his husbandly duties. In the Skanda Purana, two Brahmins desperate for money disguise themselves as a newly married couple and try to dupe a pious queen in the hope of securing rich gifts. But such is the queen’s piety that the gods decide to prevent her from being made a fool; they turn the Brahmin dressed as a bride into a real woman. The two Brahmins thus end up marrying each other and all ends well.

Gay Brahmins


How much do we know about Shikhandini and how important was she for the Kurukshethra War to end in favour of the Pandavas?

Subrahmanyam Nandula
Subrahmanyam Nandula, Derivatives Trader

To know about Shikandi, you should know about her previous birth. King of kashi had three daughters - Amba, Ambica and Ambalika in that order. When they came of age, the king organized swayamwara as was the custom. At that time Vichitravirya was the king of Hastinapur and Bhishma was his guardian. Vichitravirya was not a healthy guy and Bhishma would not marry due to his vow. Hence Hastinapur did not receive any invitation for the swayamwara. All other kings were invited. Bhishma took this as an insult and at the command of his step mother Satyavathi, he forcefully entered the swayamwara. Taking the three pricesses with him by force, he challenged all the kings of the swayamwara to resist him if they could. Out of the three princesses, amba was already in love with a king called Shalva. He and many other kings attacked Bhishma but were badly beaten. Bhishma took the three princesses to Hastinapur.

Amba informed Bhishma about her love affair and Bhishma sent her to Shalva with due respect. But Shalva rejected her saying that he was a king and he cannot accept a woman taken away by another man. Amba returned to Hastinapur but Vichitrvirya also rejected her. She asked Bhishma to marry her as he was responsible for her fate. But Bhishma was bound by his vow, so he also rejected her.

Amba developed hatred for Bhishma and determined to kill him. But being a woman, she could not do it herself. She approached many kings but none dared to fight Bhishma. At last with the help of her father, she approached Parasurama. But he also failed to defeat Bhishma. BT Amba did not give up. She worshipped Lord Shiva by penance. Lord Shiva granted her a boon that in her next life she would be born to Drupada and bring the fall of Bhishma. Unable to wait, Amba committed suicide.

It is this Amba, who was born as Shikandini. She was born as a girl but Lord Shiva instructed Drupada to raise her like a boy and Drupada obeyed. He even got her married to a princess. After marriage, it was found that shikandini is a girl. So, the girl's father was enraged and wanted to kill Drupada. Drupada was tensed but he had faith in Lord Shiva. Unable to bear the insult, Shikandini ran away from her house to kill herself. But fortunately she met a yaksha who received her female hood and gave her his manhood. Thus Shikandini became Shikandi.

Shikandi was filled with hatred for Bhishma. Bhishma had a vow that hecwould not fight with a woman. Bhishma regarded Shikandi as a woman. So, even if Shikandi attacks Bhishma, he won't attack back. As Bhishma had the boon of icha mrithyu, and because he was very strong, no one can defeat him. He was the biggest obstacle for pandavas' victory. But because of Lord Shiva's boon, if Shikandi attacks Bhishma, he will wish his own death. Hence pandavas used Shikandi to force Bhishma to choose his own death after which Arjuna throws Bhishma down.

So, yes without Shikandi, it would have been very difficult for pandavas to defeat Bhishma and achieve victory.

Here is an explanation found on Quora



Drugb/Yuji, I'm surprised that two educated grown adults living in these advanced and open societies would make fun and denigrate people for being Gay.  I worked with Gays and they are normal people, not promiscuous, and live their "alternate" lives without harming anyone.

I began to change my boyish attitude towards Gay people at about 16 when one of my sisters friend's brother from Herstelling committed suicide because he was embarrassed at being Gay.  He was brilliant, top Indians Education Trust student who wanted to study medicine.  His parents were devastated.

Being Gay is a continuum of the human condition, the spectrum from Type A to men with a strong feminine side.  Women have the same condition.  There is that overlap of men with femininity and females with masculinity.  Being Male of Female is more than just the X and Y chromosome combination.

I would suggest you guys become more civil and stop acting whatever it is inside. 


Base why don't you shut you rass.

Where did I denigrate Gays. I posted Guyana's gay pride parade and when Mits was referring to Toronto Parade, I stated that I do not associate with antimen.

I respect people of all orientations and it is my bloody right as to what event that I attend.

Shut you rass.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

Base why don't you shut you rass.

Where did I denigrate Gays. I posted Guyana's gay pride parade and when Mits was referring to Toronto Parade, I stated that I do not associate with antimen.

I respect people of all orientations and it is my bloody right as to what event that I attend.

Shut you rass.

Grand Wizard Of Iskon, what about the Antimen knackin jaal and singing "Hare Krishna" and dancing in the streets?

Baseman posted:

Drugb/Yuji, I'm surprised that two educated grown adults living in these advanced and open societies would make fun and denigrate people for being Gay.  I worked with Gays and they are normal people, not promiscuous, and live their "alternate" lives without harming anyone.

I began to change my boyish attitude towards Gay people at about 16 when one of my sisters friend's brother from Herstelling committed suicide because he was embarrassed at being Gay.  He was brilliant, top Indians Education Trust student who wanted to study medicine.  His parents were devastated.

Being Gay is a continuum of the human condition, the spectrum from Type A to men with a strong feminine side.  Women have the same condition.  There is that overlap of men with femininity and females with masculinity.  Being Male of Female is more than just the X and Y chromosome combination.

I would suggest you guys become more civil and stop acting whatever it is inside. 

Well said Base. I worked with a couple of gay men and found them to be very respectful to all. They never bothered anyone. You never read of any gay men accused of domestic abuse. Wonder what would happen if one of these gay bashers woke up one morning and found out his son or daughter was gay? 

skeldon_man posted:
Baseman posted:

Drugb/Yuji, I'm surprised that two educated grown adults living in these advanced and open societies would make fun and denigrate people for being Gay.  I worked with Gays and they are normal people, not promiscuous, and live their "alternate" lives without harming anyone.

I began to change my boyish attitude towards Gay people at about 16 when one of my sisters friend's brother from Herstelling committed suicide because he was embarrassed at being Gay.  He was brilliant, top Indians Education Trust student who wanted to study medicine.  His parents were devastated.

Being Gay is a continuum of the human condition, the spectrum from Type A to men with a strong feminine side.  Women have the same condition.  There is that overlap of men with femininity and females with masculinity.  Being Male of Female is more than just the X and Y chromosome combination.

I would suggest you guys become more civil and stop acting whatever it is inside. 

Well said Base. I worked with a couple of gay men and found them to be very respectful to all. They never bothered anyone. You never read of any gay men accused of domestic abuse. Wonder what would happen if one of these gay bashers woke up one morning and found out his son or daughter was gay? 

Do you have the same appreciation for Afro-Guyanese as you do for Gay men?

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Well said Base. I worked with a couple of gay men and found them to be very respectful to all. They never bothered anyone. You never read of any gay men accused of domestic abuse. Wonder what would happen if one of these gay bashers woke up one morning and found out his son or daughter was gay? 

Do you have the same appreciation for Afro-Guyanese as you do for Gay men?

Do you appreciate coolies the same way you appreciate negroes? You are doing a good job as the head jackass leading the mule train.

skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Well said Base. I worked with a couple of gay men and found them to be very respectful to all. They never bothered anyone. You never read of any gay men accused of domestic abuse. Wonder what would happen if one of these gay bashers woke up one morning and found out his son or daughter was gay? 

Do you have the same appreciation for Afro-Guyanese as you do for Gay men?

Do you appreciate coolies the same way you appreciate negroes? You are doing a good job as the head jackass leading the mule train.

You don't answer a question with a question. If you can't answer the question because of guilt, just don't put yourself in a predicament.

Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Prince posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Well said Base. I worked with a couple of gay men and found them to be very respectful to all. They never bothered anyone. You never read of any gay men accused of domestic abuse. Wonder what would happen if one of these gay bashers woke up one morning and found out his son or daughter was gay? 

Do you have the same appreciation for Afro-Guyanese as you do for Gay men?

Do you appreciate coolies the same way you appreciate negroes? You are doing a good job as the head jackass leading the mule train.

You don't answer a question with a question. If you can't answer the question because of guilt, just don't put yourself in a predicament.

Is just shows how immature your thinking is.

Baseman posted:

Drugb/Yuji, I'm surprised that two educated grown adults living in these advanced and open societies would make fun and denigrate people for being Gay.  I worked with Gays and they are normal people, not promiscuous, and live their "alternate" lives without harming anyone.

I began to change my boyish attitude towards Gay people at about 16 when one of my sisters friend's brother from Herstelling committed suicide because he was embarrassed at being Gay.  He was brilliant, top Indians Education Trust student who wanted to study medicine.  His parents were devastated.

Being Gay is a continuum of the human condition, the spectrum from Type A to men with a strong feminine side.  Women have the same condition.  There is that overlap of men with femininity and females with masculinity.  Being Male of Female is more than just the X and Y chromosome combination.

I would suggest you guys become more civil and stop acting whatever it is inside. 

I didn't make fun of lillymohan, didn't even know he was gay. 
But if you say so I defer. 
But the signs were there, given his gifted bajan singing voice. 


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