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Defiance; PPP’s high point in politics!

By Muhammad Akram
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Source - Daily Times

LAHORE: Seeing no let up in attacks from state institutions on its mandate to complete the five-year term in the office, the ruling PPP’s recently evolved policy of defiance would be put to test for the first time today (Tuesday) when a Supreme Court bench having cognisance of NRO implementation case would be informed by the federation that it has no intention to write to Swiss authorities to open corruption cases involving President Asif Ali Zardari and his spouse late Benazir Bhutto.

The sources in the Law Ministry told Daily Times on Monday that the court would be duly informed about the federation’s position in the case without formally submitting to the court that the office of the president enjoys constitutional immunity from proceedings involving criminal cases.

The sources said the representative of the government in the case has been told to humbly submit the above mentioned point of view without elaborating the law point any further. The sources said the federation has no intention to argue the immunity matter any further so as it should not be deemed as it was seeking Supreme Court’s interpretation on the question of immunity.

The sources said given the stern warning the SC bench chooses to pass during the pervious date of hearing that it would take ‘action on non-compliance’ than going into reasons behind government’s dilly-dallying in the matter, the federation’s representative appearing in the court would stick to his argument of presidential immunity without budging an inch from the constitutional position, come what may.

Asked about the possible court’s action under the contempt of court law against officials including the office of the prime minister, the sources said, “We will cross the bridge when we reach there.”

A PPP insider said that important party leaders, including former law minister Babar Awan, Secretary General Jahangir Badr, former information minister and party secretary information Qamar Zaman Kaira would be part of the team that will appear before the bench alongside the attorney general of Pakistan who is mostly likely to face a major brunt of the court’s wrath since he would lead the legal team.

The party sources said the policy of defiance against institutions undermining the authority of the executive enjoyed full support of the core and the central executive committees. The sources said Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani’s belated utterance about the illegality and unconstitutionality of the replies filed by Chief of Army Staff General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and Inter-Services chief General Ahmed Shuja Pasha in ‘memogate’ case was part of the policy of defiance.

“This was also a reminder to the chief justice of Pakistan about his own observation wherein the CJP, while addressing commissioned officer of the army, said that any act of the government functionary without the government’s nod is unconstitutional and illegal,” said the sources.

The sources said the party has already mobilised its ranks and files against any eventuality from any corner and enjoys complete political support of its allies to fight out the odds besides preparing for the forthcoming general elections.

The PPP’s fight is aimed at securing a level playing field for all the political forces in the forthcoming general elections, the sources said.

“The PPP has already given nod to its allies for early general elections in the country and actively pursuing its contact with the main opposition party - PML-N of Nawaz Sharif - to counter conspiracies hatched for a quasi judicial-establishment sponsored set up to head the government for an interim period till next general elections,” the sources added.

The sources claimed that public posturing on PPP-PML-N relations aside, the two parties have complete understanding about the interim set up that should head the government till the assumption of power by next elected government.

The knowledgeable political observers were of the view that the PPP’s policy to seek political martyrdom in fight against hostile institutions would go a long way in the cause of establishing supremacy of parliament over other institutions.

The PML-N may be camping behind the SC at the moment to get political gains against a well entrenched government thanks to support of its allies, the reported high-level political contacts between the two parties would help them stand tall against the establishment’s cohorts in political guise, the observers said.

The observers were of the view that the events that would emanate out of the SC proceedings on implementation of the NRO verdict on Tuesday would define the country’s future course of politics as a harsher view of the PPP’s stance of not writing to the Swiss authorities would heightened the existing tension between institutions, hence nearing further the date of general elections or a possible intervention of the establishment, if sought by the court.

A lenient view by the court or award of more time to the federation to reconsider its position on the implementation of the NRO verdict would help ease the escalating tension between the institutions, said the observers, viewing a little chance of the happening given the pressure being mounted on the government from the establishment and opposition political forces alike.

The observers said, “What is worrying the political leadership at the moment is to keep the political initiatives in the hands of the political forces and apparently they have taken the measures for the same by giving nod to the holding of early general elections in the country.”

The ongoing month of January is likely to be a month of tumultuous political happenings, said observers. The observers said the political divide of which the state institutions including the judiciary and the establishment are full part is the high point of the PPP’s existing politics and it appeared to be fully geared up to defend its position before entering the battle of ballot sooner than the later.

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