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Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, the idea is captured in its essence and that is the foundation of the thought. Ones highest degree of incompetence is achieved eventually. Yours appear to be a little above the threshold of moron. Pretensions and constrains  your mind. 



The Rev will refrain from getting into an argument with you---as you know arguments always end up vulgar.


Now Danny boy---you have deluded yourself into thinking you are always right----but what you wrote here was bullspit:


if you leave a man to himself he soon reaches his highest level of incompetence..


That is complete hogwash!


It is when you get promoted beyond your highest level of competence---that's when idiocy and incompetence step in.


Anyway Danny boy---keep braying----it's always a delight reading the ramblings of a solid C






You're still in school, right ? Have one of your professors explain the Peter Principle to you.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, the idea is captured in its essence and that is the foundation of the thought. Ones highest degree of incompetence is achieved eventually. Yours appear to be a little above the threshold of moron. Pretensions and constrains  your mind. 



The Rev will refrain from getting into an argument with you---as you know arguments always end up vulgar.


Now Danny boy---you have deluded yourself into thinking you are always right----but what you wrote here was bullspit:


if you leave a man to himself he soon reaches his highest level of incompetence..


That is complete hogwash!


It is when you get promoted beyond your highest level of competence---that's when idiocy and incompetence step in.


Anyway Danny boy---keep braying----it's always a delight reading the ramblings of a solid C






You're still in school, right ? Have one of your professors explain the Peter Principle to you.




We know you faked your degrees, wife and job, but are you that illiterate to believe that a 55 year old don't or can't go to school?

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dude, the idea is captured in its essence and that is the foundation of the thought. Ones highest degree of incompetence is achieved eventually. Yours appear to be a little above the threshold of moron. Pretensions and constrains  your mind. 



The Rev will refrain from getting into an argument with you---as you know arguments always end up vulgar.


Now Danny boy---you have deluded yourself into thinking you are always right----but what you wrote here was bullspit:


if you leave a man to himself he soon reaches his highest level of incompetence..


That is complete hogwash!


It is when you get promoted beyond your highest level of competence---that's when idiocy and incompetence step in.


Anyway Danny boy---keep braying----it's always a delight reading the ramblings of a solid C






You're still in school, right ? Have one of your professors explain the Peter Principle to you.



Have one tell you what it takes to make a moron...but then you I will be 55 next November. And yes, I am still in school...not a fake green tea U but and acclaimed one.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Have one tell you what it takes to make a moron...but then you I will be 55 next November. And yes, I am still in school...not a fake green tea U but and acclaimed one.


ha ha ha ha ha ha




I guess the Rev has so mentally tortured and tormented some of you miserable and pathetic cretins on this forum that you are now reduced to speculating he is some pipsqueak, roly poly, fake Phd holder who was once a member of the AFC.hahahahaha


Listen! The Rev never had you down as a sucker or as being naÃŊve and gullible---but that's what you are Danyael.


Green Tea University ?hahahaha


Thanks for the laugh Danyael.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Have one tell you what it takes to make a moron...but then you I will be 55 next November. And yes, I am still in school...not a fake green tea U but and acclaimed one.


ha ha ha ha ha ha




I guess the Rev has so mentally tortured and tormented some of you miserable and pathetic cretins on this forum that you are now reduced to speculating he is some pipsqueak, roly poly, fake Phd holder who was once a member of the AFC.hahahahaha


Listen! The Rev never had you down as a sucker or as being naÃŊve and gullible---but that's what you are Danyael.hahahahaha


Green Tea University ?hahahaha


Thanks for the laugh Danyael.



You are still an idiot and an antiman.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

Have one tell you what it takes to make a moron...but then you I will be 55 next November. And yes, I am still in school...not a fake green tea U but and acclaimed one.


ha ha ha ha ha ha




I guess the Rev has so mentally tortured and tormented some of you miserable and pathetic cretins on this forum that you are now reduced to speculating he is some pipsqueak, roly poly, fake Phd holder who was once a member of the AFC.hahahahaha


Listen! The Rev never had you down as a sucker or as being naÃŊve and gullible---but that's what you are Danyael.


Green Tea University ?hahahaha


Thanks for the laugh Danyael.




Outwardly you pretend to laugh. But you are a bitter loser. Do not be jealous of Mr Danyael's accomplishments.  

Originally Posted by Rev:


"When AFC & PNC losers are cornered---when they can no longer express themselves logically---when they run out of intelligent things to say---they then resort to ad-hominem attacks-----they smear you----they attack you personally---they attack your family---they falsely accuse you of being something or somebody you are not----they become vile and vulgar." Rev


Mitwah, JB, redux===all PNC/AFC losers===all forever banned by the Rev.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Rev:


"When AFC & PNC losers are cornered---when they can no longer express themselves logically---when they run out of intelligent things to say---they then resort to ad-hominem attacks-----they smear you----they attack you personally---they attack your family---they falsely accuse you of being something or somebody you are not----they become vile and vulgar." Rev


Mitwah, JB, redux===all PNC/AFC losers===all forever banned by the Rev.




Don't forget not to swallow. I see Kwamee has immediate access to you at the OP. How convenient deh Mr. Antiman.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Rev:


"When AFC & PNC losers are cornered---when they can no longer express themselves logically---when they run out of intelligent things to say---they then resort to ad-hominem attacks-----they smear you----they attack you personally---they attack your family---they falsely accuse you of being something or somebody you are not----they become vile and vulgar." Rev


Mitwah, JB, redux===all PNC/AFC losers===all forever banned by the Rev.




Rev Bhai,


I added them to my block list a long time ago. The public sees the low life qualities of these AFC spokespersons. They are a reflection of what the AFC/PNC is today.


Thank god the PPP is in charge and will continue to torment these low class individuals for the rest of their lives. Their party AFC imploded, so they are like wounded animals.


We must continue to expose these AFC goons.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah is a total disgrace to Sanatana Dharma. Lord Rama would have destroyed the demon in him and his homosexual behaviour.


Jai Shree Ram.

It is shocking that a man, so-called Pandit Mitwah, who conducts religious services on behalf of hindus in Canada comes here and pollutes this wonderful forum with vulgarity and homosexual rantings.


Pandit Mitwah is an absolute disgrace to the hindu religion--he is undoubtedly a fake, phony, fraud.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah is a total disgrace to Sanatana Dharma. Lord Rama would have destroyed the demon in him and his homosexual behaviour.


Jai Shree Ram.

It is shocking that a man, so-called Pandit Mitwah, who conducts religious services on behalf of hindus in Canada comes here and pollutes this wonderful forum with vulgarity and homosexual rantings.


Pandit Mitwah is an absolute disgrace to the hindu religion--he is undoubtedly a fake, phony, fraud.



Rev Bhai


In the Srimad Bhagvatam, it is written that individuals who enlist the service of demoniac and vulgar individuals like Mitwah also partake in the sins that he commits.


Mitwah is a total disgrace to his ancient Vedic Dharma. His homosexual and vulgar behaviour will never go unanswered. Lord Rama will ensure that Karma takes care of the rotten People like Mitwah.


According to Vedic scripture, Mitwah is a poster boy for what will happen in Kal Yuga (dark age). But Lord Krsna reassured us in the Bhagavad Gita that Karma will take it's course.


Hare Krsna.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Mitwah is a total disgrace to Sanatana Dharma. Lord Rama would have destroyed the demon in him and his homosexual behaviour.


Jai Shree Ram.

It is shocking that a man, so-called Pandit Mitwah, who conducts religious services on behalf of hindus in Canada comes here and pollutes this wonderful forum with vulgarity and homosexual rantings.


Pandit Mitwah is an absolute disgrace to the hindu religion--he is undoubtedly a fake, phony, fraud.



Rev Bhai


In the Srimad Bhagvatam, it is written that individuals who enlist the service of demoniac and vulgar individuals like Mitwah also partake in the sins that he commits.


Mitwah is a total disgrace to his ancient Vedic Dharma. His homosexual and vulgar behaviour will never go unanswered. Lord Rama will ensure that Karma takes care of the rotten People like Mitwah.


According to Vedic scripture, Mitwah is a poster boy for what will happen in Kal Yuga (dark age). But Lord Krsna reassured us in the Bhagavad Gita that Karma will take it's course.


Did Lord Krishna teach you racism is evil? 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai


In the Srimad Bhagvatam, it is written that individuals who enlist the service of demoniac and vulgar individuals like Mitwah also partake in the sins that he commits.


Mitwah is a total disgrace to his ancient Vedic Dharma. His homosexual and vulgar behaviour will never go unanswered. Lord Rama will ensure that Karma takes care of the rotten People like Mitwah.


According to Vedic scripture, Mitwah is a poster boy for what will happen in Kal Yuga (dark age). But Lord Krsna reassured us in the Bhagavad Gita that Karma will take it's course.


Hare Krsna.

Thanks for your insight and elucidation above yuji.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Rev Bhai


In the Srimad Bhagvatam, it is written that individuals who enlist the service of demoniac and vulgar individuals like Mitwah also partake in the sins that he commits.


Mitwah is a total disgrace to his ancient Vedic Dharma. His homosexual and vulgar behaviour will never go unanswered. Lord Rama will ensure that Karma takes care of the rotten People like Mitwah.


According to Vedic scripture, Mitwah is a poster boy for what will happen in Kal Yuga (dark age). But Lord Krsna reassured us in the Bhagavad Gita that Karma will take it's course.


Hare Krsna.

Thanks for your insight and elucidation above yuji.



Go take a look in the mirror. You and Rev are the most vile and vulgar bitches on this forum. Now run along and bugger one another. That's what they do at OP all day. Right Rev?




Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I feel like a rap:

Mitwah is sitting in Burnham's lap

And he calls Burnham his pap

Mitwaah got shocked when TK defect

He had no time to reflect

So he keep mouthing the usual fruity fruity


Burnham, Hoyte and Granger is their murti

They trying to be smart like a fox

we can't wait for the next ballot box!




Originally Posted by Rev:



Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

I feel like a rap:

Mitwah is sitting in Burnham's lap

And he calls Burnham his pap

Mitwaah got shocked when TK defect

He had no time to reflect

So he keep mouthing the usual fruity fruity


Burnham, Hoyte and Granger is their murti

They trying to be smart like a fox

we can't wait for the next ballot box!




This is the rap of the year album. I hope that Ronald Bhai releases it in 180 gram Vinyl.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

This is the rap of the year album. I hope that Ronald Bhai releases it in 180 gram Vinyl.



I had a hearty laugh reading bhai Ronald Sugrim's joyful poem. Got to give the man credit--he is a rare talent---and that was, indeed, an endearing tribute to the troubled soul Pandit Mitwah.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by cain:

You're quite welcome Rev.

A little common courtesy and good manners between posters who vehemently disagree politically is always refreshing on gni political. Don't you agree ?



Damn! The NY Giants are losing.






Your pretense does not excuse you from the fact that you work at OP.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by cain:

You're quite welcome Rev.

A little common courtesy and good manners between posters who vehemently disagree politically is always refreshing on gni political. Don't you agree ?



Damn! The NY Giants are losing.





You TV like it need a hand crank?


The Giants are leading 10-7 for the longest time.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by cain:

You're quite welcome Rev.

A little common courtesy and good manners between posters who vehemently disagree politically is always refreshing on gni political. Don't you agree ?



Damn! The NY Giants are losing.





Antiman Rev, what's with all these effeminate colors in your posts.


The Rev is one of the mot respectable posters on GNI---and anyone who wants to interact with the Rev must conduct himself in a dignified manner. If you choose to be  vulgar or asinine, you will be permanently banned---Mitwah, JB and redux have been permanently banned.


Now. Mitwah has been following the Rev like a puppy all over the forum---pleading for attention---pleading for the Rev to reply to him---but he is too vulgar and his homosexual rantings are despicable---so Mitwah is permanently banned.





Originally Posted by Rev:

The Rev is one of the mot respectable posters on GNI---and anyone who wants to interact with the Rev must conduct himself in a dignified manner. If you choose to be  vulgar or asinine, you will be permanently banned---Mitwah, JB and redux have been permanently banned.


Now. Mitwah has been following the Rev like a puppy all over the forum---pleading for attention---pleading for the Rev to reply to him---but he is too vulgar and his homosexual rantings are despicable---so Mitwah is permanently banned.





You are a real antiman. Go lick butta off Kwamee BT.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Crooks and Robbers. All For Crooks. All For Cathy. 

The AFC is the most rotten and stinking party in Guyana. Corruption was so rampant that their financial backers fled in fear after their donations could not allegedly be accounted for. The key in the logo is the key to fraud and corruption. 


AFC = Alliance For Crooks. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22: 

. . . The AFC is the most rotten and stinking party in Guyana. Corruption was so rampant that their financial backers fled in fear after their donations could not allegedly be accounted for . . .

saddling up on a humongous LIE (the "missing" $80,000 wet dream conjured up by OP antiman-in-charge kwamee), this no-dick antiman apprentice calling himself "yugi22" doan have the balls to follow through . . . friken dat sumbady might bax he (again) and embarrass he . . . 'covering' his leaking arse with "allegedly"


what a moron . . . his entire rant predicated on air

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by yuji22: 

. . . The AFC is the most rotten and stinking party in Guyana. Corruption was so rampant that their financial backers fled in fear after their donations could not allegedly be accounted for . . .

saddling up on a humongous LIE (the "missing" $80,000 wet dream conjured up by OP antiman-in-charge kwamee), this no-dick antiman apprentice calling himself "yugi22" doan have the balls to follow through . . . friken dat sumbady might bax he (again) and embarrass he . . . 'covering' his leaking arse with "allegedly"


what a moron . . . his entire rant predicated on air

Yugi is an ass hole.


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