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Delyon Josiah elected Pouderoyen FC President

Dec 25, 2017 Sports, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...eroyen-fc-president/

Delyon Josiah was recently elected President of the Pouderoyen Football Club (PFC) following elections held at the West Demerara Secondary School, West Bank Demerara.

Kenneth Thomas will serve as First Vice President with Adrian Giddings as Second VP. Travis Bess will perform duties as the Secretary, while Delroy Benjamin is the Treasurer. Cornel Hunte is the Assistant Secretary/Treasurer with Patrick Barrington as Club Manager.

The respective Coaches are Bess and Josiah with Marvin Frank performing duties as Club Captain, Sherwin Bernard is the Deputy.

Members were informed that the Disciplinary Committee will comprise of Denzil Boyce, Delroy Benjamin and Adrian Giddings.


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