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Dem bandits testing Rum Jattan guards

August 27, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, Source


Rum Jattan area suddenly attracting bandits. Somebody go next door and tie up an old lady then rob she. It happen before to another neighbour. Dem boys believe that de bandits testing Rum Jattan. Is like if dem saying that although he got guards and police patrol, dem still in charge.

Dem got a solution. De guards got to wake up whole night. It mean that de bandits pass by Rum Jattan house, peep at de guards and see dem sleeping, then pounce pun de neighbours. Since this never use to happen, one man believe that Rohee and some other opposition people testing Rum Jattan to see if he got a crime plan.

If somebody else was Home Affairs Minister de bandits woulda rob people near that person just to prove a point. Dem boys seh that is a matter of time before all get ketch. But dem got some other things that people should note.

From de time Rum Jattan tun de man in charge of crime, de criminals move out of town to go wheh dem think life easier. Some of dem get ketch when dem was coming back to Georgetown. It mean that things wukking except wheh Rum Jattan live.

De other day some boys pun bicycle decide to rob a man who car break down. Dey didn’t get far because de police de pun dem tail. Then dem try an old trick. Dem get a woman to hire a taxi and when dem meet in Ruimveldt dem decide to hijack de man car. De police act fast and ketch dem, suh Rum Jattan plan wukking.

One thing dem boys know fuh sure. Once de police perform good dem gun get higher pay. And dem really wukking at this time. Dem solving crime. Dem arresting people who woulda get away wid certain things when Rohee was de man in charge of crime. Dem boys don’t want to believe that he still in charge because dem police wouldn’t hesitate fuh collar him.

Talk half and help Rum Jattan keep he guards awake.

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