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Dem boys available fuh forkin and breedin

Plenty tings a go on right now in agriculture. De guvament celebratin Guyana Agriculture month and Caribbean Agriculture week all at de same time. All over de news people talkin bout forkin land, plantin crops and breedin animals. De other day it was bout guvament stones and whether or not Minister Benn Down got more stones than BK. Now is bout guvament land and how much land dem givin away.

One minister giving away land fuh people to build house and de people look happy wid that. Another minister givin away land fuh farmin and de people don’t seem too happy wid that. Whah dem not too happy bout is that de guvament plannin to bring in farmers from Trinidad to fork up Guyana land. Now dem talkin bout bringin in Canadians to breed de animals in Guyana.

De only people who happy when dem hear bout forkin land and breedin animals is dem boys who seh dem is boys and who does try to look like boys, but every body know dem is not boys. Is a long time now dem boys who seh dem is boys lookin fuh people to fork up dem back yard to plant bygan and cassava. Is only dem two tings dem like fuh plant and is only big ones dem want.

And dem boys who seh dem is boys done mek demselves available to de Canadians fuh breedin and to de Trinis fuh forkin. Dem boys claim that dem better than de animals whah de farmers have. And that dem back yard better than any land whah de guvament could give.

And wid dem boys who seh dem is boys, de Trinis and de Canadians ain’t have to pay any ting. All de breedin and forkin gon be free. Madam and Hen Lall gon line up first, followed closely by de two old Rams who can’t do wid out de rammin.

Ting-a-ling-a-ling…friend tell friend…mattie tell mattie! One of de reporters fuh dem boys seh Hen Lall done get accustom to de forkin already…all down to Regent Street and even in he own house in front of he face!

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