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Dem boys seh… Bar Rat promise to watchman cheese


There is no word in de English dictionary, de French de German de Spanish, de Indian nor de Chinee dictionary to describe Jagdeo, de ex-president of Guyana.

He tell parliament that he gun be de corruption watchdog for de people. De man tell dem MP that he wouldn’t allow dem to get away wid wha he get away wid.

He promise to hold dem foot, dem hand plus dem head to de fire. He plan to bun some of dem alive but he didn’t tell dem that. He tell people fuh tell dem boys so.

But old people got a saying that when you dig hole fuh brederen everybody know who fuss does fall in. And dem boys certain that he gun be de fuss man de new govt and Uncle Sam gun bun wid firewood, not fire.

Neeaz is de second one. He gun get slow fire. He did join Hoyte to march down Regent Street hollering “mo fire; slow fire”. Dem boys hear that de new administration hear how much he thief from printing some newspaper in New York.

Dem start de investigation and Labba Lip get ketch in it too. Somebody tell dem boys that dem hear he, Neeaz, was discussing de issue wid he daady pun de phone. Dem seh dem hear when he daady tell him to sell out he house and run away before he get lock up.

He drop de phone and he start cry. He holler how water more than corn flour pun he head now. Yesterday he get sick. He couldn’t go to doctor by himself and when he call Labba Lip to take him, he partner in crime hang up de phone but not before telling him, “You sk*** drag me unnecessary in this thiefing thing.”

Soulja Bai start an investigation and he find nuff things already.

Dem boys got two advice to give Jagdeo, Neeaz, and others, ‘Pack up you bag like de shaat scamp who run away to Maldives, and do exactly de same thing. Or pray. And if you don’t remember how to pray dem boys gun teach you tomorrow.

Talk half and hope fuh de best.




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