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Dem boys seh… Brazzy hit de Waterfalls paper wid a lucky ‘13’

July 29, 2014, By Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features/Columnists, News, Source - Kaieteur News


De other day dem boys seh that monkey know which limb fuh jump pun. When dem old people come up wid that saying, dem didn’t tek Brazzy, de fat crook, into consideration.

If dem did do that dem woulda seh that gorilla know which tree fuh jump on. He weight is ten times de weight of a monkey.  Brazzy is not a monkey.
He send 13 lawsuit yesterday alone to de Waterfalls paper.  He nah know how much luck he give dem boys, because 13 is dem boys lucky number. Two judge know that, because dem award dem boys two $13 million already.

Dem boys know that dem talking de truth and no judge gun rule ‘gainst dem.

He is also a man who when he go in de witness box, does get amnesia. Dem boys watch he many times in court. All de mouth he got in he office, pun de road and when he walking wid de Bees, does get small when he got to answer questions before judges.

Dem boys can’t wait fuh these lawsuit come up before a judge. Dem boys lawyers gun mek he get runnings. Dem and all can’t wait. By de time de case done people can’t call he fat crook no more. People got to call he fine crook.

De Hanna Rebel is another one. People in he vehicle, PRR 7498, pass by de Waterfalls paper, not one time but two times in three minutes.

Dem boys see dem de first time when dem lower de window, slow down and tek out photographs. Like de photos nah come out good, because dem mek another spin and come back.

This time when dem meet in front de Waterfalls paper dem stop and tek out more photo, then speed away like thief in de day.

Dem boys got a message fuh de Hanna Rebel. Dem don’t have to tek de photo in secret. If is photo dem want from de paper, dem boys willing to give more than de photo of de building and vehicles. Dem boys willing to pose naked fuh dem, in front of de building if that photo gun turn dem on.

Talk half and send back dem quack fuh more photo.

Brassington files 13 lawsuit against Kaieteur News

July 29, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


In what might be a local record in the field of litigation, head of the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL) Winston Brassington, through his attorneys, has filed 13 lawsuits against the Kaieteur News, seeking damages totaling $1.3M for alleged libel.


Head of NICIL Winston Brassington

Head of NICIL
Winston Brassington


The lawsuits which were served on the newspaper company and its Editor-in-Chief Adam Harris yesterday were all filed between July 18 and 21, last.

All the lawsuits stem from statements contained in the newspaper’s popular satirical column “Dem boys seh”. The lawsuits date back as far as January.

According to Brassington, some of the statements contained in the columns were published falsely and maliciously and were libelous of him and the office he holds.

In his statement of claim, Brassington said that by using the contentious statements in the columns, the newspaper and its editor meant and were understood to mean that the NICIL boss was “dishonest, and had been guilty of criminal activity and was habitually guilty of criminal activity and had engaged in criminal fraud and corrupt practices” in the conduct of his work.

He is also claiming that the newspaper wants its readers to believe that he wrongly procured by unauthorized means, preferential financial treatment from state resources for third parties.

Additionally, he claimed that the publications were calculated to cause and did cause him “serious public embarrassment, humiliation, ridicule, odium and injury to his reputation, both nationally and internationally, both personally in his official and professional capacity.”

In addition to the cash, Brassington is seeking an injunction, restraining the newspaper from further publishing the statements that were cited in his statement of claim, as well as other statements that have similar defamatory effects.

Five of the law suits were filed on July 17, six on the following day, while the two others were filed on July 21.

The newspaper and its editor in chief will contest the law suits.

Brassington is being represented by Attorneys Miles Fitzpatrick, SC; Timothy Jonas and Dennis Paul.


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