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Dem boys seh … De whores, prostitutes and bad hooman come out fuh Soulja Bai bur-day

July 16, 2015 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News, Source


Yesterday was Soulja Bai bur-day but de man didn’t have to celebrate because other people celebrate he bur-day more than him. De occasion mek people realise that dem got a distinction between whores, bad hooman and prostitutes.

Ever since Soulja Bai win de elections dem boys see people jumping ship more fast that rats jumping from a burning building. Some of dem was cussing Soulja Bai and Moses up to Elections Day but as soon as de results come out de same people tun round and start behaving as if dem was de biggest supporters of Soulja Bai and Moses all de time.

GECOM barely announce de results and these same people start fuh sport at dem night spot. Dem boys never see so much expensive likker. Bee Kay head de list. He den start a cleanup campaign that still going on in de country. It cost him millions of dollars but he know that he gun collect ten times that.

Dem boys seh that’s not an ordinary whore; that is an international prostitute.

He got fuh want something from Soulja Bai. He never even call he own cousin fuh wish de man happy 50 bur-day, nor send one card or a gift fuh him. He get invite to de party and he never tun up although dem had big music wid a song he love—‘Tun up, tun up, Pum pum tun up’.

Soulja Bai is a total stranger but when you open all dem newspaper yesterday you wouldn’t believe that. You would believe he and Bee Kay sharing a father and son relationship

Dem boys want to know if he was Soulja Bai father or mudda fuh know de bur—date so good. De man rush to de newspaper and tek out whole page ads. He was at de head of de line because when he look back he see people tumbling over demself fuh get to de same newspapers fuh carry bur-day greetings. Dem is de whores

But de sweet part of de story was dem bur-day party. All over town was a Soulja Bai party but de man ain’t go to none because he didn’t even know bout some of dem.

All dem kantractahs who love money just like Bee Kay hold party all over de country fuh Soulja Bai and dem collect money at de door. This set is de bad hooman.

Donald seh that he never get that kind of treatment from any one of dem kantractah when he bur-day come round. In fact, people didn’t even pay attention. Dem boys seh dem had a reason. He was never a president.

Jagdeo, de man who resemble de devil, use to send round notice to some of dem eating house fuh supply free food fuh ee bur-day party.

De army never hold a special luncheon fuh him but dem do fuh Soulja Bai. That is why Jagdeo and Donald never like de army. Talk half and tell Soulja Bai beware of de prostitutes.

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