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Dem boys seh … Guyana share out to India and China

June 5, 2013 | By | Filed Under Dem Boys Seh, Features / Columnists, News 

Is funny how things does tun out. Is also funny how family does rally round one another even when things bad. But dem got some of dem who does deh behind family to mek sure that dem get something when everything done.
Some people find a woman dead and dem see a man hanging. Of course dem cut down de man and save he life. That is when he family claim how he coulda never kill de woman because she got size and she use to beat him.
Now dem hear that de man choke de life out of de woman. Is de same thing a certain clique in Guyana doing to de country. Dem choking de blood out of de country. When dem start sucking Guyana, things flow so much that it look like if de sweetness could never done.
That is how Jagdeo bring one company to do construction and de same company gone into gold mining, into logging, into pumping, into sugar packaging and into scampishness. Dem boys seh that things get suh bad that at one stage Prakash was tekking de company to court.
Whom God bless no man curse. Is not that Jagdeo is God but he bless nuff people and all de cussing that de Waterfalls paper cuss ain’t change nutten. Never in de history of this country dem ever see so many Chinee company and Chinee business.
Dem never see so much Indian company and Indian business neither.
Of course when dem boys talk bout that de very government claim how is racism.
One man seh that nobody else want to come to Guyana but is not that. Is just that corruption rampant in certain country more than some others and is dem same country that getting all de land in Guyana.
When dem boys seh that Jagdeo and he kavakamites own three-quarters of Guyana, people only think bout de Bees and Irfaat and Rob Earth and Ash Knee and Brazzy. Now dem know bout de foreign companies.
Talk half and watch how three-quarters of Guyana gone already

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